AMX Accidentes DC-9

By ferrriq
  • Period: to

    DC-9 was operated by AMX from July 6th 1967 until 2003

  • CFIT on APP at PVR

    XA-SOC / DC-9-15 / AMX229
    At MMPR VOR Rwy04 Non Prec APP (no DME) while flying at +320 Kts (No limit speed below 10,000')
    Flew farther than protection area on initial leg and crash into mountain when turning into final.
  • Runway over run at MMLO / XA-SOF / DC-9-15 / AMX152

  • Windshear on APP at CUU

    XA-DEN / DC-9-32 / AMX230
    Airplane flew final leg of the approach to runway 36L.
    Active thunderstorm in area with windshear conditions.
    30 fatalities.
  • CFIT at Sierra de Guerrero

    XA-DEO / DC-9-32 / AMX110
    Crew experienced depressurization and started a rapid descent maneuver.
    Emergency procedure steps were not correctly executed.
    Speed-brakes not retracted created repeatedly stalling conditions.
    Airplane crashed near ZIH at 6,000' in the "Sierra de Guerrero".
  • Midair crash overflying Cerritos, Ca. USA

    XA-JED / DC-9-32 / AMX498
    Aeroméxico flight 498 was a scheduled passenger flight from Mexico City to Los Angeles, with intermediate stops at Guadalajara, Loreto and Tijuana.
    The DC-9, departed Tijuana and proceeded toward Los Angeles at FL100.

    Just three minutes earlier Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee N4891F departed Torrance Airport, CA for a VFR flight to Big Bear, CA. Piper collided with AMX498 over Cerritos at an altitude of about 6560 feet.
  • Vehicle incursion/collision

    XA-AMF / DC9-32 /
    A motor grader collided with the left wing of the aircraft.
    The motor grader coming from the left was not on the marked roadway nor in contact with the ATC.
  • MMMX Landing Tailstrike

    XA-DEJ / DC9-32
    Late ATC change of runway from 05R to 05L, created unstable approach conditions with increased descent path.
    Airplane landed smoothly on runway but with a too high pitch condition.
    Engines hit the floor and were damaged.
  • MMRX Runway over run

    N936ML / DC9-31 / AMX250 / MEX-REX
    During adverse weather conditions on a non-precision approach, a high approach with excessive speed and long landing on a waterlogged runway resulted on an overrun.
  • MMMY Runway over run

    XA-AMF / DC9-32 / AMX254 / MMGL-MMMY
    The DC-9 overran the runway after completion of a second approach, causing the nose gear to collapse. Local authorities reported that the landing threshold for runway 29 had been displaced 900 meters due to the construction of a taxiway, leaving 2,100 meters of usable runway.