Electricity Timeline

  • 1752

    Ben Franklin (U.S.) tied a key to a kite string during a thunderstorm, and proved that static electricity and lightning were the same thing.
  • 1835

    Joseph Henry(U.S.) invented the electrical relay, which could send electrical currents long distances.
  • 1837

    Thomas Davenport(U.S.) invented the electric motor, an invention that is used in most electrical appliances today.
  • 1884

    Nikola Tesla (U.S. immigrant from Austrian Empire) invented the electric alternator for producing alternating current (AC). Until this time, electricity had been generated using direct current (DC) from batteries. Sir Charles Algernon Parsons(England) invented a steam turbine generator, capable of generating huge amounts of electricity.
  • 1882

    Thomas Edison (U.S.) opened the Pearl Street Power Station in New York City. The Pearl Street Station was one of the world's first central electric power plants and could power 5,000 lights. The Pearl Street Station was a direct current (DC) power system, unlike the power systems that we use today which use alternating current (AC). The first hydroelectric station opened in Wisconsin. Edward Johnson first put electric lights on a Christmas tree.
  • 2001

    : The iPOD, a portable media player, was launched by the Apple Corporation.