Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula

  • 711

    muslims came to the iberian peninsula and defeated the Visigoths in the battle of Guadalete

  • Period: 711 to 756

    Abd-al-Rahaman I dead at the hands of abbasid

  • Period: 711 to 929

    Al-andalus was a dependent emirate of umayya caliphate of damascus

  • 718

    Don Pelayo was a Visigothic noble who became the first king of the kingdom of Asturias

  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

  • 732

    Battle of poitiers

  • 778

    the Basques attacked Frankish troops in the region during the Battle of Roncesvalles

  • 929

    Caliphate of Córdoba

  • 929

    Abd-al-Rahaman III proclamed himself the caliph of the caliphate of cordoba

  • 1002

    Hisham II died

  • 1031

    The caliphate entered in a period of instability

  • 1085

    Alfonso VI captured toledo from the muslims

  • 1086

    Almoravids came to the Iberian Peninsula and helped to stop the sothwar of the Christian kingdoms

  • 1146

    The North African Muslim dynasty came to the Iberian Peninsula and dominated Al-Andalús

  • 1492

    The Nasrid kingdom of Granada was eventually conquered by the Catholic Monarch