
WWII events

  • 2nd Sino-Japanese War

    2nd Sino-Japanese War
    war between japan and china. offically started after the marco polo bridge incident. shortly after russia joined the chinese forces against the japanese. Japan fought against these two forces for about a year until reciving help from germany hightening tensions between germany and russia.
  • Period: to

    events of world war two

  • Rape of nanking

    Rape of nanking
    invasion of the chinese capitol by the japanese. concidered the single worst massacre of the ww2 era. started in 1937 and ended in 1938. the blame for the mass killing was put on poor leadership
  • germany invasion poland

    germany invasion poland
    germany strikes first and invades poland. panick ensues on a globel scale. nazi party finally taken seriously. world war 2 truley begins
  • german blitzkreig

    german blitzkreig
    lightning quick warfare employed by the germans. responsible for a majority of german victories. firmly taking over french territories. ending when the french concided defeat to the german army signing the document that gave germany 3/5 french territory in the same train cart that the germans had to sign the treaty accepting defeat. ended in june 21 1942
  • fall of france

    fall of france
    started when the germans attaked the the dutch which they defeated. tricked the french army marched into the low lands while germany moved in behind them. this tactic effectivly led to the concure of france.
  • operation barbarossa

    operation barbarossa
    the name given for the plan of germanic conqureing of russia. birthed by a paraniod fantasy by hitler who worried that germany would miss its chance to attack russia. the plan detailed a east to west take over of russia. the operation was a succes at first but then failed when the russian winter moved in.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    attack by the japanese on the americans stationed in hawaii.
    first examples of kamikaze in the west. sank many u.s. ships and killed many u.s. soldiers. this event single handedly put us in WW2.
  • manhattan project

    manhattan project
    offically started in 1942 but was secretly worked on before at the behest of albert einstine. theodore roosevelt now givin clearence for the scientist to devote their full attention to the project had the operations going more than three fold faster than before. this super weapon deemed later as the atomic bomb was finished in 1946 and used on august 5th of that year. suprising the japanese and us by its power we decided to ever use it as a last resort.
  • wannsee confrence

    wannsee confrence
    meeting to discus the final solution. this determined what the germans will do about the jewish population. the final decission was to kill them and forced labor to the benefits of germans. this led to millions of jewish deaths.
  • japanese internment

    japanese internment
    decision to put japanese american citizens in camps away from the rest of the americans. this idea was born of american paranoia of a inside invasion by japanese agents. roosevelt was the president who signed in this act. No where near as bad as concentration camps. this caused japanese people to vacate their houses.
  • bataan death march

    bataan death march
    after pearl harbor japan forces attacked the u.s presence in the philipines. Midway into the next year the japanese forces took over the main island and ordered u.s. troops to prison camps. the 65 mile journey alone caused many troops to die from exhastion. also the japanese punishments were equally as sever.
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    major naval battle between japan and th u.s. this victory was needed to stop the japanese movement in the seas. the us won because of advances in code breaking. the japanese codes were determined and we planed counter attacks accordingly. with this victory we were slowly changing the tide of the war.
  • battle of stalingrad

    battle of stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942-Feb. 2, 1943), was the successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the U.S.S.R. during World War II. many russians died in this battle.
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    warsaw ghetto uprising
    protest against forced jewish migrations to extermination camps. This uprising was special as it was one of the few jewish uprisings in ghettos that were armed. in the end the jews were killed by the germans. lasted till may 16th of that year
  • allied invasion of italy

    allied invasion of italy
    started by the british forces. invasions in sicily and the toe of italy. italian gov agrees to surrender quickly to minimize damage but did so in secret. The surrender was publicized 5 days later. the allies attacked italy because it was the soft underbelly.
  • D-day

    known as the invasion of normady. allies stormed the beach germans fired from bunkers. concidered a success for allied forces. many lives lost many reimaginings of the events in modern media
  • battle of the bulge

    battle of the bulge
    last german offensive attack tried to split allies in northwest europe. they caught the americans by suprise. but the tide quickly changed when the nazi's ran out of supplies and were forced back. thus ended the finale offense of hitlers germany.

    joyous event for the prisoners of these camps. the majority of nazi camps liberated shock ensues at the apperance of the apperance of the prisoners. now germans look even more evil than they did in the past. lasted until late 1946.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    American amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima. caused by a need of a base near japan. the 23000 japanese soldiers defended the island via bunkers and tunnels. despite the previously stated advantages the japanese lost. this allowed us to have a strong presence near japan.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Last and biggest of the Pacific island battles of World War II. 287000 american troops against 130000 troops of japanese. the japanese plan was kamikaze and a giant ship suicide mission. many japanese died and japnese moral decrease after american victory. ended on june 22.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Great Britain and the United States celebrate the victory in europe. symbolises the defeat of the nazi army. many nazis began hiding. russia captures many of them and killed them. while the nazis captured by other nations were put on trial.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    we droped the product of the manhatten project on hiroshima. the effect was more than what we expected. many japanese died shortly after we drop another one. this causes japanese to quit fighting after threats on tokyo.
  • potsdam confrence

    potsdam confrence
    happened after the bombing of nagasaki. the emporer of japan suggest an unconditional surrender. the cabinant is split as it wanted the emporer to assume same role before the war buy after the bombing the consented to a surrender. in the future this leads to the disarming of japan.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. we celebrate the end of ww2. fell out of holiday status as to not offened nobody. japan and germany demilitarized.