Carrera universitaria ingenieria ambiental


  • 1500

    MAY 8, 1500 Aqueduct construction

    MAY 8, 1500 Aqueduct construction
    The Romans built aqueducts to prevent droughts and provide the city with Rome with a clean and healthy water source this is done since it became apparent that health and well-being are closely related to the quality of its environment.
  • Sep 25, 1550

    Hydraulic Construction

    Hydraulic Construction
    In the 15th century, Bavaria created laws that restricted the development and degradation of the Alpine country, these worked on the construction of a water supply for the region.

    Environmental engineering had its beginnings in the 19th century in the city of London, when it was established that a sewage system had to be built to avoid diseases such as cholera.
  • Emergence of Modern Environmental Engineering

    Emergence of Modern Environmental Engineering
    Modern environmental engineering began in London in the mid-19th century when Joseph Bazargette designed the first sewer system that reduced the incidence of waterborne diseases, such as cholera. This construction was called a wastewater purifier.
  • Conservation Movements and Laws

    Conservation Movements and Laws
    In the nineteenth century several societies generated conservation movements and laws to restrict public actions that could harm the environment for a long time. Notable examples of this are the laws that enact sewer constructions in London and Paris.

    In the twentieth century in London the city of origin of environmental engineering laws arise to restrict man-made actions that harm the environment.
  • Environmental pollution

    Environmental pollution
    The field is an emerging environmental discipline of the twentieth century, in response to widespread public concern about water, pollution and degradation, which are increasingly wide in terms of environmental quality. However, its roots date back to the first efforts in public health engineering.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the system of environmental parks in the USA was created.
  • DDT Creation

    DDT Creation
    The widespread application of DDT to control agricultural pests in the years of the Second World War, while agricultural and health benefits proved to be exceptional, world hunger was reduced, numerous species were pushed to the brink of extinction due to the impact of DDT on their reproductive cycles.
  • Birth of Environmental Engineering

  • Law 2 of 1959

    Creation of Law 2 of 1959 with which the first forest conservation areas in Colombia were determined
  • The first notions

    The first notions of Environmental Engineering begin to appear in Colombia
  • First studies

    The Engineer Germán García carries out the first studies to start the Environmental Engineering degree at the los Andes

    The INDERENA is created, being the first effort of the country to form a structure of protection, management, surveillance and control of Renewable Natural Resources
  • Roma Club

    Roma Club
    PLACE: Rome It is a non-governmental organization founded in Rome, in 1968, by a small group of people among which there are scientists and politicians.The Club of Rome commissioned the well-known report The limits to growth commissioned to MIT and published in 1972, shortly before of the first oil crisis and that has had several updates
    * Deterioration of the physical environment
    * Crisis of the institutions
    * Bureaucracy
    * Disposal of youth
  • 1970

    Introduction of Environmental Engineering to the University of the Andes and Colombia
  • Environmental Engineering in Colombia

    Environmental Engineering in Colombia
    The emergence and evolution of environmental engineering in Colombia begins, which is directed by Carlos Amayo, which initially emerged as a course in which there were two: a basic one that was environmental engineering I that was offered for all undergraduate courses but as of the fifth semester, and another more specific one, this was only offered for the civil engineering career but from the sixth semester.
  • First forum

    The first national forum on environment in Colombia was held
  • Pollution

    The problem of pollution is raised

    At the beginning of 1971, the "first national environmental forum" was created in Colombia at the University of the Andes, this event marked the beginning of a chain of successful events, which have since been held in this country, with the help of the faculty of Engineering and other professors.
  • Convention Relating to Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)

    Convention Relating to Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention)
    It is a treaty that serves as a framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and rational use of wetlands and their resources.
    Conservation and wise use of wetlands through actions to achieve sustainable development
    Important pillars were designated in which they commit to; work, guarantee and cooperate in the use and management of wetlands.
    The vast majority of the EUROPEAN UNION.

    Mexico established in the year 1971 the Federal Law to Prevent and Control Environmental Pollution and from this moment began institutional efforts in the country to develop methodologies and mechanisms aimed at assessing the Environmental Impact on the various productive activities.
  • Stockholm Earth Summit

    Stockholm Earth Summit
    Sweden, June 5-16, 1972.
    It was the first major UN conference on international environmental issues, and marked a turning point in the development of international environmental policy
    The conference was opened and directed by Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme.
    *Protecting and improving the environment.
    COUNTRIES: With the assistance of 113 countries, 19 intergovernmental organizations, and more than 400 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations

    In Stockholm the first global meeting on the Human Environment was held, it aroused the universal interest in the degradation of the global environment and the need to take urgent measures to counteract it.
  • International Environment Day

    It was established this day by the General Assembly of the United Nations, whose objective is to sensitize the world regarding environmental issues
  • Decree Law 2811 of 1974

    The creation of the National Renewable Natural Resources Code was created
  • International agreement

    The first international agreement on liability for damages caused by pollution of sea waters with hydrocarbons is made
  • Montreal Protocol

    Montreal Protocol
    PLACE: Canada, Montreal
    OBJECTIVE: It is a protocol of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, designed to protect the ozone layer by reducing the production and consumption of numerous substances that have been studied that react with ozone and are believed to be responsible of depletion of the ozone layer. The agreement was negotiated in 1987 and entered into force on January 1, 1989.
  • Environmental Engineering in new universities

    The Environmental Engineering degree starts in more universities
  • Approval

    The Vienna Convention is approved for the protection of the ozone layer
  • United Nations Conference

    United Nations Conference
    Rio de Janeiro - June 3 to 14, 1992.
    172 governments, including 108 heads of state and government, approved:
    * Program 21, a global action plan to promote sustainable development.
    * Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, a set of principles that defined the civil rights and obligations of States.
    * Declaration of principles related to forests, a series of guidelines for the most sustainable management of forests in the world.
  • Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro

    Earth Summit of Rio de Janeiro
    PLACE: Rio de Janeiro - June 3 to 14, 1992 CONCEPT AND OBJECTIVE: It takes into account issues related to health, housing, air pollution, management of the seas, forests and mountains, desertification, water resources management and sanitation, agriculture management , waste management. Even today, Program 21 is the reference for the application of sustainable development in the territories.
    178 participating countries
  • Creation of the Ministry

    The Ministry of the Environment is created, the public sector responsible for the management and conservation of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources is reordered
  • Decree 948 of 1995

    The regulation of protection and control of air quality is created
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    They pledged to execute a set of measures to reduce greenhouse gases.
    The signatory governments of these countries agreed to reduce pollutant emissions by at least 5% on average between 2008 and 2012, taking 1990 levels as a reference. The agreement entered into force on February 16, 2005.
    Participating countries:
    *The European Union.
  • Johannesburg Earth Summit

    Johannesburg Earth Summit
    It is an opportunity for the world to move towards a sustainable future, in which people can meet their needs without harming the environment.
    This meeting was intended to offer an environmental discourse as part of the awareness work on the importance of sustainable development.
    The Summit culminated with a clear and unambiguous statement that will reaffirm the determination to work for sustainable development.
    180 Governments

    It was performed in Kyoto, Osaka and Shiga, Japan. The event had 24 thousand participants from more than 170 countries. The meeting, organized by the World Bank, the World Water Council and the governments of Japan and the Netherlands, will bring together the greatest international specialists.
  • Roterdam Convention

    Roterdam Convention
    The Rotterdam Convention is a relatively new international treaty in the field of chemical management. It was opened for signature at a Plenipotentiary Conference held in Rotterdam (Netherlands), in September 1998. It entered into force on February 24, 2004, after the 50th instrument of ratification was deposited. At the date of its first meeting, in September 2004, the Conference of the Parties had 73 members.

    The IV World Water Forum began on Thursday, March 16, 2006 in Mexico City, Mexico, and will continue until March 22. The participants met in the morning in the Plenary, to listen to the opening speeches, which were followed by the presentation of the King Hassan II World Water Grand Prix, a special dissertation about the connection between the III and the IV Forum, and an introductory round table on the World Water Forum that took place in the afternoon.
  • Environmental Engineering at the Santo Tomás University

    Reaffirming its nature as a “General Study University” for the understanding, development and management of the different fields of knowledge, the Santo Tomás University incorporates the Environmental Engineering degree
  • International Tropical Timber Agreement 2006

    International Tropical Timber Agreement 2006
    Este convenio es el tratado internacional por el cual se rige la OIMT. Entró en vigor el 7 de Diciembre de 2011, en reemplazo del anterior Convenio Internacional de las Maderas Tropicales de 1994.
  • Environmental Engineering and its development as a profession

    The environmental engineering was reformed remaining as a fundamental profession in the environment for the protection and improvement of the environment
  • Colombian Environmental Summit, Guaduadas

    Colombian Environmental Summit, Guaduadas
    Country where it took place: Colombia, municipality of Guaduas Participants: The British Embassy, ​​The Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute - IGAC, the District Secretary of Environment and etc.
    Objective: to open spaces for participation and social organization, a fundamental point for the construction of solutions to the conflicts and environmental problems of our country.

    The world risks climate anarchy by the Kyoto Protocol, the only legislation in force in the world to deal with global warming, the day the new United Nations summit on the climate crisis begins.
  • Environmental Engineering at the USTA

    The Environmental Engineering program was opened at the Aguas Claras campus in Villavicencio (Meta), through Resolution 3086 of March 23, 2012 of MEN
  • International seminar "Adaptation to climate change and development locomotives"

    International seminar "Adaptation to climate change and development locomotives"
    Country Colombia
    Participants: Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia (leading environmental economist at the World Bank), Peter Newborne (researcher at the Overseas Development Institute London), Salvador Rueda (director of the Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona)
    Objectives: To analyze the regulatory, economic and legal framework for adaptation to climate change and its relationship with some productive sectors of Colombia.
    - Evaluate the sectoral, ecosystem and population climate risk
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Conference (Rio + 20 Summit)

    United Nations Sustainable Development Conference (Rio + 20 Summit)
    It is an opportunity to define the paths to a sustainable future, a future with more jobs, more clean energy, a decent standard of living for all. etc
    Ensure a political agreement on sustainable development, assessing progress and addressing new challenges.
    Equity and guarantees the protection of the environment on a very populated planet, through topics such as economics and ecology.
    World leaders, NGOs and other private sector groups.
  • Environmental Engineering at the USTA

    Work begins in the Bucaramanga section with the endorsement of the MEN with Resolution 19500 of November 14, 2014
  • III Cooperative Summit of the Americas

    III Cooperative Summit of the Americas
    Country: Colombia, Cartagena de Indias
    Participating Countries: 30 countries of America and the European Union
    Objective: the meeting Cooperation between Latin America and Europe: contributions for sustainable and inclusive development, strengthening the integration of cooperatives as a movement and in articulation with the other social actors involved in the transformation processes.
    Results: Collect the commitments established from the conclusions of the meetings and assemblies
  • Environmental Engineering at the USTA

    Work begins in the Tunja section from 2015-I, endorsed by Resolution 14699 of September 10, 2014 of the MEN
  • XVI Colombian Oil and Gas Congress 2015

    XVI Colombian Oil and Gas Congress 2015
    Country Colombia
    Participants: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Spain, United States, France, Mexico, Peru, Czech Republic and Venezuela and Colombia.
    Objective: to deliver an academic and technological legacy for the development and good use of non-renewable resources.
    Results: Establish in the country specializations and studies of third and fourth level in various branches of petroleum engineering with the appropriate accreditations, giving to universities.
  • Sustainable Development Goals

    Sustainable Development Goals
    It is a set of global objectives to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity.
    End of poverty, Zero hunger, Health, Education, Gender equality, Clean water, Affordable energy, Climate action, Underwater life, Sustainable cities and communities. etc.
    To reach the goals and / or objectives, everyone has to promote solutions.etc
    Governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you
  • XXI Climate Change Conference

    XXI Climate Change Conference
    Country: Paris, France
    Participating Countries: 195
    Objective: to decarbonize the production of electricity and reduce the energy obtained from fossil fuels while still offering a high standard of living
    Results: The text, which was achieved after two weeks of negotiations within the COP21 climate meeting, must now be ratified by 55 countries representing at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • XIX Colombian Mining Congress

    XIX Colombian Mining Congress
    Country Colombia
    Participating Countries: Canada, Brazil, Germany, Chile and USA
    Objective: Development of compensation proposals and impact management, Knowledge and use of the territory's resources
    Results: knowledge transfer, good practices, standardization and standardization in the Colombian mining industry and in the territories with mining potential, in such a way that skills are acquired and thus make the best use of mineral resources.