Historical Events 1877- to the present day

  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    The Gilded Age was a turning point in early America by the rapid Industrialization, new technologies, bigger business, labor unions and political corruption.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War was a short time period of conflict between America and Spain. The U.S wanted more control across the world "world power" and Spain lost control over overseas empires.
  • Progressive Era

    Progressive Era
    The Progressive Era was the influence on business expansion in the United States. The progressives were trying to help benefit Americans by making American society a better, and safer place to live.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The "Global War" that was fought between Central powers, and the Allied powers The war was one of the deadliest wars and The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the immediate cause of the war.
  • The Roaring 20's

    The Roaring 20's
    The roaring 20's was the social change, and cultural change in America. A boom in the economy allowed for new inventions and different dance and clothing bold styles for women in this Era. Jazz and Flapper girls were a huge hit in the 1920's
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Stock market invested hoping it would increase with value, U.S Citizens borrowed money to purchase stocks. This led to over-speculation and the Stock Market crashed because banks were unable to repay their loans. Banks shut down and people went to get their money, banks didn't have it families lost their money.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal was new public work events, and financial reforms and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to help out from the Great Depression disaster.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was a mass killing of Jews and people not of the "Aryan" race. 6 million Jews are estimated in death. Adolf Hitler was a communist leader who wanted to take all control of Europe and expand to the entire world.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    A global war affecting the Axis and the Allied countries, 70 million people on average died due to the war. The start of the war was the Holocaust and the genocide of Jews by the Nazi in Germany, attack of pearl harbor was the reason the U.S got involved in the war.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    A period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their re-presentable allies.The US adopted a policy of "containment" to prevent the spread of communism. Communism was feared in the United States after all the monstrosity happened.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korea War was the issue between North and South Korea. The United nations and United States participated on South Korea's side during the war to help them. In 1953 the fighting ended and North and South Korea divided into 2 hostile sides.
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights Movement was the hope and start to equal rights for Black individuals in the United States. This movement aimed for equals rights and ending discrimination and ending racial segregation. Many Black individuals stood up for what they had believed and took acts of boldness for a better change in society. Such as Emit Tills story, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a conflict between the communist country of North Vietnam with the Soviet union and China. The United States was included to help stop the spread of communism. They supported South Vietnam.
  • The Bays of Pigs Invasion

    The Bays of Pigs Invasion
    Fidel Castro an ally of the Soviet Union led to a revolution in Cuba, U.S attempted to remove Castro. The Soviet Union saw a sign of weakness that sent missals to Cuba.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin wall was the Cold War's dividing up. The Fall of the wall opened up decades of separation of families from each side of the wall. This led to the eventual fall of the Soviet Union.
  • September 11th Terrorist

    September 11th Terrorist
    9/11, were four coordinated Islamist terrorist Attacks in America the most common one was the 2 plane crashes into the twin towers part of the world trade center. One in the Pentagon and one in a Pennsylvania field.
  • The War In Afghanistan

    The War In Afghanistan
    War In Afghanistan was for about 20 year conflict due to the following the major terrorist attack in America. This was an invasion by the United States to war in Afghanistan.
  • The Iraq War

    The Iraq War
    The Iraq War was a conflict between the U.S Invasion of Iraq. There were thoughts of Iraq having sponsorship with terrorism. This ended with the U.S troops withdrawing from war in 2011. This led to an overthrow with the leader.
  • The Election of Barack Obama

    The Election of Barack Obama
    The election of Barack Obama was a big thing in the U.S presidential election because He was the first Black President in the role of President leader in the United States.
  • COVID 19

    COVID 19
    COVID 19 was a massive world pandemic in 2019 where it first originated in China and it was brought over to the U.S in 2020. This virus broke out to the whole world and effected every single country. The world shut down and many company shut down and quarantine was occurring everywhere.