Servants colonists america

The New World

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus arrived at the Caribbean island

    Columbus arrived at the Caribbean island
    Columbus wants to go to Asia for the spices but the route was closed because of the Ottoman Turk, so he decided to go the other way and thought it would be faster, it is not though. So he reached the Caribbean island and thought he reached the Indians.
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de leon expedition

    Juan Ponce de leon expedition
    He explored Florida in 1513 and apparently also looking for the Fountain of Youth.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    publication of 95 theses

    publication of 95 theses
    At this time you could buy your way out of sin and this make Martin Luther wrote 95 theses explain how this is wrong. This is the start of the movement call the Protestant Reformation,
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown, Virginia
    First English settlement established by Virginia Company, the main is still to look for gold and route to Asia. Not a nice place, especially with the pollution of water
  • Massachusetts bay colony

    Massachusetts bay colony
    Led by John Winthrop, a lot of Puritans followed and move into it. The Puritans were pretty strict and will definitely punished when you committed even the smallest sin, or can even banished peopel like Roger Williams.
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Bacon's rebellion
    Led by Nathaniel Bacon against Governor Berkeley because he said no to attack the Indians. The rebellion failed, Bacon's side had indentured servants so the landowners turn to slave labor.
  • The glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution
    Fear of Catholic led to the removal of James II as king of England and replaced by William III and Mary II. Lead to the Bill of Rights 1689, Catholics suffered at the time.
  • John Peter Zenger's case

    John Peter Zenger's case
    Zenger was charged with libel because he criticized the governor. He won the case and gained the right to freedom of the press. This will begin some distrust of British's rules because now the newspapers can basically talk about anything.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    A slave rebellion,the slaves try to reach South Florida to escape from British colonies, the rebellion ultimately failed. This make the slave owners fear the slave rebellion so they will tightened the control over the slaves.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    Struggle for Ohio Valley, result in British winning but also left England deep in debt, the French lost control of Canada and some lands. This will make England tax the colonies and led to the revolution.
  • Pontiac's rebelion

    Pontiac's rebelion
    The tribes want no white man in Ohio Valley, this led to British order death to all Indians using smallpox blankets. Signs peace treaty at the end.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Because British troops had been stationed in Boston , it create more tension between the people and the soldiers which led to the massacre, resulted in 5 colonists died.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Shay's rebellion
    Because of tremendous economic hardship, the people demanded help from the state legislature but they refused.The rebellion, in Massachusetts, was crushed but this bring attention the problem of citizen to the government at the time and may link for the calling of the U.S Constitutional Convention.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    The purpose is to revise the Articles of Confederation, the result was basically the creation of the U.S Constitution. It also established many important rules like the Virginia Plan, the Great Compromise.
  • The ratification of the Constitution

    The ratification of the Constitution
    Nine states had ratified and so the U.S Constitution was ratified. Created the Bill of Rights to encourage state ratified the Constitution and address the objection raised by Anti-Federalists.
  • Whiskey Tax

    Whiskey Tax
    To generate extra revenue for the war debt, Pennsylvania farmers protested. This make Washington personally come with 12000 troops into Pennsylvania and the rebels dispersed without a fight.
  • battle of Fallen Timbers

    battle of Fallen Timbers
    the battle end in American victory and will end Indian resistance in region, British forces withdraw completely from the Northwest Territory.
  • X,Y,Z affair

    X,Y,Z affair
    French and Great Britain were having a war with each other, so the French seized some American ships. They demanded bribes during negotiation about the ships, the U.S refuses and was pretty angry, to the point that they are prepared for war.
  • The Second Great Awakening

    The Second Great Awakening
    Baptist and Methodist became largest Protestant denominations. Slave now can also attend churches, hold their own services with a slave preacher, although this will end in 1831. Catholic saw first Catholic bishop in America.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    So that we can have access to New Orleans port, Jefferson will send people to buy it from Napoleon. He offered the territory for $15 million, they buy it and double the size of the county.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    At the end, gave the Supreme Court the authority of judicial review, which mean they can declare an act of Congress unconstitutional
  • Steamboat

    A huge success because of Robert Fulton and the Clermont, this will increased speed of shipping both direction. Helpful at the time and show the advance of technology.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    Admission of Missouri as state, this will tilt the balance of power in Senate to the South. Debate about slavery between the North and the South, rise in abolition.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Andrew Jackson won popular vote but no one had a majority of electoral votes. Run off in House of Representative, John Quincy Adams will become the 6th president with the help of Henry Clay. Adams then appoint Clay as Secretory of State, Jackson call this "corrupt bargain."
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Forced the Indian to move to Oklahoma because expansion of the country. Cherokees challenged the act and even the chief Justice agree but Jackson will still do it, lead to the Trail of Tears.
  • Mormon

    Started in Illinois by Joseph Smith, led to Utah by Brigham Young, Allowed polygamy until 1890.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Led by Nat Turner, this slave rebellion took place in Southampton, Virginia. Slaves killed from 55 to 65 people, the rebellion was put down within a few days,120 slaves were killed. Spread fear throughout the South, they will pass new law prohibit slaves from education, restrict rights of assembly,etc.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    S.Carolina voted to nullify the Tariff of 1828 and 1832 because it devastate the Southern economy. Jackson doesn't like this and threatened to use federal force/
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    Lasted until 1843, many banks will fail, value of cotton and slaves plummets, unemployment went up. Northern factory lose jobs.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    Dispute over border between Mexico and Texas, sent Zachary to Rio Grande to provoke. Winfield will capture capital city, later will removed by Polk. End with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, gained new territory.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    first women's rights convention and the beginning of Women's Right Movement. Stressed equality for both men and women, education women, property rights and right to obtain divorce.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Route use to help slave escape to free state or Canada with the help of abolitionist. Harriet Tubman, a slave escaped by the help of the abolitionists, went back many time to help other slaves to escape.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    Allowed popular sovereignty and undid the Missouri Compromise, this will lead to the creation of a new political party, Republican.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    There are two government: pro and anti slavery, with the Lecompton Constitution pro slavery, thing turn violent quick.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott, a Missouri slave, sued for his freedom because he was in a free territory. But the Supreme Court stated that he was a slave, so he is property and still under the subjection of his master, ruled Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    It was a Southern victory, made the North realize war would no be easy
  • Alamo

    Mexican general Santa Anna killed all the people there, but later got captured at Battle of San Jacinto. This will lead to Texas independence.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Address the Battle of Antietam, freed slaves in the states that were in rebellion. Blacks joined Union military by thousands, established 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
  • Vicksburg,MS

    Union victory by Grant, gains control of Mississippi River, cut Confederacy in half, severed the supply.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Southern government developed Black Codes to limit freedom of the former slaves, so there is still slavery but different.
  • Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty

    Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty
    Relocating the Native Americans to Indian Territory. Comanche reservation with occasional hunting, different interpretations led to fighting with Army.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    First railway connection cost to coast at Promontory Point,Utah. This made travel became cheaper, clocks and time became synchronized, international trade increased.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Enforcement Acts
    This Acts were to counter violence, protect African Americans from violence like the KKK. President Grant sent federal troops to S.Carolina to enforce law.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Guaranteed former slaves could vote but not women, former slaves all votes Republican
  • Development of telephone

    Development of telephone
    Revolutionized communication, replace telegraph.
  • Battle of the Bighorn

    Battle of the Bighorn
    Sitting Bull opposed the treaty of Ft. Laramie, battle with General George Custer. Custer died.
  • The steel industry

    The steel industry
    Andrew Carnegie, migrated from Scotland, worked his way up from textile to railroads and eventually owned his own steel industry, which he dominate, using vertical integration to create steel monopoly.
  • Wright Flyer

    Wright Flyer
    Developed by Orville and Willbur Wright, the Wright Flyer is the first heavier-than-air powered aircraft that can fly. Flew four times near Kill Devil Hills.