Adams massacre 1 loc.jpg  2000x1844 q85 crop subsampling 2 upscale

American Revolution

  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    The French Indian War AKA the seven years war was a conflict between France and Great Britain it was from 1754 to 1763.
  • Navigation Act

    Navigation Act
    Series of laws to use the American colonies to make Britain's economy stronger.
    Imposed restrictions on colonial trade.
    The colonies could only import goods through Britain.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This act required the colonists to pay taxes represented by a stamp on papers, documents, and cards
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act said that Great Britain would keep soldiers in American Barracks and in public houses, and if there wasn't room they would be put in barns, inns, and other buildings.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    This act was a series of laws passed by British government which placed new taxes and took away some freedom from the colonists.