
1301 TimeLine Project

  • 24,300 BCE

    Bering land bridge

    Bering land bridge
    The Bering land bridge allowed for the 1st Native Americans to come from East Asia.This is what allowed the 1st 2nd and 3rd wave to happen. Thiswas a brisge that wasmade of glaciers. This event is so important because i wouldn't have a timeline if that bridge wasn't fored
  • Period: 24,300 BCE to

    Begginnings to exploration

  • 1200 BCE

    The Olmec

    The Olmec
    the Olmec were the 1st advanced civilization in the Americas. They came up with the long cut calendar and used the method bloodletting. Bloodletting was a ritual on the self-cutting and/or piercing of an individual's body. They were very innovative and created the concept of Zero. they created chocolate and pyramids.
  • 476 BCE

    The Dark Ages

    The Dark Ages
    The Dark Ages was a backwards time for Europe. when in comparison to other empires and kingdoms they were lacking in every department. their economy was week and unless you were of a certain high status, like that of a priest, you didn't have an education at all. you were illiterate. The Catholic church was dominant around this time.
  • 350 BCE


    The Arctic consisted of 2 tribes the Eskimo and the Inuit. These tribes adapted to their envoriment. To adapt to their envoriment they lived in natural housing like igloos and they lived off of sea life, so they ate things like fish and would use fur to keep themselves warm
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance of a cultural unit. After going through the Dark Ages and trying to recover the Renaissance era showed that Europe had recovered and was going to do fine.This era was where music, art, and education was huge. Universities will open up in this era.
  • 1346

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was one of the worst pandemics in the world. It killed 40 to 50 percent of Europes population. The Black death came from the rats when the translatic trade began to happen. Everyone was effected even royalty. The plagues was also contagious so the people who weren't affected would wear unique mask
  • Jun 7, 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas
    The Treaty of Tordesillas was between Spain and Portugal, and has it's name because it was signed in Tordesillas, Spain.They were fighting over land that was newly discovered by Christopher Colubus. The pope decided to step in between the conflict and divided the land between the 2 countries. Portugal got land to the east of the line and sapin got the lands to the west of the line. Spain got a horrible deal, because they basicall got nothing, whie portugal had got everything and then some.
  • Caribbean Colonies

    Caribbean Colonies
    The Carribean Colonies mostly include Barbados and Jamaica. Sugar is the lifeblood of the region. the Europeans loved sugar and Spain, France, England, and Holland all had stakes in this region. this region had a population of about 44, 000 people. Barbados was kind of outof the way and the population was about 26,000 on this island they focused on island labor
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    The Triangular Trade was a system of transatlantic trade. This Trade mostly worked for the transporting of slave. They call it the triangular trade because good were being transported form North America to Europe and to Africa. North America would export things like sugar tobacco and cotton to Europe; Europe would transport Textiles, Rum, and manufactured goods to Africa; Africa would transport slaves to North America.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a philosophical and scientific movement. This was a movement that was meant to lead people away from religion and superstition and bring them into the mindset of science. the thinking of where everything had an answer and that there wasn't a mysterious and mystical reasoning why things happen.
  • Development of Colonial Differences by Region

    Development of Colonial Differences by Region
    there was 3 main colonies and they were all very different. the 3 colonies was the New England, Chesapeake, and the South. The Chesapeake colonies were near a coast or some type of waterway and their settlements were spread apart. The New England Colonies were built around a church or town center and they were close knit. The south focused on the economy and agriculture as a whole for exploration.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Jamestown colony

    Jamestown colony
    Jamestown was one of the 1st permanent settlement of the new colony. after going through up and downs. the colony was permanent when the growing and selling of Tobacco in that colony started and prospered.
  • Head right system

    Head right system
    The population of the colonies was declining so they created the head right system. this system was a way to bring more settlers to the colonies.If people came to the colonies they were offered incentives like 50 acres to themselves. They didn' tell the newcomers all the hardships they wold have to gothrough.
  • The Middle Passage

    The Middle Passage
    The Middle Passage the platform of the triangular trade where millions of african americans were sold as slave. More tha 10 percent of all slaves died on the voyage and less that 10 percent actually came directly to mainland North America. Some were 'Conditioned' to physical labor before being sold and becuase of industralization and the creation of new Technoogy increased slavery by alot
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    the Plymouth Colony contained the Puritans. The Puritans were reformers and believed that England and Holand were corrpt. they notice their children were beco,img to Dutch, so they left and would soon be called pilgrims.
  • The Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trial started because of a group of girls who claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several local women of witchcraft. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 20 were executed.The youngest person to be accused was Dorcas Good who was said to be insane after spending 8 months in jail only to be released. Eventually, the colony admitted the trials were a mistake and compensated the families of those convicted.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    The Seven Years war was between England France, and Spain. They were all fighting each other for terriotory. This was a world wide conflict, so you could say that this was the 1st real world war. Indians were then put into the war as they chose side and some went to the French and the othwer went to britain. It makes since that more would go to France because the French were the ones that wanted to be friends with the Natives American and weren't trying to play and control them.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was the reacton to the secularism of the Enlightment movement. John Edwards was one of the Philosphers in this movement, and he believed in a concumer oriented society,that akot of people were scared to become religous, and that "people are like spiders hangimg over a pit of damnation." This awakening also changed American society.It gave regular people a voice, and Native Americans also changed their way of life.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Slavery

    Slavery was wanted for many reasons in the colonies,and the brutality of slavery varied.Slavery was wanted in the Lower South because rice was a staple product and majority of slaves had prior knowledge on how to farm it.The Middle Colonies needed slaves as a way to replace indentured slaves, and slavery wasn't really needed in the North.he Middle Passage killed about 10%of the slaves on that voyage and the Atlantic slave trade allowed for the trading of slaves to happen on a bigger scale.
  • Acts of Parliament

    Acts of Parliament
    Parliament imposed a lot of acts on the 13 american colonies. A few being the Tea, Stamp, Revenue, the quartering act, and etc.the taxes angered the colonist, so much that they started to rebel against their mother country.About 6 taxes were placed upon the colonist. The Revenue act was a tax placed n sugar; Stamp act placed on paper; Declaratory Act repealed stamp act Townsend act a tax placed on paper, glass, paint, and tea; The Coercive Act closed the port of Boston ans etc.
  • Colonial Economies

    Colonial Economies
    The colonies were set up into 3 sections New England, Mid Atlantic, and the South.The North economy was based on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade.The Mid Atlantic focused on trade with Europe, small scale agriculture,but for the most part it was all mixed. The Upper and Lower south focused on farming and slaves; the upper tobacco and lower rice.The Western lands included the Irish, who farmed, and that was called the Wild Frontier.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was caused by a group of Bostonian that were harassing British soldiers . The soldiers stated firing at them, and ended up killing 5 people.Many believe that his was the first real battle of the American revolution. This event angered many Americans and they made it known that the British soldiers were not wanted or needed.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when the Sons of Liberty decided dump out all the tea into the Boston harbor, while being dressed as Mohawk Indians. they were protesting to the British tax on tea. this was a protest for not having representation in parliament. Britain decided to close the port if Boston, because of this and this was called the Intolerable Acts.
  • Dunmore's Proclamation

    Dunmore's Proclamation
    Dunmore's Proclamation granted freedom to slaves if they fought for the British. This Proclamation was a game changer, because what slave wouldn't fight against a country that enslaved them for their freedom? Alot of slaves woud and ths made alo of people in America worrry and make sure that their slaves wouldn't go to the other side, bwecause if slaves sided with the british that be een more people the americans woulf have to fight off and it would alter whether or bot if they oculd win
  • Battles

    There was 11 main battles during the Ameriician Revolution.They all held their own part when it came to how America would win her independence.These battles gave future soldiers hope and allowed them to see that americans can do anythign and that we will always fight against oppression and for our freedoom.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a hope of peace between the united states and Britain. It was the last chance fro peace. The continental Congress sent the petition to the king and it was rejected.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration Of Independence is a document Thomas Jefferson created declaring Independence from great Britain and recognizing America as one.This Statement was signed by the members of the Continental Congress; there was 86 corrections made to Jefferson's 1st draft .The Declaration of Independence was approved by congress on July 4th which makes people believe that our Independence day is July 4th when it is really July 2nd, because that was the day congress declared independence.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Common Sense was a book written by Thomas Paine. In this book Paine argues for independence. This book represented the Democratic representative government. this book was very cheap and popular; it attacked the monarchy, and it changes the colonial views of Monarchy change
  • The Articles Of Confederation

    The Articles Of Confederation
    The Articles Of Confederation had a lot of problems,or it at least cause a lot of problems for the federal government. 1 of the problems was that it allow the government to have power or authority. they couldn't enforce laws, so when shays rebellion happened and the farmers marches all the way to the federal government couldn't put an army together. second disadvantage was that the Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the revolutionary war and didn't have a way to pay back the money.
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's rebellion was names after it's leader Daniel Shay. This event happened because taxes were put upon farmers who couldn't pay it. These taxes lead farmers losing their farms or almost losing it.the farms was the farmers only way of life and it was about to be taken from them so they all grouped up and had special meeting, so that they could be a fully armed and attack. this was a rebellion that was against perceived economics and civil rights injustices.
  • The Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan
    The Virginia Plan was one plan for reform; this plan benefited big states mostly. This document wanted to abandon the Articles of Confederation, give the state power, a single executive, a separate judiciary, and a 2 house legislature. the 2 house legislature had a Upper and Lower house. The Lower house was the elected by the people and the lower hose then elected the Upper House.
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The New Jersey Plan
    The New Jersey plan was a second plan for reform.Thus plan was for the small states. This plan was a modified version of the Articles of Confederation.this plan was very different from the Virginia plan. it consisted of a single legislature; 1 state, 1 vote, the legislature was the supreme law of the land, and it consisted of a less powerful judiciary.
  • Slavery

    Slavery was big issue during this era. The government didn't know what to do about the slaves or how they would count the slaves as part of the population in order to determine representation and taxation for the federal government, and this is where the 3/5 compromise came into play. This was a compromise between the North and South delegates to where only three out of every five laves would be counted.
  • The Three Branches

    The Three Branches
    The Three branches was legislative, judiciary, and the executive. the Legislative includes the House of Representatives and the senate. Judicial includes the supreme courts and the lower courts, and the president is the executive branch. The Three Branches check and balance each other out, so that one doesn't over power the other.
  • Pennslyvania

    Pennsylvania was meant to be a refuge and and it was even called "Peaceable Kingdom". Pennsylvania is named after William Penn he wanted to create a religious refuge for Quakers. Penn was able to do this because the king owned a large debt to him.The Quakers started off as the society of friends and they would "Tremble at the word of the lord."
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was adopted by the second continental congress charted a government for the Northwest territory. this document provided a method fro admitting new states from the union form the territory, this also listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory. Slavery and involuntary servitude was forbidden in the territory, so this made the Ohio river a natural dividing line between the free and slave state,
  • The election of 1788

    The election of 1788
    The election of 1788 as the 1st election to happen. George Washington was unanimously voted president the people loved George Washington and he was a God- like figure t him. Everyone wanted Washington to win. The runner up was John Adams, so he became the Vice President
  • Period: to

    New Republic

  • The Great Debate

    The Great Debate
    The Great Debate was a series of protest and debates. This debate was to figure out how the country would be ran. it was basically the Federalist versus the Anti- . the Federalist opposed the Bill of Rights, supported the Constitution, and an all powerful central government. The Anti- Federalist supported states rights. the Bill of Rights, and a less government. In the end the Federalist won and the constitution will become law of the land with a powerful central government.
  • The Bill Of Rights

    The Bill Of Rights
    the Bill of Rights is a document that list the guaranteed rights individual rights of the citizens of the United states. It is the 10 amendments to the Constitution. The 1st amendment of the Bill Of Rights is the freedom of speech, religion, and the press the Anti- Federalists supported this document, But not the Federalist.
  • 2 competing forms of government

    2 competing forms of government
    The 2 competing forms of government was the Federalist and the Democrat-Republicans.The Federalist leader was Hamilton and the leader of the Democrat-Republicans was Jefferson.The Federalist believed in a loose interpretation of the constitution,and a strong central government. The democrat-Republicans believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution,and a loose government more power to the the state. These 2 parties had different ideas as to how the country should be ran.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion was when Pennsylvania and Kentucky farmers threatened to attack Pittsburgh, because of a tax imposed upon whiskey. Whiskey was economically important to the farmers for some it was the only way to feed their families. Whiskey was a great profit for them because everyone wanted whiskey. This event lead to be the 1st real test of the Constitution because when Shays rebellion happened the government couldn't fight back, but now they could because they had the power to.
  • The Bank of The United States

    The Bank of The United States
    The Bank of the United States was the 1st United States bank and it was Alexanders Hamilton baby. This bank was a depository and it would make loans.It stabilize the currency and the economy. This bank had private investors, and brought attention to if the Bank of the US was constitutional or not.another point would be if the government had authority over it.

    Jay's Treaty was meant to solve unresolved issues between the US and Britain, since American Independence. This treaty would remove royal troops from the western frontiers of the United States and to establish a commission to examine the debts owed to the United States.
  • Slavery 1848

    Slavery 1848
    Slavery was a huge problem in this time period some people wanted to keep slavery others didn't and they didn't knowh how to decide if new states would be slave states or not. There was the Wilmot Proviso that propsed the idea of the new land from Mexica be free states.Throughout all the decision making slaver ended even thugh it had to go through alot of bumps along the road.
  • Period: to

    Age of Jefferson

  • Marbury Vs. Madison

    Marbury Vs. Madison
    Marbury Vs. Madison was a very important Court case because it allowed for Judicial Review something we still use today. Judicial review gives the federal courts power to void acts of Congress that were in conflict with the Constitution. This is so important, because this court case allowed for Brown vs. The board of education to happen.John Marshall was named Chief Justice and he is largely responsible for establishing the Supreme Court's role in federal government.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was when Thomas Jefferson brought Louisiana from Napoleon. Jefferson brought the land from Napoleon for 15,000 dollars, 3 cents an acre. The Lewis and Clarke expedition happened, because of this. the expedition was needed to explorer the lands and check if the Mississippi River lead to the Pacific Ocean. Lewis and Clarke needed Sacagawea to help them make it through the journey because she could talk to the Native Americans and help them when it came to food
  • The Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act
    The Embargo Act was when the American government stopped the exportation of American goods. This act was also made in an attempt to punish France and Britain for their acts of aggression on US Ships and it;s workers. After France passed a law that prohibited trade between neutral parties, like the U.S., and Britain. French warships soon began seizing American merchant ships. The British retaliated by doing the same thing, and Impressment of US men.
  • Technological benefits of War of 1812

    Technological benefits of War of 1812
    the War of 1812 allowed for allowed for innovations to come through. Firearms, Steam engines, Agriculture, and mass production was now happening. Eli Whitney made the Cotton gin, which increased slavery. this innovation increased slavery, because it made the process of picking cotton happen on a larger scale.Mass production allowed for people to get things in bigger quantities and faster at a faster pace.
  • Francis Scott key

    Francis Scott key
    Francis Scott Key was the creator of our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.Key was said to have wrote the national anthems as a poem while watching the British and America fight at Fort McHenry. The song was first called the Defense of Fort McHenry. He saw that the British wasn't going to destroy the Fort and then the next morning an American flag was waving and standing tall.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • McCulloch V. Maryland

    McCulloch V. Maryland
    McCulloch versus Maryland was a very important supreme court case.This case gave the Federal government implied powers and made it so that the states could not take place of the federal government. this case led to the South having a more radical view of states rights.
  • Panic Of 1819

    Panic Of 1819
    The panic of 1819 was an economic boom after the war of 1812. Almost everyone was affected banks closed, houses and farms were went into foreclosure. Agriculture prices collapsed, banks failed and the economy went into tailspin. this Panic was one of the worst depressions in US history. this depression happened because of the war of 1812.
  • Missouri Crisis and Compromise

    Missouri Crisis and Compromise
    The Missouri Crisis and Compromise was when there was the argument on how to decide if the new admission of states would allow slavery or not. Both sides had their opinions on what they thought should happen, but in the end there was a compromise. This compromise was to balance out free and non-free states, so they created an imaginary line at 36* 30*. Stats above the line would be counted free and states below the line condoned slavery. this was a temporary solution t the problem
  • Revivialism

    Revivalism came in with the second great awakening.Charles Finney was the leader of this movement.This form of Activism was used to help get people back into believing in God and living a holy life.A lot of people shifted from god to science,and so a revival was need to ring people back to the side of Christ.This activism focused on the belief of free will and direct preaching.Speaking to God on your own without needing a priest or anyone to facilitate a connection between you and God.
  • Presidency of John Q. Adams

    Presidency of John Q. Adams
    President Adams supported the American system. This system would include funding for infrastructure development to facilitate trade, a tariff to protect the domestic manufacturing industry, a new national bank, and a reduction reduction in the national debt. During his presidency Adams would also open up a national university, an observatory. Adams appointed people based off of merit and he was also out of touch. He did not know of popular democracy. Adams would also lose his popularity.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    There was 4 candidates for the election of 1824. The 4 candidates was Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. Andrew Jackson had won the peoples vote but the the electoral college, while John Quincy Adams did. Adams also won, because he was elected by the house of Representatives. He became president because Jackson failed to receive a majority. When it came to electoral votes Jackson was first, Adams second, and Crawford was third.
  • Period: to

    the Age of Jackson

  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The Temperance Movement was used to get people to stop the drinking of Alcohol, excessively. Women were really on board with this movement, because some of their husbands would come home drunk, and then beat their wives, so this was used as a way to stop that from happening. The consumption of Alcohol had to be reduced because people would drink Alcohol all day, so in the end this movements helped cut down the drinking of Alcohol.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Change

  • Campaign

    During the campaign for the Election of 1828 personal attacks started.The personal attacks will start with the opponents trying to play each other off as womanizers, but it's starts to get serious when Jackson wife is targeted.They started making very nasty comments about her and the fact that she was married before.They were coming for her because there wasn't a divorce,so she was cheating on her ex with Jackson. this is where the democratic part got its name by someone calling Jackson an ass.
  • The spoils system

    The spoils system
    The spoils systems is a method that is still used today. this is the process where you replace bureaucracy with your own supporters. Jackson supported this method because it was his way of rewarding loyal supporters. This Method was also used by President Donald J Trump when he moved hi family and friends into office
  • Education

    Education around this time period is improving. It is now required of students to come to schools, they will have textbooks, they'll have grades, and instructions. the effects of forcing every child to come to school is heavy. People now fear that the taxes will go up. there will be labor issues, because some of the students are need back home to help out with the farm, or something like that, and Catholics felt as though Protestant education will take away the Virgin Mary.
  • Abolitionist

    An Abolitionist is a person that doesn't believe in slavery and wants it to end.For the most part their were two types of an Abolitionists. You were and Abolitionist that believed in Gradualism, or immediatism. Gradualism when used in this context means to free slaves over a period of time to Africa. immediatism is when you want an immediate end to slavery. You want slavery to be stopped right then and there.
  • Mormons

    tMormons official church name is the Church of hrist of Latter Day Saints. Their founder is Joseph Smith. Members of that church get refered to as a mormo, because of their belief in the Book of Mormon. Their founder Smith said he waas visited by an agek in his sleep who told him of an ancint hebrew text that had been lost and that only he could understand it, and this is where the book of mormon comes into play.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    Nat Turners Slave rebellion was when Nat Turner gathered some slaves and had plans to kill every white person who was connected to slavery. He was a preacher who alot of slaves in his community trusted. The plan was to got to very plantation and kill. he killed his master and his masters entire family and when trying to go to another plantation his crew was captured, but Nat escaped only to be found later. His punishment for his crimes was that he would be hanged ans skinned.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail Of Tears was the forced removal of Indians from there ancestral home in the Southeastern United States to present day Oklahoma. The Native Americans had to walk about 2,200 miles. It is called the Trail Of Tears, because of all the people who died. Thousand died while being relocated, because of the Indian removal act, The Cherokee tried to prevent this from happening by assimilating themselves to a different culture, but nothing could prevent.
  • Bank Veto speeh

    Bank Veto speeh
    In the Bank Veto Speech Jackson explains why he vetoed the bank; he said that the bank was not compatible with the constitution, justice, and the sound policy.Jackson was able to veto the bank by using the pocket veto. Pocket Veto is a delaying tactic, if the President doesn't sign a bill within ten days of the end of the Congressional term, the bill is prevented from becoming law.
  • The Whig Party

    The Whig Party
    The Whig party is a political party that believed in alot of things.they favored a strong central government, defended minority rights, and they were against slavery.they thought talented individuals to run the country and they accepted minorities into their political party. Four presidents were apart of the Whig party.
  • Prisons

    Prisons in this time period were horrible. The Prisoners were isolated and they would work during the day and were housed at night. A form of Punishment would be that the Prisoners would spend time in an dark and isolated room where they were supposed to think about their actions. This method proved to do more harm than good.The Mentally Ill would also be put in the same area as regular prisoners, but they soon changed that when they realized that process wasn't t going to work out.
  • changes in agricultue

    changes in agricultue
    There were improvements in agriculture. These improvements were new inventions that made life so much easier.you have the iron plow, Crank Churns, and the cotton gin. The Iron plow was made by Jethro Wood and it's used to breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. The Crank Churn was made by Alfred Clark. This invention consisted of a barrel attached to a rocking chair. While the rocking chair moved, the barrel moved and churned the milk within into butter.
  • Fur Trade

    Fur Trade
    The Fur Trade dominated America by the 1820s. This type of economy allowed for a huge profit, but it started to decline. Beavers, the animal they used for fur, were going into extinction, and the times were changing. Fashion was involving and poeple werent into wearing furs on a huge scale anymore. The line of trapping was also starting to fail. This was a very dangerous field of work and trappers will start to disappear by the 1840s.
  • The Lowell Mills

    The Lowell Mills
    Lowell Mills refers to the many mills that operated in Lowell, Massachusetts.Francis Cabot founded the Lowell Mills and his manufacturing work paved the way for Northern Industrialization. The Mills would hire young girls to work for them. the girls would earn alot of money, but the conditions were rough and bad. The Mills were basically Textile Factories, these Mills were a big hit because the Industrial Revolution was starting.
  • Free Black Communities

    Free Black Communities
    Free black communities faces alot of discrimination. Even though the black people were free they still could be put back inot slaver adn they were constantly watched by white people.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiney was a belief in the United States that its settlers were destined to expand across North America. It was basiclly Westward Expansion.The Great Migration was a 2000 mile trial and they left in the spring time. It took about 5 to 6 months to make it to their destination. Orgsn held alot of good opportunities. The Mromons were treated badly and their leader was killed by protestors,so Birgman Young took his place. The Mormons relocated to Salt Lake Valley, Utah.
  • James k. Polk

    James k. Polk
    James k. Polk had 3 main goals to accomplish throughout his Presidency. He wanted Texas to be annexed, to settle the Oregon Border, and settle the Mexican Border. Polk eventually accomplished all of his goals of his goals.
  • The Bear Flag Revolt

    The Bear Flag Revolt
    The Bear Flag Revolt was when a small group of American settlers in California declared Calfornia an Independent Republic from the Mexican goverment. In the end it was for noting, because California soon entered the Union, but this rebelion was where California got its flag from.
  • Gringo

    White people got the name Gringo becuase they would sing the cicil war song " Green Grow the Lilacs" and the Mexicans thought they were saying Gringo. The Treaty of Gaudelupe Hidalgo settled border disputes and seiezed over half of Mexico's Territory. Alot of people foresaw slavery being an issue for the new territory and they were right. Wlimot Proviso was a proposal to ban slavery from the land aquiried from Mexico. This proposal was shut down.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    The Election of 1848 was between the Democrats, The Whig Party, and the Free Soil Party. The nominations were Zachary Taylor(Demo.), Lewis Cass(Whig), and Martin Van Buren(free soil). Zavhary Taylor was pragmatic and his views were unknown. To the South this campaign was Pro-Slavery, but to the north it was Wilmont Proviso. Van Buren supported the Wilmont Proviso and he wanted where it already exsisted, and he resented southern influence. In the end Zachary Taylor won the election.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was in 1848. This event was whe gold was found in california and the people went crazy. thousands migranted to find gold. They all held on to the hope that they would find gold, so some uprooted their lives. By 1848 there was 14k poeple, and by 1852 there was 200k poeple in California.
  • Period: to


  • Zacharay Taylor

    Zacharay Taylor
    Zacharay Taylor was he 12th President of the United States. Taylor was from the Whig poltical party and his nickname was 'Old rough abd ready'. He was a general in the United States Army. He wasn't a party man and he was pragmatic. Notherners liked him because of his homespun ways and southerners liked him because he owbed 100 slaves.
  • Yeoman Farmers

    Yeoman Farmers
    Yeoman Farmers wee the middle class and 75 percent of them did not own slaves. Some of them relied on planters for surplus crops, and some Yeoman Farmers Resented Planters. Yeoman Farmers would form Militias to catch Runaway slaves and would guard against Slave Rebellions
  • Foreign Immigration

    Foreign Immigration
    American had alot of immigrants from all over the world looking for a better life. they heard how wonderful America was. America has freedom of speech, religion, and it's just awesome. people from Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavian came to America for different reasons. The Irish cam because of their potatoes famine, the German came because of a poor harvest and political turmoil and the Scandinavian and British came, because of economic opportunity.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    the Fugitive Slave Act allowed for runaway slaves to be brought back to their masters and it also established that if anyone helped a slave escape they would be punished. This act unstirrred the North. There were now more Abolitionist thatn ever in the North becauseof this. This act caused aeven more problems, because a african american who was free could get mixed up with a runawa slave and then be put inot slavery.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was an Ablonist and a spy for the United States Army during the American Civil War. Tubman took 19 trips under the Underground Railroad, and she freed 100,000 slaves freed between 1830 and 1860. Tubman had two nicknmes Moses and Minty. She got the nickname Moses because she was the Moses of the people. Harriet risked her life many times to save family memebers and other slaves.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    The Kansas- Nebraska Act was made because of what the Southerners wanted. The southerneres were afraid of 2 new free states. They also wanted to abolish the Missouri Compromise, and a translantic railroad to run through the south not the north. As a result Kansas was made a slave state and Nebraska was made a free state. This act also repealed the Missourri Compromise, 36* 30*
  • Nativist

    In order for you to become a Nativist you have to believe in promoting the intrests of Native Inhabitants against those of Immigrants.Nativists blame immigrants for America's problems. They are against the Immigration of poor Catholics from Germany and Ireland, and they were apart of the Know Nothings political party, a secret organizationa gainst slavery and wanted to restrict immigrants only. This party will evntually disappear by 1860.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansaas was a series of violent political confrontations between anti-slavery advocates and pro-slavery advocates in Kansas.Abolitionist will finace settlements in Knasas in order to help John Brown, while proslavery advocates will establish a pro-slave goverment. In contrast the Anti- Slavery settlers will form a anti- slavery goverment. There are now two seperate goverments in Kansas. Both sides will attack and kill each over, becuase of the topic of slavery.
  • Dred Scott vs. Sanford

    Dred Scott vs. Sanford
    The Dred Scott case was a very important Suprmeme Court case. Dred Scott was a former slave and Scott decided to sue his master for his freedom. This case was important becasue it was a n eye opener for people. this case etablished that slaves weren't citizens, so thererfore they couldnt sue anyone, so there wasn't an actual case.
  • Copperheads

    The Coppeheads were peaceloving democrats who wanted a ceasefire.Some of them supported the Confederacy, but not all of them. Some would even call Lincoln a Tyrant. They were basically anyone in the North who opposed the war policy. Majority of the copperheads where in Ohio and other states that had roots to the South. Abraham Lincoln soon had Copperheads arrested because it was illegal to be a Confederate Sympathizer.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of 1860 was between 2 democrats and one republican. The 2 democrats was John Breckinridge(official) and Jon Bell(unofficial), Bell was apart of the Consitutional Union Party, and the Republican was Abraham Lincoln. Lincolnhad a moderateapproach to slavery and a few political enemies. These candidates appealed to different sections of the country. Licoln won the election because of the division between the Democrats. A regional party won for the 1st time..
  • Civil War- South

    Civil War- South
    The South waas ead by Robert E. Lee. He was the souths advantadge over the North, because he was a great general. He was a very competent military leader. The South liked to compare themselves to te 13 colonies. They thought they were fighting to keep slavery and get their way of life back. The South hoped to gain Britain as a leader, but that didn't work out. They had a whole pplan, but when the war became a fight against morals, britain stayed neutral.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • The Trent Affair

    The Trent Affair
    The Trent Affair was when tHe Confederates sent diplomats to Europe and an incident happened. The USS San Jacinto intercepted the RMS Trent. Britain demanded an apology. Lincoln had released the Confederate Diplomats, nd decided to bring his own US diplomats to secure the Bristiash abd French Neurality.
  • Civil War Era- The North

    Civil War Era- The North
    During the Civil War Era the North had a population of 22 million. Industaralism was huge in the North. They had 110,000 factories. This was an industry that was making 1.5 Biliion dollars.97 percent of weapons manufactiuring , 94 percent of clothing, and 90 percent of shoes and boots.The North had 22,000 miles of tracks, and thye believed that they were fighting to uphold the Consitution, Union.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was basically a document that decleared slaves would be free and that slavery was now illegal.This proclamtion stops Britain from entering the war.The Emancipation Proclamation freed 3.1 million of the nation's 4 million slaves. This documnet was used as a way to rasie morality for the North
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clara Barton was a pionering nurse who founded the American cross. She wanted to help soldiers on both sides of the field.The movement started by her going out on her own to the battlefield and healing\fixing up the soldiers. Then the movement started to grow as more women came together to basically be war nurses. Clara Barton was later on declared to have auhtorization to help on the battlefield with her group, which was soon known as the AmericanRed Cross.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The Black Codes were laws made to take away Civil Rights and economic opportunity for African Americans. It was Slavery without the chains.A way of legally bringing African Americans back into slavery.The White people saw black peole as an expolitable work force. The codes didn't allow for interracial marriages and serving on juries. if a black man didnt have a job he could be arrested and they had no voting rights.The black codes were meant to control aand constrict the free African Americans.
  • Period: to


  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
    40 Acres and a Mule was a lie told to African Americans. They were told that they would get 40 acres and a muke, and they the could either rent or buy the land. This land was abandoned by planters. 40 Acres and a mule is now used for a saying to broken promises. The former slaves were promise the land and mule, but only a few recieved it, and the white people used evry law and anything they could to get the land back. Former slaves saw this promise as independence and freedoom.
  • Assaination

    Abraham Lincoln was assinated on April 15, 1865. His assainator was John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was watching Our American Cousin at the Ford's Theater with his wife Mary Todd. Wilkes was an actor and so he was able to go up into the area Lincoln and he shot Lincoln in the head with a pocket pistol.Lincoln died the next day and when Lincolns body was being moved to be buried. He was consttantly being pumped to stay perserved, so much that his body is stil here today.
  • Election of 1868

    Election of 1868
    The Election of 1868 was between Ulysses S. Grant(Republican) and Horatio Seymour(Democratic). Grant believed in Political Moderation and Peace. Ulysses S. Grant won the election, but this election showed America that bothe the North and South didn't like black people. The North believed that slavery was wrong, but they also didn't want to be equal with black people. Afrrican American votes became very important, and theyw ere imtimidated by violence to keep from voting
  • Suffrage

    Suffrage is the right to vote. Women wan thte right to vote. They were no longer mothers who stayed home and raised the children, cooked, and cleaned. They were now working class citizens because of Industrialism, and they wanted the right vote. One of the Leaders of the Suffrage Movement was Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Both ladies attended the Seneca Falls Convention and Mott helped write the Declaration of Sentiments.
  • The Panic of 1873

    The Panic of 1873
    The Panic of 1873 set baxk booming economy until 1877. In this panic 20 percent of countriesbusiness is failing, 25 percent of railroads shut down, and unemployment rate was 14 percent.. The goverment didn't do anything too help the pople out. Congress had an inflation bill, but Grant vetoed it. This Panic was also kown as the long depression
  • Mississippi Plan

    Mississippi Plan
    The Mississippi Plan as devised by the Democratic Party in that state to overthrow the Republican Partyby a series of threats and suppression. Thw whites in Mississppi allied together and created terror for black and white Republican.The White people were doing everything they could to sop the black man from votinh. They would burn houses down, beat, and kill people.Grant refused to send troops, and the tatic was spread across the south.
  • The New South

    The New South
    The South was now a society built around the oppression and segrgrstion of African Americans. The representation of African Americans in the goverment decreases.The Lost cause was the Southeners way of justifying them losing the war; they thought that thei sicety was braver than the Norths, and that the North had better advantages and that wasn't fair.The South now had Propaganda that still exists today. they still,even today,believe that they will always be better that a black person.
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    Jim Crow was a Social and Legal system of segeration across the south.It inclided the Segergration,Disefranchisement,and violence towards black people.Black people were being stopped from voting either because of violence towards them voting, or they were turned away because they couldn't pay the taxes. Black people were required to take Literacy test. There was also the Grandfather Clause. Grandfather was able to vote before 1867, and it enabled poor whites to vote.