
The Age of Napoleon

  • Napoleon is born

    Napoleon is born
    Napoleon was born in Corsica. Corsica is off the southern coast of France.
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Start of the French Revolution
    The French Revolution started when the Storming of the Bastille took place. The storming of the Bastille was hundreds an angry mob going into the Bastille in search for gun powder and prisoners.
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    The Reign of Terror

    The reign of terror was started in the summer of 1793 and the committee of public safety was formed. Lead, by Robespierre the committee acted on anyone that would want to rebel against the revolution, instilling fear was a technique used. This kept people safe from enemies.
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    Battle of Toulon

    The battle of toulon was also known as the siege of toulon. It happened because the central committee of toulon thiught the perisians should be arrested. The first attack was in sepetember and this ended in december
  • 18 Brumaire coup

    18 Brumaire coup
    This was when the system of government under the Directory of France was overthrown and substituted the consulate.
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    Egyptian Campaign

    The egyptian campaign was another attempt to weaken Britain but also invade Egypt and they set to do so. Many men were hot and exhausted on the march down the Nile. They took a victory on their invasion on Egypt
  • First Consul for Life Plebiscite

    First Consul for Life Plebiscite
    The consul for life was another way for Napoleon to prove or show off that he was the most powerful man by a vote to be the consul for life.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleonic code is new framework of legal issues for france. The was approved in march 1804, but started in 1800
  • Napoleons Coronation

    Napoleons Coronation
    Napoleons coronation was again another way to show his power. This event backfired on Napoleon because few people went to watch and most of the people who went found it amusing. The rest were unimpressed by this and didn't care at all.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The battle of Trafalgar was the clashing of the combined Spanish and French fleet of the coast of Spain
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    This battle was also known as the Battle of Three Empires. This battle was the first confrontation of the War of the third coalition. This battle was a big voctory for Napoleon because the Russians outnumbered by almost 30,000.
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    Continental System

    The continental system was a way for napoleon to defeat Britain by denying them access to any ports in Europe.
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    Peninsular War

    the peninsular war was fought on the Iberian peninsula. The french were put against british, spanish and portugese forces.
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    Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon's troops left for Russia on June 24th and arrived on September 7th for a terrible defeat and not many men survived this adventure to Russia
  • Retreat from Moscow

    Retreat from Moscow
    Napoleon had just entered Moscow a month before they were forced to retreat by the russians. Many men were sick and starving and this was a bad situation for the french men.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The battle of Leipzig was also known as the battle of the nations and was a destruction of what was left of the power of the french in Germnany and Poland.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Napoleon was dethroned and exiled to Elba but he had left Elba with his 1200 troops to Grenoble.
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    Hundred Days

    Napoleon leaves Elba and takes back control of France for what is known as the Hundred Days but actually lasts for 111 days.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    This battle was yet another defeat against the army of the seventh coalition in Belgium.
  • Exile to St Helena

    Exile to St Helena
    Napoleon was yet again exiled but this time to St Helena (an island in the South Atlantic) that napoleon called the cursed rock.
  • Napoleons Death

    Napoleons Death
    Noone exactly knows how Napoleon died but he was suffering from a bladder infection.