
US History: VHS Summer: Mishal"

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    the act was a fedral law signed by President Chester A. Arthur, it was actaully one of the most significant restricitions on free immigration in US history.
  • Rail Road strike

    Rail Road strike
    the great rail road strike took place in west virgina on july 14 1877, it was ended by the federal troops, and it only lasted for 45 days
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    it was a conflict that started in 1898, between spain and the united states, becuase of the result of the american intervetion in cuban war of indpendnce.
  • American imperialism

    American imperialism
    American imperialism is the military, economic and cultral influence of the United States on other countries.
  • the sinking of the Luistania

    the sinking of the Luistania
    the sinking of the ship happened on March 7, 1915, which was hit by the German u-boats
  • the states joins the cold war

    the states joins the cold war
    on april 6, 1917, the US joined its allies, britain, france and russia to join the ww1
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    it was a fomus cultral movement that was also known as the Jazz Age
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    the great depression, was actually an (economic depression), that happened after the world war by a decade
  • Socail Security Act

    Socail Security Act
    its an act to provide for the genral welfare by establishing a system of fedral old age benefit
  • Isolationism

    its a policy of remaning apart from the affairs or intrest of other groups
  • pearl harbor attack

    pearl harbor attack
    its a suprise attack made by the japanese navy, which had a huge impact on the united states navy
  • the Korean War

    the Korean War
    it was a war between south and north korea in which the united nations made the united states fight for the south
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    they are class of rights that protected the indivisual freedom from infringment by goverments and private orginizations
  • feminism

    the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, socail and economic equality to men
  • The Peace Movement

    The Peace Movement
    its a peacful movement which seeks to achieve ideals such as ending a particular war
  • the end of the cold war

    the end of the cold war
    the cold war ended when the berlin wall has fallen down and the shredding of iron curtain occured.
  • world wide web developed

    world wide web developed
    its a way invinted to make the use of networks and the use of communication as simple as possible
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    its an operation leading the 500,000 US troops defending saudi arabia from the gulf war
  • the north american free trade agreement

    the north american free trade agreement
    the nafta made the largest agreement that ever happennd inn the united states which actaully was between, the united states, mexico and canada
  • The Vietnam war

    The Vietnam war
    the veitnam war was the longest and bloodest war in the american history