Graduate High School
This is the day I will graduate high school. I hope to graduate with at least two types of scholorships and a 3.8< GPA. I also hope to graduate in the top two of my class. -
Start College at Penn State
I hope to attend college at Penn State. Penn State is in the top 1% of universities worldwide. While there, I hope to major in different science classes, since considering Optometry as my occupation would mainly deal with science courses. My estimated tuition and fees would be about $25,406 per Academic Year. My estimated rent, meals, and books price would be about $14,814 per Academic Year. When you add all of that, it rounds out to about $40,220 per Academic Year. -
Graduate from College
I'll graduate college after eight grueling years-in the year 2024. I hope to graduate with all A's and B's and with some type of honors. I hope to also have some type of internship so I can start off my own business as soon as possible after I have experience. -
First day of work
After a month from graduating college, I hope to have a job at a local eye clinic; for example-vision care. -
Hopefully by this time, I'll recieve some type of promotion from my job. This will give me a boost for starting my own business. -
Moving time!
If I ever decide to move, I would prefer moving the summer before I hope to start my own business. This would give myself enough time to get settled down but still maintain my job after college for a good amount of time. -
Starting my own business
After five years of free time from graduating college, I hope to have started by own business. I would probably try to place the business 20 minutes or less from wherever I live. -
Hopefully, I'll be around the age of 65 when I fully retire from being an Optometrist.
...time to relax!