Napoleon invades Spain
Napoleon decided to enter Spain for Portugal because he wanted to complete the continental blockade to harm England, cutting off all trade routes -
Cadiz Constitution
The constitution was approved in the war of independence and was the response of the Spanish people to the invading intentions of Napoleon Bonaparte who, taking advantage of the dynamic problems between Carlos IV and Fernando VII, wanted to constitute in Spain a satellite monarchy of the Empire, -
First Carlist War
Succession presented a problem in the Spanish monarchy. Ferdinand VII wed once again after becoming a widower. Until that moment his brother Carlos was next in line to the throne and he had big pretensions.
In 1830 the new queen got pregnant and the king publishes a law rendering obsolete the Salic Law which excluded women from having access to the throne much to Don Carlos' chagrin. -
Death of Ferdinand VII
Ferdinand was the eldest surviving son of Charles IV of Spain and Maria Luisa of Parma. Ferdinand was born in the palace of El Escorial near Madrid. In his youth Ferdinand occupied the position of an heir apparent who was excluded from any participation in government by his parents and their favourite advisor and Prime Minister. -
Isabella II
Daughter of Fernando VII and María Cristina de Borbón, born in 1830. She was proclaimed queen at three years of age, provoking the refusal of her uncle Don Carlos to recognize her, the First Carlist War. He finally ruled at 13 -
Second Carlist War
While Isabella II was the official queen of Spain, still many proclaimed Don Carlos Maria Isidro as Carlos V. There was a plan to marry Carlos' son and Isabel, and there the conflict would end. This was approved of by some of the more moderate sections of Isabella II's supporters and by the Carlists. -
Third Carlist War
Leading up to the war, Queen Isabella II abdicated the throne in 1868, and the unpopular Amadeo I, son of King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, was proclaimed King of Spain in 1870. In response, the Carlist pretender, Carlos VII, tried to earn the support of various Spanish regions by promising to reintroduce various area-specific customs and laws. -
Fraud/ Pucherazo
The shackle consisted of electoral manipulation by holding ballot papers, which were kept in containers such as stalls. These ballots were added or removed from the electoral ballot box as a convenience, in order to alter the desired result. -
Amadeo I de Saboya
Amadeo was the third son of Victor Manuel II of Saboya, the last king of Sardinia and the first king of Italy, and of the archiduchess María Adelaide of Habsburg-Lorena. His brother Humberto became king Humberto I of Italy and entered the army with the captain's degree in 1859 -
Spanish- American War
This war was an armed conflict between two of the imperialist military superpowers that are Spain and the United States fighting for control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. The United States won the war