New Smyrna Beach Florida

  • Dr. Andrew Turnbull determined to establish an agricultural colony, naming it "Smyrnea

    Dr. Andrew Turnbull    determined to establish an agricultural colony, naming it "Smyrnea
  • Period: to

    New Smyrna BEach Florida

  • 1,400 people left the port city of Mahon in Minorca on eight ships,_FloridaMost hailed from the Balearic Islands
  • the colony was in existence, these hard-working Mediterranean peoples suffered major losses due to malnutrition, diseases, inclement weather, harsh treatment and skirmishes with Native Americans.

  • in 1777, the remaining disgruntled workers walked north to St. Augustine along the Old King's Highway, abandoning the “Smyrnea” colony forever mistreatment by Turnbull to the Governor of Florida, which was then a British protectorate
  • Soon after, St. Augustine was returned to the Spanish, and Turnbull abandoned his colony for life in Charleston, South Carolina

  • Period: to

    New Smyrna has stood under four flags: first the British, then the Spanish, then the American flag in 1845, followed by the Confederate Jack, and finally replaced by the Stars and Stripes again

  • 1860s the still-standing "Stone Wharf" was shelled by Union gunboats

  • In 1887, the Town of New Smyrna was incorporated, with a population of 150. In 1892, the arrival of Henry Flagler's Florida East Coast Railway led to an increase in the area's population and a boom in its economy, which was based on tourism, citrus, and c

  • During Prohibition in the 1920s the city and its river islands were popular sites for moonshine stills and hideouts for rum-runners coming in from the Bahamas through Mosquito

  • New Smyrna" became "New Smyrna Beach" in 1947, when the city annexed the seaside community of Coronado Beach