
The Baroque

  • A performance in the Oratory in Rome, with music by Emilio de' Cavalieri, is in effect the first oratorio

  • Claudio Monteverdi presents Orfeo, the first opera to win a lasting place in the international repertory

    Claudio Monteverdi presents Orfeo, the first opera to win a lasting place in the international repertory
  • The Teatro Farnese in Parma is the first to have a proscenium arch, framing perspective scenery painted on flat wings

  • Bernini's youthful Pluto and Proserpina, suggesting soft flesh in cold marble, introduces the lively tradition of baroque sculpture

  • Rubens completes a great narrative sequence of twenty-one paintings to celebrate the achievements of Marie de Médicis

  • Velazquez, in Las Meninas, paints himself painting the king and queen of Spain

  • 19-year-old Alessandro Scarlatti has a great success in Rome with Gli Equivoci nel Sembiante, the first of his 115 operas

  • In his opera La Caduta de' Decemviri, Alessandro Scarlatti introduces a new form of prelude, later known as the Italian overture, which is an important stage in the development of the symphony

  • J.S. Bach publishes The Well-Tempered Clavier, a collection of 24 Preludes and Fugues

  • Frederick the Great begins to build the summer palace of Sans Souci at Potsdam