Evan Sanabria's Unit 3 international

  • Great Depression

    This happened because of a stock market crash leading to unemployment, poverty, and political ideologies to rise such as communism and facism.
  • Manchurian conference

    Japan Invaded a Chinese region. Japan faked an explosion to justify the invasion. their main goal was to get land for natural resources being a island nation. This event also exposed major flaws in the LON being weak in terms of nations putting their own interests first, no reinforcement, and etc. Japan later left.
  • Abyssinia invaded by Italy

    He wanted to show dominance as a world power. He also wanted a geographically strategic area. This was so major because it exposed the league of nations weaknesses (unanimous decisions, no reinforcements, and failing to stop agression)
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil war

    This was a war between Left-wing and right-wing parties. Eventually the nationalists won and put Franco as the dictatorship. The powers tried to do a Non-Intervention pact but it failed Italy eventually supported the nationalists and helped them out. Theres more to this you need to study this and the Washington Naval Conference go make one on that
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    an agreement between ONLY FACIST parties being Japan, Germany, and Italy to stop the spread of communism. This set up the future sides of WW1 because it allowed relations between these nations to grow.
  • Rome Berlin Axis

    expand their territories through aggression, with the goal of spreading their respective political ideology by undermining existing powers and establishing their dominance through military action.
  • Munich Conference

    Britain allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia in exchange for Hitler's promise to make no further territorial aggressions.
  • Anglo-French Guarantee of Poland

    A pledge to defend Poland's independence from Germany. This was between Britain and Poland. This happened because of rising aggressiveness from Germany and Britain had decided to end the appeasement period.
  • Nazi-Soviet pact

    a non-aggression agreement between Germany and USSR dictating that when Germany takes Poland the USSR would also go and take half of Poland to effectively neutralize Poland completely.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    WW1 STARTSSSSSSSS. Britain ups the tool on Germany because of growing tensions i think we all know.