Treaty of Versailles
This was a document that gave Germany restrictions about their territories, such as giving back the ones they took in the war. It was also to make them pay for the events in the war. -
Hitler voted to power in Germany
Hitler's rise was completed when president Von Hindenburg died but he also won common voting for Nazi party. -
Hitler's Olympics
Hitler wanted to show the world that the treaty of Versailles was insignificant, and didn't affect Germany by hosting a big fancy Olympics. -
German invasion of Poland
German invaded Poland from three different directions, the amount of soldiers and weapons they had greatly overpowered Poland. Poland's allies France and Britain didn't come to help. -
Tripartite pact sign
This pact was signed as a defense alliance that was fighting against the U.S., with Germany, Japan, and Italy. (The Nazi party) -
Nazi's establish gas chambers in Auschwitz
The gas chambers were installed into Japanese internment camps, with the purpose of killing many people. One room was just a shower and one was a gas chamber, giving people a reason to not be rowdy. -
Pearl Harbor
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii a military base. This was the closest American base to them, and they wanted to prevent the US from getting in the way of their plans. This caused the U.S. to join the war -
Japanese Americans sent to internment camps
To make sure Japanese Americans aren't spying on causing internal issues for the U.S., they were "relocated" to internment camps. -
D day
United States and allies invade Europe to find a base. -
Axis powers surrender
May 7, 1945- germany
September 2, 1945- japan
September 8, 1943- italy
these countrys made their final surrender to America after they saw the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. -
Iwo Jima
The U.S. inflicted an amphibious attack onto the island of Iwo Jima. The U.S. won however it injured them slightly. -
Atomic bombs dropped on Japan
Two atomic bombs were dropped with a 3 day gap, this was america waiting for summer.