3000 BCE
Hinduism Part 1
-The percent of today's population the region of Hinduism is 15% of global population.
-Hinduism is primarily practiced in Pakistan and India.
-The religion's holy book or scripture is Rig/veda, Sama/Veda, Atharva/Veda, Yajur.
-The name of the religious symbol associated with Hinduism is the Aum. -
3000 BCE
Hinduism Part 2
-Sacre/holy locations of Hinduism are Varanasi, Dwarka, Ayodhya.
-Diwali, Maha Shivaratri, Holi are holidays celebrated in Hinduism.
-Partition of India was a conflict it was in 2300 BC
-The fundamental beliefs are how the view the universe and everything in it as god. -
1900 BCE
Judaism Part 1
-The percent of today's population the region of Judaism is .2% of global population.
-Judaism is primarily practiced in the U.S or Israel
-The religion's holy book or scripture is the Ten commandments, Arthodox, Reform, Consentive, the Holy book.
-The name of the religious symbol associated with Judaism is the star of David. -
1900 BCE
Judaism Part 2
-Sacre/holy locations of Judaism are, Safed, Henron, Tiberias which is the church of holy sepulchre along the western wall.
-Hanukkah, Yom kippur, Bar/bat mitzvah are holidays celebrated.
-World war 2 was a conflict because Hitler wanted everyone to be the same and Jews were not up to stranded so Hitler eliminated a lot of the jews.
-God is one, has no torm, created the world and is involved in world affairs is their fundamental beliefs of Judaism. -
620 BCE
Islam Part 2
-The name of the religious symbol associated with Islam is the crescent and star.
-Faith/prayer/giving/fasting/pilgrimage are all the fundamental beliefs of Islam.
-A sacred location is Ka'bah-soiudi, arabia was the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad, Mecca, Masjid An Nabawi.
-1 million died it was located in part of india, the conflict divided india, and it was the british that caused this. -
620 BCE
Islam Part 3
-The crusades which is when Muslum expanded and Islam did not want them to, there were 8 crusades and 2-8 million died from 1095-1291 it was called the muslim war.
-Eid al-fitr and Eid al- Adha are a holiday. -
620 BCE
Islam Part 1
-The percent of today's population the region of Islam is 23% of global population.
-Islam is primarily practiced in north africa, west asia
-The religion's holy book or scripture is the scriptures which are the Quran muhammad, the ten commandments, Sunni don't elect shia and want it to run in the family, 5 pillars, Shahadah of faith, HAjj, Salat, Zakah they give 1/4 of their money to the poor, Sawm fast. -
600 BCE
Buddhism Part 1
-The percent of today's population the region of Buddhism is 7% of global population.
-Buddhism is primarily practiced in Asia, China, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
-The religion's holy book or scripture is the Tripitaka.
-The name of the religious symbol associated with Buddhism is Dharmachakra. -
600 BCE
Buddhism Part 2
-Sacre/holy locations of Buddhism is bilgramages which was the birth and death place Bud.
-Vajrayana, Thevada, Mashugana, are holidays celebrated.
- Burmese attacked Rohingya because they were Muslim. The buddhist monks lead. 116,000 beaten 750 children killed. It happened during 623-526. The Syrian civil war inter Rebel conflict Palestine/Hama/Israel conflict 700,000+ were refuge. This happened during 2016-2012. Muslim is being removed by Buddhist. -
600 BCE
Buddhism Part 3
-Lumbini was where Bodh Gaya was born. Sarnath gave Bohda, Kushinagar received parnivanan. Rohingya Genocide is where he died.
-The truth of suffering (end, cause, and path that leads to suffering) is their fundamental beliefs of Buddhism. -
30 BCE
Christianity Part 1
-The percent of today's population of the region of Christianity is 32% of the global population.
-Christianity is primarily practiced worldwide.
-The religion's holy book or scripture is the Catholic, Protesten, Orthodox.
-The name of the religious symbol associated with Christianity is the cross. -
30 BCE
Christianity Part 2
-Sacre/holy locations of Christianity are, Jerusalem because Jesus was cremated there
-Christmas, Easter, Advent, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Plan Sunday are holidays and rituals celebrated.
-The Crusades was a conflict there was the 1st crusade in 1096-1099 and than the 2nd which started in 1147, and that the 3rd crusades which involved King Richard and their victory.
-The belief in Jesus as the son of god and christ is their fundamental beliefs of Christianity.