• buying alaska

    buying alaska
    on October 18th we bought Alaska at 2 cents per acer witch now Alaska takes up a 5th of the us. It was in all 7.2 million dollars and was a grate purchase.
  • The transcontinental railroad

    The transcontinental railroad
    On may 10th 1869 the transcontinental railroad was finished by Leland Stanford. This railroad connected Omaha too Sacramento witch changed the time to ship things and how long it took people to be transported.​
  • the light bulb

    the light bulb
    the light bulb was a wonderful idea that brought power and electricity into a simple light fixture. it would go on to be used on the titanic and is still used today. it was also invented by Thomas Edison
  • the car

    the car
    the 1st car was made in 1885 by a German man named Karl Benz. It has a wowing 0.75 horsepower and clocked out at 10 miles per hour this changed transportation forever.
  • basket ball invention

    basket ball invention
    basket ball was invented by a guy named James Naismith who worked at the YMCA and was looking for a game his students could play in winter. James took 2 peach baskets and put them up high so there would be less fights around the goals like in other sports.
  • the olympics

    the olympics
    in 1896 the first modern Olympics was hosted in Greece Athens to be exact. It had games such as boxing, tennis, soccer, and more.
  • the airplane

    the airplane
    the plane was invented by the wright brothers in 1903 and could transport 1-2 people on it at short distances. it is far off from what we have today but it was cool and good for the time.
  • the fda

    the fda
    president teddy Roosevelt made the FDA after he read a book called the jungle. This book depicted the filthy conditions in the Chicago meat packing industry.
  • the titanic

    the titanic
    the titanic was the biggest ship of its time it had 840 staterooms in all, 416 in First Class, 162 in Second Class, and 262 in Third Class. it was piloted by Edward J. Smith and was crashed into an iceberg sinking it.
  • The Panama cannel

    The Panama cannel
    the Panama cannel was a shortcut that connected the pacific and Atlantic oceans. this cannel made it way easier and faster to ship and transport things.