
the telephone evolucion

  • The begining of everything

    The begining of everything
    Oerstedt discovers the effect of the magnetic field due to an electric current
  • electromagnetism

    Ampere formula laws of electromagnetism
  • the first telephone

    the first telephone
    the telephone was invented by Antonio Meucci, although the first to try it was Alexander Graham Bell, in 1876,
  • Patents

    Bell exhibited the first functional telephone model, a month before I submitted the patent application, it was accepted on March 7, 1876.
  • phone boost

    phone boost
    The exhibition centeria of Philadelphia, here had the opportunity to show all the telephone inventions, this gave a great impulse to the telephone
  • the first telephone line that will be long distance

    the first telephone line that will be long distance
    from new york and watson, located is san francisco inaugurated it with the same words he said in 1876
  • every time they will evolve more

    every time they will evolve more
    1920, still contained the wooden box was what was holding the wall, in 1934 the phones will be with bell
  • theory of information and communication

    theory of information and communication
    Claude Elwood, researcher at Bell Labs, in the period of 1941 and 194, wrote a book that will be the theory of communication and information.
  • they will stop lying

    they will stop lying
    On June 11, 2002, the United States Congress approved Resolution 269, recognizing that the inventor of the telephone had been Antonio Meucci, who called it a telephon, and not Alexander Graham Bell.
  • telephone companies

    telephone companies
    Bell telephone company; in 1878 the American Speaking telephone company was formed, subsidiary of the Western Union telegraph company, years later the western union telegraph company would be recognized
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    in our actuality, we used portable wireless phones, these are small sizes which accompanies us to each place
  • they are going to increase companies

    they are going to increase companies
    In 1871 Meucci could only, due to financial difficulties, present a brief description of his invention, but not formalize the patent before the United States Patent Office.
  • first telephone exchange

    first telephone exchange
    they will be installed in new haven, with a manually operated commutation system, these were quickly installed all over the world