Katrinka's Timeline

By katbuc2
  • Birthday

    Born on the nintheenth of january in evanston hospital. At 11:23 pm, First born of three in my family.
  • Gymnist days

    Gymnist days
    When I was 5 began gymnastics at skyline gymnastics. I absolutely loved it until I fell of beam during a routine. Stopped when I was eight.
  • First grade goals

    First grade goals
    At the end of the year we sang to " I know I can" by nas and after the chorus each student went on the mic and told the audience what we wanted to be when we grew up. At that point in time I wanted to be a chef .
  • Aspired Dancer

    Aspired Dancer
    When I was younger I took jazz lessons, hip hop and classical dance. I thought forsure I wanted to be a dancer when I grew up.
  • Freshmen year

    Freshmen year
    The begining of my freshmen year I got into a car accident right on the inersection turing into school for cheerleading practice. Missed two days of school. Bruised and slightly burned arms and busted lip.
  • Sophomore year

    Sophomore year
    Sophomore year I decided to move up and take honors english for the challenge. In doing that I knew it was going to be a little hard but I had no idea what I was in store for with Mrs.Hettinger. First two weeks I hated her, and then it got to the point that I wanted to drop her class. But I stuck it out and passed both semesters with B's .
  • Junior Year

    Junior Year
    Started taking practice ACT's and doing prep. I knew I wanted to get into a good school so many of my life oppourtunity's will be based on this score. Took the prep class that west offers and got a decent score.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I started applying for places for the summer and I went on an interview with Aeropostale and I love working there. It's extremely flexible and my manger is awesome. Plus I like the job because it teaches me to manage my money and be responsible all while still being a teen .
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    In the fall I will finally be a senior and I want to have the complete senior experience. No worries or rules.
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    Graduating High school isn't a question for me. I love school as much as I complain about it, I enjoy seeing my hard work and stuying pay off. I know graduation is going to be a great experience.
  • Post-Grad trip

    Post-Grad trip
    For my graduation present in addition to a graduation party, I am going to the Bahamas on a vacation for a week with all of my closest freinds.
  • College?

    I want to go to a small private university just because I think it's better for my learning enviorment. I like smaller classes and one on one instruction. Although, partying at a big school would be a lot of fun .
  • Summer jobs?

    Summer jobs?
    I think when I come home from college during the summers annd easy way to make money would be to become a camp counselor. I also love working with kids so this could be very fun.
  • Law school?

    Law school?
    After under grad I want to go to alw school and become a lawyer, I wanted to originally be a child defense lawyer but Iv'e talked to other prefessionals and they've said as a woman it's very emotional and changes your view on your own kids and how protective you are.
  • Start carreer

    Start carreer
    I want to start at a small firm and build up credibilty and experience level while finishing school .
  • Move away

    Move away
    move out of chicago and go experience new friends, resturants, activities before settling down.
  • Travel

    During my younger years or adulthood I want to take a vacation out of the country every two or three years. Therefore I can save the right amount to have a good expericence .
  • Engagement? Marriage?

    Engagement? Marriage?
    Before the age of thirty I want to find someone worth settling down with because I don't want to be an old mom. But before children I want to enjoy time with my spouse first .
  • Children?

    I'm not sure if I want children or not and if so maybe only one or two. That's obviously something to compromise with my husband on. But I would like one of each if possible.
  • Work schedule

    Work schedule
    I would like to work 4 days a week that way I can have time to spend with my husband and children.
  • Soccer mom? Cheer mom?

    Soccer mom? Cheer mom?
    If I choose to have children, I want them to be heavily involved in spots and Art's so my one day off a week is to be a part-time soccer mom.
  • Buy a condo?

    Buy a condo?
    I want to buy a condo and rent it out to people to make money. Investment when the market goes back up. Landlord?
  • Moving up

    Moving up
    By this time I want to be higher up in th firm. Possibly VP?
  • Nice retirement

    Nice retirement
    I want to retire somewhere warm with my husband and many other fun old people.
  • Read

    I want to lay on a beach when I'm old and wrinkly and and read about fabio.
  • Death

    Death does scare me. But the way of death really does