Severus Alexander is assassinated
The emporor Severus Alexander is murdered by his own soldiers, setting off the Imperial Crisis, 50 years of chaos and fighting for power. The Empire breaks into factions. -
Period: 235 to 270
Imperial Crisis
The Roman Empire is in crisis as barbarians invade and the Empire splinters. -
Aurelian reunites the Empire
Emperor Aurelian reunites the Empire, but it doesn't last. He is assassinated in 275 B.C. -
The Empire is divided into two parts
Diocletian divides the Empire into Eastern and Western parts, appointing Maximian to be the emperor of the Western side while he ruled the Eastern. -
Diocletian retires
Power in the Western Empire is handed over to Maxentius and Constantine, who battle each other for power. -
Constantine defeats Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge
Constantine takes control of the Western Empire after defeating Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. -
Period: 312 to 337
Rule of Constantine
Constantine defeats Licinius and Martinian and becomes the sole Roman Emperor, legalizes Christianity and founds the city of Constantinople. -
Founding of Constantinople
Constantine founds the city of Constantinople, which becomes an important city and will later be known as Istanbul. It will become the seat of the Roman, Byzantine, Latin, and Ottoman empires over the centuries. -
Invasion of the Barbarians
Goths cross the Danube fleeing the Huns, invading the Eastern Empire, followed by additional invasions. The Roman armies are unable to respond effectively. -
Battle of Adrianople
The Roman Empire under Emperor Valens is defeated by the Visigoth army led by King Fritigern. Emperor Valens is killed. -
Period: 379 to 395
Reign of Theodosius
Stability is briefly restored under the reign of Theodosius. -
Theodosius dies
Theodosius dies in 395, leaving the Empire split into East and West under his sons Arcadius and Honorius. Vandal general Stilicho becomes Honorius' guardian since he is only 11. -
Period: 401 to 410
Invasion of the Visigoths
Under the leadership of Alaric, the Visigoths repeatedly attack Rome. -
Arcadius dies
Arcadius' death leaves the Eastern empire to his son, Theodosius II, who is 7 years old. -
Stilicho is excuted
Stilicho is executed because of rumors about his plans to take the throne. This leads to the defection of many barbarian soldiers to Alaric. -
Sack of Rome by the Visigoths
The Visigoths sack the city of Rome, marking the fall of the Western Empire. -
Vandal invasion begins
Gaiseric, the king of the Vandals and Alans invades North Africa. -
Period: 434 to 453
Attack of the Huns
The Huns invade and attack Italy and the Mediterranean coast. -
Vandals take Carthage
The Vandals take over Carthage, cutting off Rome's supply of grain. -
Peace treaty between the Romans and Vandals
A peace treaty is signed that includes a promise that the daughter of the emperor Valentinian III and the son of King Gaiseric. -
Rome pays tribute to Attila
The Roman Empire pays a big tribute to the Huns to stop them from attacking Rome further. -
Atilla the Hun dies
The death of Attila the Hun on his wedding night in 435 ends the aggression of the Huns towards Rome. -
Sack of Rome by the Vandals
King Gaiseric and the Vandals take Rome, but Pope Leo is able to prevent destruction of the city by negotiating with them. The popes power becomes greater than the Emperor's, marking another stage of decline. -
Valentinian III is murdered
Valentinian's successor, Petronius Maximus, violates the peace treaty with the Vandals by marrying his son to Valentinian's daughter. This leads the Vandals to invade. -
Romulus Augustulus is overthrown
German leader Odoacer overthrows the Roman Emperor and effectively ends the rule of the Romans in the West.Ooacer makes himself King of Italy.