Seven years war


  • Comprehensive Slave Codes

    Comprehensive Slave Codes
    House of Burgesses using laws to protect the interest of slave owners.
  • "Early Peity"

    "Early Peity"
    A collection of sermons
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Patented Thomas Newcomen
  • Yamasee War

    Yamasee War
    Between British colinists and Native Americans.
  • William Parks

    William Parks
    First printing shop in Annapolis. Started Chesapeakes stable local trade in printing and books.
  • The Walking Purchase of 1737

    A mix of a colonists desire for cheap land and the ever changing relationship between Pennsylvanians and their Native Neighbors.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Slave uprising against white people, attempted escape towards Spanish Flordia.
  • Rev. George Whitefield

    Rev. George Whitefield
    Started travelling the colonies as a preacher of Calvinist views.
  • Killing a rebellious enslaved person was legalized

  • Currency Acts of 1751

    Restricted the use of paper money.
  • Lightning Rod

    Lightning Rod
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Start of the Seven Years' War

    Also known as French and Indian War.
    France and Great Britain fueding over their respective American colonies.
  • Seven Year's War started in Europe

    Fredrick II or Prussia invaded Saxony.
  • Fort William Henry

    Fort William Henry
    French attacked and burned this British outpost.
  • Quakers and Slavery

    Quakers disowned members who engaged in slave trade.
  • Fort Carillon(Ticonderoga)

    Fort  Carillon(Ticonderoga)
    French thwarted General Abercrombie's attack on this outpost.
  • French and Indian war ended in America

    British capture of Montreal.
  • British Captured Quebec

  • End of Seven Years' War

  • Currency Acts of 1763

    Again restricted use of paper money.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Officially ended the American Revolution.
  • Treaty of Hubertusburg

    Offically ended the Seven Years' War and Third Silesian War.
  • Pontiac's War

    Attemted take over of Fort Detroit resulting in a six-month seige of the British fort.
  • Royal Proclamation of 1763

    Marked boundaries between British colonies and Native American held land.
  • Sugar Act

    Levied taxes on sugar for colonists.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves
  • Stamp Act Congress of 1765

    Brought colonials together against taxes imposed by Parliment.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Imposed a tax on printed materials.
  • Virgina Resolves

    Passed by the House of Burgesses, these are of the most famous anti-Stamp Act resolutions.
  • End of Pontiac's War

    Pontiac and William Johnson settled for peace at Fort Ontario.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Due to violence, boycotts, and violence, Great Britain repealed the Stamp Act.
  • Townsend Acts

    Named after Charles Townsend, these were a series of duties or 4 different taxes on china, glass, tea, lead, paint, and paper.
  • Townsend Acts Repealed

    All except the duty on tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Started with colonists gathering around the Custom House and ended with five dead Bostonians.
  • Regulation Act

    Parliment put the East India Company under government control.
  • The Tea Act

    Tea taxes had to be paid when tea was unloaded from ship.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists and the "Sons of Liberties" threw a large amount of tea into the harbor.
  • The First Continential Congress

    First convened and started the "Declaration of Rights and Grievances."
  • American Revolution

    America fought for freedom form England.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Attempts to dislodge colonists from Breed's Hill. They eventually took the hill, but only after suffering several casualties.
  • Dunmore’s Proclamation of 1775

    In Virginia, allowed enslaved people to escape and join the British Army.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The British had seized Lexington and Concord.
  • Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition.

    Dismissed colonists petitions. The King believed colonists were being misled.
  • Congress Voted on Resolution

    Precurser to Declaration of Independence calling states to withdraw from royal officials.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Congress approved the document, but the Americans still had to win the war.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Continential Army defeated Burgoyene after he was deserted by General Howe. Turning point in war for colonists.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce

    Turned America's rebellion into a global war.
  • "grand federal procession"

    Philadelphian's procession in honor of the new constitution.
  • Constitutional Convention in Cambridge

  • Bi-focal Glasses

    Bi-focal Glasses
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Ratified the Articles of Confederation

    by the Continential Congress.
  • Enslaved Freedom

    Thousands of enslaved people escaped with the retreating British Army.
  • Hot Air Ballon

    Hot Air Ballon
    Invented by Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier
  • American Revolution

    Offically came to an end.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Invented by Edmund Cartwright.
  • Start of Northwestern Indian Wars

    Between the U.S. and the Western Confederacy for control of the Northwest Teriitory.
  • Steamboat

    Invented by John Fitch
  • Start of Shay's Rebellion

    Ended in 1787, uprising of farmers in debt.
  • Benjamin Lincoln

    Benjamin Lincoln
    Reopened the courts by arresting more than 1000 Shaysites involved in Shay's Rebellion.
  • "dirty compromise"

    Between New England and the Deep South that allowed slavery as long as the Deep South agrred to New Englands terms.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787

    No official government religion.
  • Ratified Constitution

    All though debates were not over, Congress announced that most states had put this new constitution into effect.
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution
    The supreme law of the United States, written as a basis for American government.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    Started his first term as President.
  • Ten Amendments

    Ten Amendments
    Were added to the U.S. Consitution.
  • Bank of the United States

    Congress approved 21 year charter.
  • Start of Whiskey Rebellion

    Protest against taxes in the U.S. that ended in violence.
  • David Bradford

    David Bradford
    He led around 7000 men to rob from the U.S. Mail and then gathered outside of Pittsburg.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Signed a "treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation” with the British requiring them to abandon their military outposts in the Northwest.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Patented by Eli Whitney
  • End of Whiskey Rebellion

  • Washington Shut Down the Whiskey Rebellion

    Being the only sitting President to led troops in the field, he shut down the Rebel farmers and then handed it over to Henry Lee.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Speech at the end of his presidency.
  • Small Pox Vaccine

    Small Pox Vaccine
    Invented by Edward Jenner
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    Started term as Second U.S. President.
  • The Alien Act

    "Allowed the federal government to deport foreign nationals, or “aliens,” who seemed to pose a national security threat."
  • Sedition Act

    Prosocute those speaking against the government.
  • Quasi-War

    Ended in 1800
    Undeclared Naval war between France and the U.S. most of which took place in the Atlantic.
  • Fries's Rebellion

    Ended in 1800
    A tax revolt among the Pennsylvania Dutch farmers.
    The third tax revolt after Shay's and Whiskey Rebellions.