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STEM History

  • 3100 BCE

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics
    The Egyptians started using hieroglyphics around 3100BCE this advancement in writing and imagery was amazing for the civilization and time period. For 4000 years the Egyptians wrote with this type of imagery. This advancement helps Egyptians to create a mathematical system and document many different things such as harvest details and historical moments throughout the time. For thousands of years this language was lost in time unable to be read until the Rossetta Stone was found by Napoleon.
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptian Mathematics

    Ancient Egyptian Mathematics
    The ancient Egyptians and the first Pharaoh Narmer or also known as Menes, this man joined norther and southern Egypt. This was the beginning of the great expansion of the ancient Egyptian empire in 3000BCE. The ancient Egyptians also started to write down the mathematical text in a 9 number numerical system (1-9) with hieroglyphics that depict larger numbers. The idea was similar to Greek numerals, but it used multiplication to form larger numbers and even fractions for produce distribution.
  • 1400 BCE

    Inca Empire and Khipus

    Inca Empire and Khipus
    The Inca Empire 1400-1532CE was one of great mathematical advancement, from names and stories to tax codes the khipu knots tell us a lot about how advanced this empire really was regarding mathematics. This system of documentation uses knots and strings to form a pattern that when decoded explains the concepts and stories of its people. The tax code of this time would even rival modern tax codes of the United States. Thes people's ideas and ability's rival all of the people of this time.
  • 1200 BCE

    The Ancient Greeks Mathematical Proofs

    The Ancient Greeks Mathematical Proofs
    The ancient Greeks were looking for a way to prove the math that they were doing by developing mathematical proofs. These proofs were to make sure that the mathematics that the Greeks where doing could be checked. This is the one major difference between the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks when it comes to math. The ancient Greeks have many very important equations that where discovered form 1200BC – 600AD but one of the most known is Pythagoras theorem (A2+B2=C2).
  • 280 BCE

    The First Lighthouse

    The First Lighthouse
    The Lighthouse was of incredible importance before the invention of GPS. The purpose of the light house was to signal to ships out at sea, in turn they were aware that the shore was near. The first recorded lighthouse was Egyptian Pharos of Alaxander one of the seven wonders of the world. This invention changed everything for sailors around the world and the number of shipwrecks minimized within bad weather conditions. The number of lives saved by this invention is really beyond comprehension.
  • 1543

    The Heliocentric Model

    The Heliocentric Model
    The heliocentric model was created by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 shortly before his death. This concept wasn't very accepted at the time of Copernicus life, in fact he already had this idea in 1515 but refused to publish it regarding the legal ramifications of heresy. This concept was not recognized by the world until Newton. This advancement in science shows us that the society around us that may refuse some scientific information may also hinder our very progression.
  • 1561

    The Scientific Method

    The Scientific Method
    The scientific method was an amazing process given to scientists in the late 16th century. Francis Bacon was on the forefront of scientific analysis and the methods behind it. The scientists needed a new way of conducting experiments. Bacon created the scientific method in the late 1500s and change the STEM world forever with a more precise way of conducting experiments, advancement within the scientific community really exploded. These processes truly advance the world as a whole.
  • The Invention of the Thermometer

    The Invention of the Thermometer
    This advancement in science really pushed the people of the 16th century forward. The thermometer was first designed with alcohol and mercury for their expansion under higher temperatures. This came in handy when deriving if a person had a fever and even to verify the exact boiling point and freezing point temperature of water. This scientific invention change society greatly within medicine, culinary, science, etc. other fields. This advanced us into the next scientific revolution.
  • The Invention of the Telescope

    The Invention of the Telescope
    The telescope was invented in the early 1600s by Hans Lippershey. Hans was a German glass maker, and he discovered a way to reduce the amount of light in his telescope when focusing it. This invention inspired many other scientists to perfect the idea in the years to come with better components and clearer glass. many people believe that Galileo Galilei was the inventor of the fist telescope, but he was one that helped perfect it. This invention definitely pushed humanity to the stars.
  • Logarithms

    Considered the first understanding of exponent math, the Logarithms were developed by John Napier and Jost Burgi helped to reduce the complexity of Kepler's planetary motion analytical geometry. The develop mentation of exponent mathematics has been of major importance and use in physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. This addition to mathematical theory has been a great influence on the world and continues to push us to advance STEM theories across the board.
  • The Pendulum Clock

    The Pendulum Clock
    On June 16, 1657 Christiaan Huygens patented the first pendulum clock. This revolutionized time keeping with an oscillation styled clock. Huygens clock also heavily influenced by Galileo's discovery of isochronism was much more accurate than other clocks of the time period and also helped the scientific community with longitudinal measurements at sea by developing pendulum clocks for this exact purpose. The accuracy of these clocks in turn had pushed science in to a new and more accurate period.
  • The Fire Extinguisher

    The Fire Extinguisher
    The fire extinguisher invented by Ambrose Godfrey in 1723 was of paramount importance to the industrial revolution because of the implementation of factories in society. The risk of fire had gone through the roof with new steam powered engines running machines throughout the world. The importance of this invention goes well beyond the industrial revolution and in to current day with OSHA regulations requiring this invention in almost all work locations across the United States.
  • The Wave Equation

    The Wave Equation
    Developed by Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert in 1746, the wave equation was derived from Newtons second law of motion. The equation was developed and is now used throughout the mathematical and scientific communities in string theory, gravitational waves, light waves, and sound waves. This equation developed in the 1700s is helping STEM society today evaluate even more advance sciences and math across the world that were never even thought of.
  • The Lighting Rod (Franklin Rod)

    The Lighting Rod (Franklin Rod)
    The world today doesn't have to worry about being impacted by lighting and it is all because of Benjamin Franklin. In 1752 Franklin invented his lighting rod to harness and displace lighting in a way to redirect it to the earth without interfering with its surroundings. The impact on society was extraordinary all buildings in the world require some sort of lighting protection system LPS and it is all because of the great mind of Benjamin Franklin.
  • The Invention of Morse Code (Telegraph)

    The Invention of Morse Code (Telegraph)
    Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse in 1832. After this he went to the U.S. Congress and proposed his ideas to them, after he had the backing of the US government Samuel Morse began building his telegraph system. By 1848 Samuel had built a telegraph system between Washington D.C. and Baltimore. This sparked a large following and later western union formed the first transcontinental telegraph system in 1861. The ability to communicate across the country instantly was of paramount importance.
  • The Analytical Engine

    The Analytical Engine
    In 1822 Charles Babbage wrote a letter to the Royal Society with an idea that machines could calculate mathematical equations faster than human calculators. In 1834, the first mechanical calculator was invented. This invention changed the way and speed the world could calculate mathematical equations and has continued to advance through the years. although Babbage died before the completion of this amazing invention, he proved the power of computing.
  • The Industrial Revolution (Sewing Machine)

    The Industrial Revolution (Sewing Machine)
    The sewing machine was patented September 10, 1846, by Elias Howe, an inventor that was born in Massachusetts on July 9th, 1819. The machine was the fastest stich making device with an ability to sew 250 stiches per min, faster than five hand sewers. This invention was one of witched burst the country in to a new economic boom. When it comes to this particular invention, I truly believe that the Americans involved with this amazing invention knew exactly how important this could potentially be.
  • The Invention of the Telephone (Alexander Bell)

    The Invention of the Telephone (Alexander Bell)
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the 1870s. Bell lived his life helping deaf people with lip reading and sign language like his father before him. inspired by Samuel Morse's telegraph he moved in to work on transferring voice though the same technology in 1876 Bell demonstrated a harmonic telegraph at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. After this appearance Bell submitted his patent later in 1876, With this new technology Bell started Bell Telephone Company.
  • Henry Fords Assembly Line

    Henry Fords Assembly Line
    Henry Ford designed the first assembly line within the Ford automotive factories. This revolutionary process was one that changed the automotive industry forever. This Process started with a rail system that pushed the vehicle through the factory to different stations, at each station the vehicle would get a new addition until the final product at the end of the assembly line. This process increased production 8x and efficiency across the entire industry.
  • The Accidental Life Saving Drug

    The Accidental Life Saving Drug
    The discovery of Penicillin was made by Dr. Alexander Fleming in the late year of 1928. he noticed a petri dish that had bacteria growing in it had inhibited the surrounding mold to grow. This substance seemed to have a self-defense mechanism and he named it penicillin. This discovery didn't take off until the 1940s when animal trials began with mass production starting very soon after. The United States led production and by 1943 they had enough to support US force during WWII.
  • The Nuclear Age

    The Nuclear Age
    In 1942 the Manhattan project was underway developing the fist sustained nuclear fusion/fission reaction. Robert J. Oppenheimer decided U235 was the preferred isotope to complete this task. After proving its ability with the first nuclear device Gadget being detonated on July16,1945 at Trinity site White Sands Proving Grounds, the world fell in to the nuclear age in turn causing the Cold War. This invention has forever changed the world, on one side it protects us and the other could destroy us.
  • The First Satellite

    The First Satellite
    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space in late 1957. This feat hit the United States by surprise and lead to the international arms race pushing the two nations deeper into the Cold War. This scientific and mathematical feat was one of great significance and in turn lead us into the greatest frontier of them all. Space and the advanced technology created during the cold war has change the world for the better and when all the dust settled from the rockets the US was on top.
  • The Cell Phone Emerges

    The Cell Phone Emerges
    The cell phone was invented by an engineer at the Motorola company named Martin Cooper. With a love of Star Trek and other sci fi content, Martin always pursued that communicator he saw in the show. With his invention of the cell phone in 1973 the first public released Motorola cell phone the DynaTAC was released in 1984. This invention has transformed into computers with all the knowledge of the internet and have really change the world we live in.
  • The Invention of the Internet

    The Invention of the Internet
    The internet is one of the most amazing inventions that has come out of the 1900s. The internet was invented January 1, 1983, this date is the date that the networks communication changed to TCP/IP allowing different computers on different networks to communicate with each other. The ability to communicate information across very large servers is obviously a great thing for the entirety of humanity. Yet, this was a great accomplishment for the world it has come with many social ramifications.
  • Open AI

    Open AI
    Within the 21 century many advancements have been made in technology. Late in 2022, ChatGPT dropped a new and open AI system which has continued to have a massive following. This AI can give you the answers to many different questions an even write an essay for you for school. This has caused massive uproar within the school and university system because of its potential to be used for cheating with no traceability. Using AI ethically is one of the most helpful tools we will see in recent time.