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  • The steam engine

    The steam engine
    Created by James Watt. The steam engine is an external combustion engine that transforms the thermal energy of a quantity of water into mechanical energy.
  • First polish partition

    First polish partition
    Parts of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are divided between the powers of Prussia, Russia and the Austrian Empire.
  • Period: to

    USA Independence

    It was an armed conflict that was part of the American Revolution, in which American independence forces organized as the Continental Army and commanded by George Washington defeated the British Army of the United Kingdom. The conflict was fought in North America, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris, which resulted in the United Kingdom finally recognizing the independence of the United States.
  • Period: to

    The french revolution

    It was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, which convulsed France during the Ancien Régime, and other countries by extension of its implications.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic wars

    series of wars that took place between the First French Empire under Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte and a fluctuating series of European coalitions. They were in part an extension of the conflicts that arose in the wake of the French Revolution and the French Revolutionary.
  • Period: to

    Independence of spanish territory in America

    During these years, the territories from Mexico to Patagonia became independent from the Spanish crown, leaving only Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  • Spanish independence

    Spanish independence
    It was a military conflict within the context of the Napoleonic Wars, which pitted the allied powers of Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal against Napoleon Bonaparte,
  • Congress of VIenna

    Congress of VIenna
    international meeting held in the capital of the Austrian Empire, convened with the aim of reestablishing the borders of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte and reorganizing the political ideologies of the Ancien Régime.