Revolutionary Catalonia

  • Period: to

    Santiago Casares Quiroga Prime Minister

    Pretty incompetent and didn't give the trade unions and other workers groups weapons which exacerbated the coup.
  • Nationalist Coup Starts

  • Period: to

    José Giral Prime Minister

    Formed a government with only left Republicans
  • Central Antifascist Military Comittee Founded

    created by the Generalitat of Catalonia Lluis Comapnys under pressure of CNT-FAI. Acted as a dual power along with the Catalonia government, Generalitat. Basically was the power of the left-wing militias.
  • Regional Plenum of the Anarchists Groups of Catalonia meet

    decree 'the requisition and collectivization of all establishments abandoned by their owners ... workers' control of banking businesses ... and particularly workers' union control of any industry that is still being run as a private company'
  • Republican Government becomes a Coalition Government

    PM Largo Caballero (UGT) accepts other leftists groups to join his government, including Basque Nationalists.
  • Central Antifascist Military Comittee Disolved

    Basically become too incompetent to do anything. Self dissolved, members then gained power and influence in Generalitat
  • Council of Aragon Founded

    CNT ran
  • Period: to

    Francisco Largo Caballero Prime Minister

    Allowed the CNT to join the government in a few key positions. Resigned after the May Days.
  • Expropritation of rebel-owned Land and its Handing Over to the Peasantry

    Communist Agricultural minister Vicente Uribe pushed this thourgh under the Caballero government. Only allowed Franco sympathizers to have their land taken away.
  • Decret de Col.lectivitzacions i Control Obrer del Consell d'Economia

    The CNT dominated Generaltit (Catalonia regional government) produced a decree collectivization of all fascist owned businesses (declared by a popular tribunal), abandoned firms, firms with >100 people and firms between 50-100 people if 3/4 of workers agreed.
  • CLUEA is founded

    Consejo Levantino de Exportacion de Agrios . Valencian UGT and CNT groups came to make this to try to collectivize the Orange exportation industry. Tried to screw over the actual conservative Orange Farmers
  • Russians tell Company's to get aide he needs to show that he's helping unite the left

    Basically this meant that he had to be 'counter revolutionary'
  • Generalitat decrees that people have right to their family farms

    As long as the land had been in use as of July 18 1936. Enforcement might of varied.
  • PSUC forges documents to steal armored cars

  • CNT kicked out of Generalitat

    Communist Party and the Generalitat dissolved the CNT's patrol and made CNT backed unions give up their weapons. CNT then withdrew from Generalitat
  • Roldan Cortada killed

    PSUC but former CNT-FAI, lead to a series of arrests
  • Anarchists use people power in telephone exchange

    Indalecio Prieto called and an anarchist operator said there is no government in Catalonia, just a defense committee. Talk between Republican and Catalan president cut off by an anarchist operator who said the phone lines should be used for more important things than just talking between leaders.
  • Shooting between FAI and Catalan Nationalists

    One FAI member died
  • PSUC police comissioner in Catalonia orders raid on CNT controlled Brcelona telephone exchange

  • Period: to

    May Days of 1937

    Spanish Republican Government, Generalitat, and Spanish Communist Party vs CNT/FAI and the POUM. Basically Republic taking back control of Catalonia from the anarchist elements
  • Period: to

    Juan Negrín is the Prime Minister

    Sought the support of the Basque Nationalists, PCE PSUOC and Socialists to get support of Stalin, continued repressing revolutionary leftism.
  • Council of Aragon Dissolved; CNT members arrested

    sources differ weather 10th or the 11th. Negrin's government wanted to centralize control and remove regional authority so he abolished Council of Aragon dominated by CNT members, and arrested many of them
  • CEA (Central ed Exportacion de Agrios)

    Basically the government in Madrid got mad at the Unions for not handling the agriculture in Valencia the right way so they took control via making the CEA. Destroyed one of few elements of union power in Valencia, and one of the most lucrative power sources.