Death Franz Ferdinand
NKVD created
Period: to
Period: to
First Red Scare
US scared that Soviet spies are spreading commuinst messages to US citizens. -
League of Nations created
Wall Street Crash
Stock market crash. -
Period: to
Japan invades Korea
'New Deal' by Roosevelt
HUAC created
House of Un-American Activities Committee.
Investigated possible communist allies. -
Katyn Massacre
Period: to
Tehran Conference
Agreed that USSR would declare war to Japan. -
Operation Overlord
It was the code name for the invasion of Normandy. -
Period: to
Communist dominance increase in Albania
93% population vote in favour of communism. -
Lublin government created
Buffer zone for USSR. -
Period: to
Yalta Conference
Death Roosevelt
Nazi Germany surrenders
Trinity Test
Period: to
Potsdam Conference
UN created
UN created
Zhdanov Doctrine
Kennan's Telegram
Period: to
Greek Civil War
Communist uprising in the Greek government. -
Novikov Telegram
Answer to Kennan's long telegram. -
Paris Peace Conference
USSR representative walk out of Paris Peace Conference
Hollywood 10 case
Social impact.
10 actors/screenwriters are put in jail for possible communist affiliations. -
Reverse Course
Focus on demilitarization of Japan changes to economic reconstruction. -
GATT created
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Intended to boost economy after WW2.
Means free trade in Japan. -
Bizonia created
Truman Doctrine
George Marshall speech
Speech about the Marshall Plan. -
Cominform created
Hiss case
Period: to
Operation Vittles/ Berlin Blockade
Supplied West Berlin with food and supplies. -
Marshall Plan signed
East and West Germany officially divided
West Germany joins OEEC
Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. -
Rosenberg case
Accused of passing nuclear secrets to the USSR. -
Stalin convinces Mao to send troops to North Korea
DPS created
Line running through Japan to protect US territories. -
Period: to
First Phase Korean War
No actions taken, Stalin and Mao think the US want a peace treaty. -
Operation Chromite
UN forces land in Inchon. -
Period: to
Second Phase Korean War
MacArthur lands in Inchon and forces North troops to retaliate. Mao sends 300,000 Chinese troops into North Korea. -
Period: to
Third Phase Korean War
Chinese troops invade Seoul. US indicated to USSR and China a ceasefire. -
Armistice talks to end Korean War
San Francisco Peace Treaty
Reestablishes relations between Japan and the allies. -
Period: to
Fourth Phase Korean War
No further military movements. Makes USSR and China believe they actually want a peace settlement. -
Eisenhower wins elections
Bonn Convention
Grants West Germany full sovereignty. -
NSA established
National Safety Agency.
Responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence -
USA test first hydrogen based bomb
Armistice signed at Panmunjon
Sino-Soviet alliance
Death Stalin
East Berlin revolts against Soviet troops
Ceasefire agreed to end Korean War
NSC 162/2
US nuclear arsenal must be expanded to meet communist threat. -
SEATO created
South East Asia Treaty Organisation.
Similar to NATO but in Asia.
Response to Sino-Soviet alliance. -
McCarthy censured
Period: to
Khrushchev in power
Period: to
NSC 54 29/2
- 1954: USA financially aids South Vietnam.
- 1960: South Vietnam recieves 2 billion dollars.
Emmett Till case
Young AA said inapropriate thing to a woman and was viciously killed after. -
Austrian Treaty
Warsaw Pact
West Germany joins NATO
Geneva Summit
Austrian State Treaty
It allows Austria to adapt capitalist ideas. -
Khrushchev's 'Secret Speech'
Imre Nagy elected in Hungary
Period: to
Polish Rising
Period: to
Hungarian Rising
Ike speech on US economic capacity
Declares that the US is ready to fight. -
Hungary leaves Warsaw Pact
Red Army invades Budapest
EEC created
Sputnik 1 launched
Sputnik 2 launched
With Laika. -
Diem arrives in USA for first time
"Miracle man of Asia". -
NASA established
Khrushchev list of demands on Berlin
US rejects Khrushchev's list of demands on Berlin
Batista's regime oevrthrown by Castro
Camp David
Symbolical importance. -
U2 discovered
Paris Summit
Khrushchev walks out of conference after accusing the US of spying. -
Khrushchev takes shoe off at UN meeting
Bay of Pigs
First meeting Khrushchev and JFK in Vienna
To discuss their issues during the Berlin crisis. -
JFK radio speech to Americans
Communism is a worldwide threat. -
Warsaw Pact forces mobilised to Berlin
Wire fence put up in Berlin
Concrete wall put up in Berlin
By request of Walter Ulbricht, the president of East Berlin. -
LBJ partition rejected by Khrushchev
Soviet response to LBJ
Period: to
Checkpoint Charlie
Massive nuclear standoff between both powers. -
Operation Mongoose
Operation Anadyr
Deploying ballistic missiles, medium-range bombers, and a division of mechanized infantry to Cuba to create an army group that would be able to prevent an invasion of the island by United States forces. -
Khrushchev stores missiles to Cuba
Strategic Hamlets in Vietnam
The government forced the poorer side of the population to move into hamlets. -
U2 spy plane discovers missiles in Cuba
Khrushchev sends telegram to Kennedy regarding an end to Missile crisis
Meeting Kennedy and Soviet ambassador
Khrushchev withdraws the missiles stored in Cuba
Norman Morrison suicide
American civilian who committed suicide outside the Pentagon to protest for Vietnam. -
Voting Rights Act US
Moscow Test Ban Treaty
To prevent any possible future nuclear conflicts. -
'Hot Line' created
Connects the Kremlin with the White House. -
Assassination Diem
Diem and Madam Nhu killed. -
JFK assassinated
Battle of Ap Bac
Buddhist crisis
Test Ban Treaty
Prohibited nuclear testing. Signed by the US, USSR, and GB. -
24th Amendment US
China make first nuclear weapon
Civil Rights Act US
Khrushchev substituted by Brezhnev
Period: to
LBJ's 'great society'
Group of domestic programs in the US. -
Period: to
Battle of Danang
Viet Cong troops attack US base in Danang. -
Malcolm X assassinated
Martin Luther King killed
Prague Spring
Period of political liberalization and mass protest in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. -
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Prevented the spread of nuclear weapons. -
Period: to
Tet Offensive
- Battle of Khe Sanh
- Battle of Hue
- Battle of Saigo
Period: to
Battle of Khe Sanh
Surprise North Vietnamese troops attack to US military base in Khe Sanh. -
Period: to
Battle of Saigon
Viet Cong attacks on Presidential Palace, National Radio Station, and US embassy. -
Period: to
Battle of Hue
2,500 to 5,000 north vietnamese killed. Bloodiest battle of Tet Offensive. -
Robert Kennedy killed
Seen as 'America's last hope'. -
Four-Power Agreement on Berlin
Signed by the US, USSR, GB, and FR. Improved the access to West Berlin reducing tensions. It stabilises the Status Quo in Berlin. -
Death Khrushchev
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
Limits nuclear weapons. -
Moscow Summit
- USSR and US forced to develop better relations.
- Avoid situations that could lead to nuclear war.
- Do everything possible so that conflicts that could elevate tensions don’t happen.
Limits missile defence systems to two per country. -
Nixon visits China and the USSR
To establish diplomatic relations and promote peace with both. -
Washington Summit
Brezhnev visits Nixon to discuss arms control and economic cooperation. -
Vladivostok Summit
Agreement on a 10 year plan to reduce nuclear weapons. -
Helsinki Accords
Recognised Europe’s new boarders after WW2 and promoted human rights. -
Limits number of strategic nuclear delivery systems. -
USSR invades Afghanistan
To protect their government against insurgent forces. -
Vienna Summit
Reduced nuclear weapons further and ended in the signing of SALT II.