7th Grade World History Timeline

By di2615
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon Dies

    King Solomon Dies
  • 721 BCE

    Israel Falls to Assyrians

    Israel Falls to Assyrians
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonians Conquer Judah

    Babylonians Conquer Judah
  • 539 BCE

    Persians Conquered Babylonians

    Persians Conquered Babylonians
  • 509 BCE

    Etruscan king was overthrown

    Etruscan king was overthrown
    After the last Etruscan king was overthrown the Romans began to expand their territory and influence.
  • 493 BCE

    Roman leaders signed a treaty, with their Latin neighbors to the south

    Roman leaders signed a treaty, with their Latin neighbors to the south
  • 390 BCE

    Rome nearly came to an end

    Rome nearly came to an end
    .A band of Gauls, a warlike people from the north, crushed a Roman army and surged into the city.
  • 264 BCE

    1st Punic war

    1st Punic war
    Carthage lost and had to pay Rome a fine. It lasted 24 years.
  • 218 BCE

    2nd Punic War

    2nd Punic War
    Rome was confident.
    The general (Hannibal) went over the Alps with 3,700 soldiers and 37 elephants. He besieged Rome for 16 years. He tried to turn the Romans against Rome.
  • 202 BCE

    Hannibal needed to return home to defend Carthage against an attack by a Roman army

    Hannibal needed to return home to defend Carthage against an attack by a Roman army
  • 146 BCE

    3rd Punic War

    3rd Punic War
    Rome came and destroyed Carthage, and Rome put salt in the ground, so that they couldn't ground anymore crops.
  • 145 BCE

    Roman conquests brought wealth but also strain on republic ideals

    Roman conquests brought wealth but also strain on republic ideals
  • 143 BCE

    Roman conquests brought wealth but also strain on republic ideals

    Roman conquests brought wealth but also strain on republic ideals
  • 139 BCE

    Greece Conquer Persians

    Greece Conquer Persians
  • 73 BCE

    Spartacus, lead largest rebellion in southern Italy

    Spartacus, lead largest rebellion in southern Italy
  • 72 BCE

    Spartacus Dies

    Spartacus Dies
  • 63 BCE

    Romans Conquer the Jews

    Romans Conquer the Jews
  • 44 BCE

    The Ides of March

    The Ides of March
    Julius Caesar'sassassination.
  • 31 BCE

    Octavian defeated Marc Antony

    Octavian defeated Marc Antony
  • 22 BCE

    King Herod Built the Second Temple

    King Herod Built the Second Temple
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus's Birth

    Jesus's Birth
  • 4

    Herod dies

    Herod dies
  • 30

    Jesus's Death

    Jesus's Death
    Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross by crucifixion, from the people of Jerusalem.
  • 49

    Caesar defeated Pompey

    Caesar defeated Pompey
  • 66

    Jews Rebelled

    Jews Rebelled
  • 70

    King Titus and 60,00 Destroy the Temple

    King Titus and 60,00 	Destroy the Temple
  • 135

    The Roman Suppressed another revolt and forced many Jews to flee

    The Roman Suppressed another revolt and forced many Jews  to flee
  • 312

    Constantine's vision

    Constantine's vision
  • 313

    Freedom of religion for Christianity in Rome

    Freedom of religion for Christianity in Rome
    Christianity freedom of religion in Rome.
  • 380

    Christianity was an official religion

    Christianity was an official religion
    Christianity was declared the official religion of Rome.
  • Period: 473 to 1000

    476 to 1000 C.E.: Early Middle Ages

  • Period: 476 to 511

    Clovis's Rule

  • Period: 476 to 1450

    Middle Ages

  • 570

    Muhammad is Born

    Muhammad is Born
    His parents died when he was a baby.
  • 610

    Muhammad's first Revelation

    Muhammad's first Revelation
  • 613

    Muhammad began to Preach to other Meccans

    Muhammad began to Preach to other Meccans
  • 622

    , Muhammad and his followers left Mecca on a journey known as the Hijrah

    , Muhammad and his followers left Mecca on a journey known as the Hijrah
  • 624

    Fighting broke out between the Muslims and Meccans

    Fighting broke out between the Muslims and Meccans
  • 632

    Muhammad led his final pilgrimage to Mecca

    Muhammad led his final pilgrimage to Mecca
  • 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
  • 632

    First Caliph

    First  Caliph
    Abu Bakr becomes caliph
  • 634

    Abu Bakr's Death

    Abu Bakr's Death
  • 644

    Umar's Death

    Umar's Death
  • 656

    Uthman's Death

    Uthman's Death
  • 661

    Ali ibn Abi Talib's Death

    Ali ibn Abi Talib's Death
  • Period: 768 to 814

    Charlemagne's rule

  • 800

    Charlemagne's Crowning

    Charlemagne's Crowning
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    High Middle Ages

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
  • Jan 5, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
  • Period: 1300 to 1450

    Late Middle Ages

  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation began

    Protestant Reformation began
  • Israel Becomes Jewish State

    Israel Becomes Jewish State