100 BCE
Epitaph of Sicylum
The Epitaph of Sicylus is the oldest complete musical composition currently preserved, it is a part of a Greek inscription written on a marble column placed over the tomb that Sicylus had built for his wife Euterpe. -
Period: 476 to 1453
Middle Ages
Gregorian chant
The Gregorian was the liturgical chant of the church of Rome, influenced by the Gallican in the second half of the 8th century, whose extension to the entire West took place at the same time as that of the Latin rite itself, of which it was the acoustic expression. -
Guido d’Arezzo
Guido d'Arezzo; was an Italian Benedictine monk and musical theorist who constitutes one of the central figures of the music of the Middle Ages along with Hucbaldo. His fame as a pedagogue was legendary in the Middle Ages and today he is remembered for the development of a notation system that specifies the pitch of the sound using lines and spaces, as well as for the dissemination of a sight-singing method based on the syllables ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la. -
Léonin or Magister Leoninus is, along with Perotín, the first known composer of polyphonic organum, related to the School of Notre Dame. An anonymous English monk, currently known by the name Anonymous IV, wrote a century after his death that Léonin was the best composer of organum for the expansion of divine service. This is the only written reference we have of Léonin. -
Perotín, called in French Pérotin le Grand or in Latin Magister Perotinus Magnus, was a medieval French composer, who was born in Paris between 1155 and 1160 and died around 1230. Considered the most important composer of the School of Notre Dame of Paris, in which The polyphonic style began to take shape. He revised the Grand livre d'organum between 1180 and 1190. -
Ars antiqua
Ars antiqua, ars veterum and ars vetus are terms that musicology uses to refer to the polyphonic music of a period that was not entirely specific but in any case prior to the fourteenth century, which developed especially brilliantly in France and which had as its main manifestation the polytextual motet. -
Ars antiqua
Ars antiqua, also called Ars veterum, refers to the music of Europe of the late Middle Ages approximately between 1170 and 1310, covering the period of the Notre Dame School of polyphony and the years after. It includes the 12th and 13th centuries. This is followed by other periods in the history of medieval music called ars nova and ars subtilior. -
Ars nova
Ars nova is an expression due to the theorist Philippe de Vitry that designates musical production, both French and Italian, after the last works of the ars antiqua until the predominance of the Burgundian school, which will occupy first place in the musical panorama of the West. in the 15th century. -
Oct 12, 1492
Descubrimiento de América
Descubrimiento de América es la denominación que recibe la llegada a América de una expedición proveniente de Castilla dirigida por Cristóbal Colón por mandato de los Reyes Católicos, Isabel I de Castilla y Fernando II de Aragón. -
1 guerra mundial
La Primera Guerra Mundial, también llamada anteriormente "La Gran Guerra", fue un conflicto militar de carácter mundial, aunque centrado en Europa, que empezó el 28 de julio de 1914 y finalizó el 11 de noviembre de 1918, cuando Alemania aceptó las condiciones del armisticio. -
2 Guerra mundial
La Segunda Guerra Mundial1 fue un conflicto militar global que se desarrolló entre 1939 y 1945. En ella se vieron implicadas la mayor parte de las naciones del mundo incluidas todas las grandes potencias, así como prácticamente todas las naciones europeas agrupadas en dos alianzas militares enfrentadas: los Aliados, por un lado, y las Potencias del Eje, -
Primera prueba nuclear
La prueba Trinity fue la primera prueba de un arma nuclear por los Estados Unidos. Fue la primera explosión nuclear de la historia realizada por el ser humano. -
Chernobyl accident
The Chernobyl accident was a nuclear accident. It is considered the worst nuclear accident in history, and together with the Fukushima I nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, as the most serious on the International Nuclear Accident Scale. -
Caída de la URSS
La Unión Soviética oficialmente denominada Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas, fue un Estado socialista federal que se extendió por Europa del Este y Asia del Norte , compuesto por varias Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas -
Atentado de la torres gemelas
Los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 fueron una serie de 4 ataques terroristas suicidas de corte yihadista cometidos en los Estados Unidos la mañana del martes 11 de septiembre de 2001, por el grupo terrorista Al Qaeda.