The Industrial Revolution

By Léana
  • Coke-fuelled by Abraham Darby

    It is a burner used to produce cheap cast iron.
  • The first steam engine by Thomas Newcomen

    It was used primarily to pump water out of mines
  • Spinning frame by Richard Arkwright

    A revolutionary invention for the textile industrial,enabling latge-scale production of yarn usine water power
  • Improved steamer engine by James Watt

    It is a machine used to power all sorts of machinery ,like locomotives
  • Spinning mule was improved by Samuel Compton's

    The same as the spinning jenny but improved
  • Power loom by Edmund Cartwritgh

    It is a machine that allowed to weave cloth much faster than manually
  • Gas lighting by Wiiliam Murdoch

    It is a lighting which makes it easier for people to light up
  • Spinning jenny by James Hargreaves

    It is an engine wich produits multiple spools of thread simultaneously
  • Mechanical Reaper by Cyrus McCirmick

    An innovation that transformed agriculture , increasing harvest efficiency and reducing reliance on manuel labor.
  • Bassemer process by Henry Bessemer

    It is process user to production cheaper steel.