Dawes Act
The Dawes Act was passed in 1887, this encouraged American Indians to assimilate into white culture. This broke up native culture. -
Plessy V. Ferguson
This was the Supreme court ruling of separate but equal. This still allowed segregation as long as it was "equal." -
Spanish American War
This war was a conflict between America and Spain, it all started from the sinking of the USS Maine and Americas support to the Cubans and Fillipinos. This war ended with the Treaty of Paris, that same year. -
NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is an organization to provide equality for colored people in education, politics, society, ecetra. -
World War 1
Formally known as the Great war, a global war from 1914 to 1918. It began when Germany assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This then formed the Allies and the central powers, where each country was apart of one or the other. -
Ku Klux Klan
This klan is also known as the KKK, this is a hate group who believe because they're white they are superior. They torrmented people and brought many violence into America. -
The Palmer raids
This targeted a series of mail bombings after the rise of communism developed. This is where the government aimed at arresting and deporting anyone believed to be communist. -
The 18th admendment
This amendment was a result of the temperance movement. This prohibited the sell, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol. The was led by the women after facing temper when their husbands drank. -
Roaring 20s
This was a time were new innovations sparked, right after WW1. New era of economic,cultural, and social changes began. One example is the assembly line. -
19th amendment
The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. The women were working to end women's suffrage and this was a result to that. -
Great Deppression
A time when economics and the stock market failed leaving most people unemployed and banks out of money.1929-1941 -
The Holocaust
The Holocaust began in 1933 and ended in 1945. The was a mass genocide of the Jewish people in Germany. Hitler ran this genocide, because he thought blued eyed blondes were the ideal person. -
World War 2
A second global war with most world powers. The invasion of Poland started this war in 1939. The cause was the tension Germany had from the fist war. 1939-1945 -
D-day is the deadliest day in history. The US invaded France with troops going up by the beaches. There wasn't much coverage to have, explaining the high numbers of fatalities. -
Vietnam War
This was a war between south Vietnam and north Vietnam. The United States supported South Vietnam. This was the longest war the US has been in. 1955-1975 -
Cold War
A time where it was a war/race to have innovations. This was tensions on growing larger than those other higher power countries. (1947-1991) -
Launch of Sputnik
October 4, 1957, Sputnik was launch into outer space. This was the first real action to the Space race, this space craft orbited around Earth, being the first satellite to do so. -
Bay of Pigs
This is when Fidel Castro took over Cuba. The US then led a coup to over through said regime. This was a military operation that failed to overthrow the communist government. -
9/11 terrorist attack
September 11, 2001, the United States experienced a terrorist attack. Al-Qaeda terrorists high jacked four planes. Two that crashed into both the World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon, and one into a field after the passengers fought against the terrorists in the plane. This day was devastating and really opened the eyes of the American people. -
COVID-19 Pandemic
This was an pandemic that broke out in 2020 very quickly and harshly. Schools closed for the year, and many died and were hospitalized. This virus was air bound so any contact with someone who had it meant you had to quarantine for 2 weeks at least. This was a very harsh time on everyone and left countries on shut down, no entering/exiting.