
Renaissance & Reformation TImeline

  • Jan 1, 1095

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    The catholic church was selling indulgences. Indulgences are a free pass through purgatory. They sold the indulgences to help pay for the building of the new Basilica.
    "Similarities and Differences WKSHT"
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    Another thing the church did was collected relics. Relics are like prized possessions. They then charged people to go see the relics. Also to help pay for the new Basilica.
    "Similarities and Differences WKSHT"
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Catholic Church

    Catholic Church
    One thing that was really bad about the church was that the priest taught basically what he wanted. Due to the fact most people couldn't read latin, what the bible was written in, the priests could say what they wanted because the people didn't know any better.
    "Similarities and Differences WKSHT"
  • Jan 1, 1305


    There was an artist named Giotto. He was kind of the first person to paint with the new idea of having depth in the paintings. He also made look almost 3D. It gave the painting so much more contrast and interest.Giotto lived before the renaissance but his paintings are known to be quite emotional. Giotto painted the Arena Chapel in 1334. The chapel was constructed in the early 1300s
    "Art Reading & Review"
  • Apr 8, 1341

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    At a ceremony in Rome Petrarch became a poet. Petrarch is a weel known man for renaissance literature.
  • Jan 1, 1350


    During the renaissance, the peasants were mostly farm workers. They did start becoming free during the renaissance.
    "Life During the Renaissance"
  • Jan 1, 1350


    One thing that was important during the renaissance was trade. Due to trade different goods got around and really helped the renaissance. There were main trade centers. They were Venice and Florence. They were able to get two new products, they were turkey and sweet potatoes.
    "Life During the Renaissance"
  • Jan 1, 1350


    Family was like security. Marriages were arranged by the fathers of the female. The children would only be 2 or three when the marriages would be arranged. The mans family would be given some money. The man was the basis of the family. He ruled the roof and made all decisions. The mother was just a supervisor.
    "Life During the Renaissance"
  • Jan 1, 1374

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    The Vita Christi was written by Ludolph of Saxony. It was in a book in 1474. In the 16th century, it became famous in St Ignatius Loyola.
  • Jan 1, 1388

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    Wycliffe's Bible was revised by John Purvey. He and his followers begin to get persecuted. For their thoughts and actions.
  • Jan 1, 1410


    Mechanical clocks are believed to be invented during the Renaissance. The clocks are believed to have been made in 1410 in Florence, Italy by a man named Filippo Brunelleschi.
  • Jan 1, 1417


    Donatello another Renaissance artist made a sculpture of Saint George. The sculpture was one of the most detailed ever made. The figure contained a very detailed shield. Donatello also showed veins in the figure. He finished making the sculpture
  • Jan 1, 1440


    The printing press was a very famous invention during the renaissance. Due to the printing press Luther's ideas spread rather quickly. This also helped the thought of Lutheranism. Due to the many copies distributed many people were influenced and started following Martin.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation"
  • Apr 15, 1452


    Leonardo Da Vinci was a very famous artist. His two most famous works are "The Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper". Da Vinci Was born on April 15, 1452. He was the idea of a renaissance man.
  • Apr 9, 1492

    Lorenzo Medici

    Lorenzo Medici
    Lorenzo Medici was a famous patron. He helped out the artists Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. He also sponsored Botticelli. Lorenzo ended up dying April 9, 1492.
    "Medici Reading & Review"
  • Jan 1, 1494


    Ludovico Sforza was one of Da Vinci's patrons. Their patronage lasted for seventeen years. Sforza was the only patron of Da Vinci's that lasted more than 5 years. In 1494 Sforza became the Duke of Milan.
  • Nov 2, 1512


    Art really took off during the renaissance. Michaelangelo was another famous painter. He painted the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. The painting took four years to complete. He finally finished in 1512. To actually do the painting he had to lay on his back on a scaffold.
    "Art Reading & Review"
  • Jan 1, 1515


    Michelangelo also carved a statue of Moses. This was a real statement for this time period. This statue was super detailed. It was so detailed it contained muscles and even veins. The statue was finished in 1515
    "Art Reading & Review"
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was upset with the churches teachings. He then proceeded to write his 95 theses. Luther posted these on the Cathedral where everyone could see it. They were then copied and spread out with the help of the printing press.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation"
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin was asked to recant 41 of his theses. He refused and was excommunicated/kicked out of the church.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation"
  • Jan 1, 1522

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther then took it to the next level. Since the bible was in Latin the common folk couldn't read it. He rewrote the bible in German so people could read it.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation"
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Considered the father of modern science Galileo discovered 4 moons of Jupiter. He had invented a new and improved telescope based off of an older model. He had discovered four new "stars" in January of 1610.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Francis Bacon came up with a system to help solve science questions. This became known as the Scientific Method. The scientific method is still used today and is very popular. He then wrote a book "New Instrument" in 1620.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Sir Isaac Newton is very well known to the day. He made a remarkable discovery. He had found out that white light is made up of many different colors. He also worked to come up with the system of math that is called calculus today. Newton gave lectures talking about his works and findings in 1672.
  • Inventions

    Steam engines were invented during the Renaissance in 1698. Thomas Savery was considered the first to make a steam engine that would actually work.