
Time Line of Communication

  • 101

    Neanderthal carves a picture

    Neanderthal carves a picture
    actual date 45,000 b.c
    are now exctinct species
    homidis the term used to refer
    through we see movie of human and dinosouar
    dinosaur lived 65 million years ago
  • 102

    Sumerians carve pictographs

    Sumerians carve pictographs
    Actual Date 3500 BC
    A fine grade mud
    Used to write and draw pictures
    They are called cuneiform tablets
    Used for accounting
  • 103

    Chinese develope postal system

    Chinese develope postal system
    Actual Date 900 BC

    For transporting and recieving letters
    Can be private or publicstamps
    Used postage stamps
    There was a mailman
  • 104

    Pigeons carry messages about olympics

    Pigeons carry messages about olympics
    Actual date 776 BC
    They carried messages about the events
    In 1896 the greeks reintroduced the pigeons
    They were the fastest ways to send messages egyptians were first to use them
  • 105

    Chinese rag paper

    Chinese rag paper
    cailuton lan in 105 ad.
    one of four greats inventions
    the first paper millin europe
    used for talking from around the world.
  • 450

    Chinese printing by inking carved wood blocks

    Chinese printing by inking carved wood blocks
    you write on them
    you can use them as paper
    write on it with ink.
  • Sep 27, 1450

    Johann Gutenburg invents a printing press

    Johann Gutenburg invents a printing press
    created in china
    first one made in 1040 A.D.
    inventer: johannes Gutenburg
    more durable than wood blocks.
  • Early newpapers are published in germany

    Early newpapers are published in germany
    title was Avisia Relatedion order Zeitung
    In wolfenbutlle
    2nd newspaper country was the holy roman empire of the serman ration
  • Mechanical semaphore is invented in France

    Mechanical semaphore is invented in France
    was made by the Chappe brothers
    a mechanical semaphore has 3 moveable arms
    it is sometimes used today as a railway signal
    The Chappe brothers semaphore was placed on something tall (a hill,mountain,ect.).
  • Samuel Morse invents a telegraph that can send short and long beeps ,called "dots" and "dashes"

    Samuel Morse invents a telegraph that can send short and long beeps ,called "dots" and "dashes"
    Morese Code. Can send codes. Born on April 27, 1791. invention the single wire.
  • First successful transmisssions over a trans atlantic cable.

    First successful transmisssions over a trans atlantic cable.
    Our Facilities are located in fallahouse florida. Florida has thousands of manual. It is amorter. Our transmission part department.
  • alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone , transmitting the sound of voice clearly over electrical wires.

    alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone , transmitting the sound of voice clearly over electrical wires.
    dropped out of school at age 15. Born March 3,1847. ametican inventor teacher of the deaf. Naturalized u.s . citizen in 1882.
  • Thomas Edison invents the phonograph a device to record sound on a wax cylinder

    Thomas Edison invents the phonograph a device to record sound on a wax cylinder
    It took about 30 hours to build. The first thing to be recored was " Mary had a little lamb." It was difficult to operate.He was invited to the White House to Demonstrat it to the President.
  • First long distance phone calls are made.

    First long distance phone calls are made.
    March, 29. Inbetween Boston and New York . 2 Years after telephone invention . Used copper.
  • Gugliermo Marconi sends first radio signal across the atlantic ocean

    Gugliermo Marconi sends first radio signal across the atlantic ocean
    He won the Nobel Prize
    He didn't have very good education
    He was born in 1874
    He died of a heart failure in 1937
  • Pictures are first transmitted over telephone lines.

    Pictures are first transmitted over telephone lines.
    By AT&T . It makes 5 by 7 photos. From manhaitan to cleveland.
    Study began by H. Hyquist.
  • Very first few homes get television sets to watch broadcast films

    Very first few homes get television sets to watch broadcast films
    Transmitting and recieveing moving images. You could watch it. They are images that move. And you could hang it somewhere in your house.
  • First communications satellitebis launched, allowing world wide live broadcast of the 1964 olympics

    First communications satellitebis launched, allowing world wide live broadcast of the 1964 olympics
    Every 4 years. The 1st city helt in athens. London was it's first tille with olymd . It was helD IN A HUGE STADIUM
  • the internet is invented by the USA government as a means of milatary communication

    the internet is invented by the USA government as a means of milatary communication
    developed by Vinton Cerf
    10 years of hard work
    you can use it to play games
    used for communication
  • the first E-mail messages are sent

    the first E-mail messages are sent
    E-mail is older than ARPANet or the internet
    it was never invented, it envolved from very simple beginnings
    E-mail is the most important application on the internet
    E-mail took us from arpanet to the internet
  • The first emoticon is used in an E-mail message

    The first emoticon is used in an E-mail message
    Scott Fahlman used it . Computer archaeolgists took 6 months to find it . The message was " I propose the Following character sequence for markers." Emoticons are used to show feelings or emotins through typing.
  • Marc Andeerson creates the first browser program, allowing people to navigate the Web.

    Marc Andeerson creates the first browser program, allowing people to navigate the Web.
    He was born in Iowa. He taught himself BASIC programming at age 9 from a book. It took 2 months. And 2 million people used it.
  • Tim breners lee invents the world wide web

    Tim breners lee invents the world wide web
    He made quote's
    born in junes 1955
    know as inventor ofthe world wild web
    he made his dreams come trun
  • Aba bron, a mathematician,writes the world's frist computer program for a computing matchgine desingned by charles baddags,but never built.

    Aba bron, a mathematician,writes the world's frist computer  program for a computing matchgine desingned by charles baddags,but never built.
    born in june 10,1815
    have one daught name lord byorn.
    illustrions poet
    ada loned math and sience.
  • Byzantine ship captains use colored flags to send signals to one another across the water.

    Byzantine ship captains use colored flags to send signals to one another across the water.
    They also used trumpet calls,smoke signals ,lamps, and Flares to used message.During a battle they would lower the main mast so they could use flag signals. 4 Red Flag ment to attack the enemy. When they lowered the red flag ment retreat.