Politics Before the Civil War

  • James Monroe is Elected

    James Monroe is Elected
    After the war of 1812 the federalist party had begun to fade. When James Monroe a democrat had won the presidency in 1816 it had caused the party to fade entirely. This resulted in the republican party's start.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise took place after Missouri had requested to join the union as a slave state. This was denied by the North due to the imbalance it would cause in the Senate. At the time Maine had also requested to be a non-slave state so the senate had decided to combine the states' requests. This led to the Missouri Compromise which was the decision proposed by Henery Clay to not have slavery on the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Whig Party Emerges

    Whig Party Emerges
    The Whig Party emerged in 1833 after Jackson's reelection. The Whig Party opposed Jackson; they wanted a stronger federal government and advocated for more industrial development throughout the country. They were unable to settle on candidates to oppose the Democratic party in the election of 1836. In the election of 1840, they wanted to entirely outst the democratic party in the election.
  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    During the election of 1844 had Senator Henry Clay as the whigs candidate and the democrats had James Polk a former congressman. Polk had promised to annex Texas but also had mentioned Oregon territory which had been in debates with Britain. The unity on annexation had caused Clay to go back on what he had said causing antislavery supporters to back the Liberty Party which supported abolition. The split had caused the Whigs to lose once again with Polk winning the election.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    A democrat named David Wilmot had proposed that slavery should not exist in territory gained from Mexico. This was never voted on due to the fact it had outraged the South due to many slave owners already having moved there but also they believed it threatened slavery through the union.
  • California Applies to be a Free State

    California Applies to be a Free State
    President Taylor had encouraged California to make their own decision on whether or not they wanted to have slavery or not. California had applied to be a non-slave state. This led to a debate due to slave states being the minority in the house and causing some states to talk about seceding from the union.
  • Great Debate

    Great Debate
    Clay had proposed 8 different resolutions presented in pairs all were intended to show the South that the North was willing to make compromises and wouldn't abuse their power. These needed the approval of Senator Calhoun where he had denied them and believed the agitation was going to destroy the south. Further, he demanded equal rights in both territories otherwise southern states would be forced to succeed.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska act would undo the missouri comprimise and split the territories. Nebraska being the north and being non-slave states and Kansas in the south. This bill outraged everyone but democrats for slavery but despite the opposition the bill was passed. This bill being passed would lead to more conflict shortly after.
  • Rebublican party emerges

    Rebublican party emerges
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act had caused the Whig party to separate into northern antislavery Whigs and southern Whigs who were pro-slavery. Former whigs who were antislavery along with some antislavery democrats had worked together during congressional elections and had adopted the name Republicans.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    During the election, the republican party had picked an explorer who had little to no political experience.The democrats on the other hand had picked a better-known person who had served on Congress and had been the American ambassador for Russia. Buchanan had hoped to bring the north and south together but believed the way to do this was heading to the south wishes. Many northern had walked out after the Kansas-Nebraska act would not be appealed.