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Major Culture Events 1400s-1700s

  • 1489

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a time from the 14th-17th centuries where several cultural, artistic, political, and intellectual ideas would start a resurgence. The Renaissance led to a focus on human potential and accomplishments compared to the past period which was focused on religion. Some famous figures of this time include Niccolo Machiavelli, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Leonardo da Vinci. Lasted from the 14th-17th century.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The Columbian Exchange caused major changes as the Europeans brought things that the Native Americans had never seen before. Some of what was traded was food and animals. This allowed the age of Native Americans to increase because of a diverse diet. Diseases such as smallpox and malaria devasted the Native population killing many of them. This lasted from 1492 to the 18th century this long period led to the mass destruction of culture and identity in the Native American culture.
  • 1495

    Warring Between Europeans and Natives

    Warring Between Europeans and Natives
    Warring with the Europeans, led to the destruction and displacement of Native Americans. This lasted from when Columbus showed up to the late 1400s and early 1900s. These led to the displacements of them over time from the Indian Removal Act to the Trail of Tears. This then caused the loss of the culture as they were killed and moved across America.
  • 1500


    Diseases were brought over the moment Columbus stepped on the continent. Smallpox is disease where rashes develop into pus-filled blisters and a high fever. This disease devastated the Native Americans that had no immunity to it nor medicine that could treat it. More than 300,000 people died from this disease alone but it’s believed that this disease has killed more than half a billion people in the entire world. This disease has been eradicated since the 1980s.
  • 1500


    Religion was a major part of the entire expansion into the New World. Missionaries came from all over Europe to spread the word of God. These missionaries would try to convert Natives to Christianity forcefully by not allowing them to speak their Native languages, practice traditions, and separating families. This led to their history struggling to be passed on as kids could not be taught these stories in their native tongue if they were assimilated. This lasted from the 1500s to the 1900s.
  • 1514

    Age Of Exploration

    Age Of Exploration
    The Age of Exploration would lead several European powers to the Americas such as Spain, Portugal, England, France, and even The Netherlands, Sweden, and Scotland. All these European identities would be spread into the entire world with colonization. Spreading European cultural norms and ideologies onto indigenous populations. This started in America after Columbus visited America and would last until the early 1900s
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    Protestant Reformation started in the early 1500s led by Martin Luther led people to challenge the Catholic Church. These challenges led to split between Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians. The split between the church led to wars such as the 30 Years War and The French Wars of Religion. This split is still reflected to this day with religious conflicts in the Balkans and Northern Ireland show how this still affects the identity of Protestants and Catholics.
  • 1519

    Introduction to Horses for Native Americans

    Introduction to Horses for Native Americans
    Horses were a beneficial thing that the Europeans brought to the Americas. The Native Americans used these horses to hunt bigger game such as buffalo. It also became a staple to their culture being integrated into song and traditions. These were brought over almost immediately and would continue to be the main mode of transportation for most civilizations until the invention of the locomotive happened. They were introduced in 1519 after Europeans brought them over.
  • 1526

    Transatlantic Slave Trade

    Transatlantic Slave Trade
    The change of the West African economy to focus more on capturing and trading slaves caused a major impact in the way the area developed. The start of this trading is believed to be in 1526 and ended in the late 1800s. European traders would go to certain ports in Africa and buy African slaves in trade for European ideas, gold, and guns. These then could be used to assert more power over smaller tribes and enslaving them making an endless loop of slave trading to make money.
  • 1550

    Social Divide in Africa

    Social Divide in Africa
    The trade in Africa led to growing social inequalities as the kings that made the most profit from the slave trade made more money than peasants. This created more social inequality this would lead to conflict as the kingdoms wanted to become the ones with the most money. These social inequalities are still high to this day with 10% of the population holding a disproportionate share of wealth. While the bottom 50% possess a very small portion. Starts with slave trading lasts to this day.
  • Demographic Decline

    Demographic Decline
    Demographic decline of Africa was caused by the Transatlantic Slave Trade led to major problems. The mass extraction of people from Africa led to the decline of culture and labor forces as these were sacrificed. The kingdoms could make money much faster by conquering other kingdoms, enslaving their people, and selling them to the Europeans. With the mass exodus what those people had with them in Africa left as well with the skills and knowledge of people leaving Africa. Started in the 1600s-1700
  • African Syncretism

    African Syncretism
    As the mass extraction of Africans kept on going when they arrived in America their cultures combined with the Europeans and Native Americans. This combination of cultures led to new identities rising such as new languages such as Creole. Another aspect of the syncretism was the creation of new religions such as Haitian Voduo. These religions often combined West African beliefs and traditions with Christianity. Started after the demographic decline of Africa (1500s-1700s).
  • Rise & Fall of the Kingdom of Kongo

    Rise & Fall of the Kingdom of Kongo
    The Kingdom of Kongo would rise in the late 1400s. This kingdom is in the present location of Northern Angola and Southern Democratic Republic of Congo. This kingdom would make most of its profit by high taxes and later slave trading. It would become a major slave trading partner for the Europeans particularly to the Portuguese. Even though it was a major power it would collapse from the large necessity of slave trading and internal division being created collapsing in the early 1700s.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War involved mainly the French and British Empire and spanned several continents. The war would result in an English and Prussian victory. This would cause several French colonies lost particularly in America such as French Canada and Louisianna Colony. This had a major cost to the British though and they had to make their money back, so they raised taxes in the 13 Colonies. This would later cause the American Revolution and changing the course of history forever.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was a revolution where people living in the 13 Colonies would rise up for independence. They started this because of the British Empire taxing the 13 Colonies in order to make more money since they were in debt from the Seven Year War. The Americans, French, and Spanish won against the British creating the independent country of the United States of America. This country has changed the course of history kick starting decolonization and democracy worldwide.