Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE
Chapter 3 - Fertile Crescent- Early Fertile Crescent People
Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians. -
7000 BCE
3.1 - Mesopotamia - First Farm Settlements
The first farm settlements were formed in Mesopotamia. Farmers grew wheat, barley, and other types of grain. They also kept livestock such as birds and fish. -
Period: 4500 BCE to 350
Chapter 4 - Egypt - Ancient Egypt and Kush
First settlers set in Egypt in 4500BC. Old Kingdom - 2700-2200BC. 150 years of chaos. Middle Kingdom - 2050-1750BC. Hyksos invaded and rule for 200 years. New Kingdom - 1550-1050BC. Conquest of Egypt starts in 700BC. 350AD, Aksumite army led by King Ezana destroys Meroë. -
3100 BCE
4.1 - Upper Egypt - Menes rose to power as the first pharaoh
Menes was the first ruler of Egypt to be called pharaoh. He unified both Upper and Lower Egypt and founded Egypt's first dynasty. -
Period: 3000 BCE to 550
Chapter 5 - Civilization in India and China - Ancient India
Harrapans - 2300BC-1700BC. Aryans - 2000BC-320BC. Mauryans - 320BC-184BC. Guptas - 320AD-550AD. -
2300 BCE
3.2 - Akkad - Sargon extends Akkadian territory
Sargon was the first person to have established an empire, land with different territories under a single rule. His soldiers defeated all the city-states of Sumer and conquered Northern Mesopotamia. -
2200 BCE
6.1 - China - The First Dynasty of China begins, The Xia Dynasty.
A series of kings ruled early China and one of them, Yu the Great, is said to have started the Xia Dynasty. Many writings told of terrible floods during Yu's reign, and to counter that, he dug channels to drain water to the ocean. They also had many stories about cooperation and working together to build up China. -
Period: 2200 BCE to
Chapter 6 - Civilization in India and China - Ancient China
Xia Dynasty - 2200BC -1600BC. Shang Dynasty - 1500BC-1046BC. Zhou Dynasty - 1050BC-400BC. Qin Dynasty - 221BC-206BC. Han Dynasty - 206BC-220AD. Sui Dynasty - 589AD-618AD. Tang Dynasty - 618AD-918AD. Song Dynasty - 920AD-1279AD. Yuan Dynasty - 1279AD-1368AD. Ming Dynasty - 1368AD-1644AD. -
2000 BCE
4.5 - Kush - Kush is formed
Around 2000BC, farmers that were farming in the along the Nile became village leaders and one of those leaders took control of the other villages and proclaimed himself the king of the region. His new kingdom was called Kush. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 30 BCE
Chapter 8 - Foundations of Western Ideas - Ancient Greece
Minoans - 2000BC - 1400BC. Mycenaeans - 1250BC - 1200BC. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 30 BCE
Chapter 9 - Ancient Greece - The Greek World
Persian Empire - 550BC - 331BC. Persian Wars - 492BC - 449BC. Peloponnesian War - 431BC - 404BC. Alexander the Great - 356BC - 323BC. -
1595 BCE
3.4 - Asia Minor - The Hittites invent the Chariot
The Hittites had a lot of military advantages that led them to success. One of them was the chariot, a horse-drowned cart that allowed soldiers to move around quickly in battle. -
1500 BCE
4.5 - Egypt - Egypt's Conquest of Kush
As Kush grew wealthy from trading, their military power also increased. Pharaoh Thutmose feared that Kush would grow too powerful and soon attack Egypt. To stop that from happening, Thutmose sent an army to take control of Kush and had control of it for about 450 years. During that time, Many Egyptians settled in Kush and Egyptian culture slowly affected Kush and Kushites started wearing Egyptian clothing, speaking Egyptian, used Egyptian names and adopted Egyptian religious practices. -
1500 BCE
5.1 - India - Sanskrit is invented.
Sanskrit, the root of many South Asian languages was the most important language of Ancient India. The Aryan poems and hymns and even the Vedas was written in Sanskrit. -
1500 BCE
6.1 - China - Oracles
An Oracle is a prediction. The priests in the Shang Dynasty believed they could read cracks on cattle bones and turtle shells and wrote questions on it. -
1200 BCE
4.3 - Egypt - Ramses the Great rises to power
Ramses the Great was the most famous pharaoh in the history of Egypt because he greatly increased the size of Egypt and fought off invaders. -
900 BCE
8.1 - Greece - Acropolis
An acropolis was a fortress built on a high hill, acro meaning high and polis meaning city-state. Greek city-states were built around an acropolis and people would usually hide in there in times of attack and war. -
900 BCE
8.1 - Greece - Classical Age
300 years after the Mycenaean civilization fell and plunged Greece into the Dark Age, the Classical Age started. The Classical Age was when the Greeks made great achievements. Many city-states, or polis, were founded in the Classical Age. -
900 BCE
3.4 - Northern Mesopotamia - Assyrians start controlling the Fertile Crescent
About 900BC, the Assyrians started to conquer all of the Fertile Crescent using their strong, organized, army. They even got to parts of Asia Minor and Egypt. -
850 BCE
4.5 - Kush - Conquest of Egypt
During 1000BC, the New Kingdom of Egypt was ending and it led to the decline of military power in Egypt. In 850BC, the Kushites had regained its strength and military power and it had been as strong as it was before until Egypt conquered it. Around 700BC a Kushite king named Kashta took advantage of Egypt's weakness and attacked it. By 751BC, they had conquered Upper Egypt. After Kashta died, his son Piankhi took control and by the time he died in 716BC, he had land from Napata to the Nile Delta -
800 BCE
3.4 - Phoenicia - Phoenicians create the worlds first alphabet.
The alphabet is a set of letters that's combined to form words. It made writing much easier. -
800 BCE
5.2 - India - Hinduism develops by the Aryans.
The Vedas were the main books for the Aryan religion in India. The Vedas and and other cultures from Persia and Central Asia brought their religious ideas to India, and they all blended with each other, making Hinduism. They believed in reincarnation, the process of which when you die, you come back to life as a different person. They also believed in many gods, there are 3 major ones, Brahma the creator, Siva the destroyer and Vishnu the preserver, similar the the trinity in Christianity. -
753 BCE
10.1 - Rome - Beginnings
According to legend, Romulus and Remus where 2 twin brothers who were unwanted and thrown out into the Tiber River. A she-wolf eventually found them and nurtured them until a shepherd found them and adopted them. After they grew up, they decided to build a city. Romulus wanted the city to be named after him and Remus wanted the same. Out of anger, Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself, thus the name, Rome. -
Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE
Chapter 10 - The Roman World - The Roman Republic
753BC - Rome is founded. 509BC - Rome becomes a Republic. 264-146BC - Rome and Carthage fight the Punic Wars. 27BC - Augustus becomes the first emperor of Rome. -
700 BCE
8.3 - Mycenae - Homer
Homer was a famous Greek Poet that lived in about 800-700BC. He wrote many famous Epic Poems that are still around today. He mostly focuses on the Trojan War, a war fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Iliad is a famous piece that talks about the ending of the Trojan War and Achilles, who was said to be invincible but had one weak spot, his heel. He was shot in the heel by an arrow and died. Another piece, the Odyssey, talks about a Greek Hero named Odysseus coming back from the War. -
620 BCE
3.4 - Babylon/Syrian Desert - Chaldens rebuilt Babylon
Nebuchadnezzar became the most famous Chaldean king and they built the Hanging Gardens. -
551 BCE
6.2 - Qufu - Conficius is born and later starts Confucianism.
Confucius was born in Qufu around 551BC, when China was still in the warring states period. He grew up in poverty but he also grew up to be one of the most influential teachers/philosophers in the world. During the warring states period in China, he felt that China was being overrun by rude and dishonest people. He also said they needed to return to ethics, or moral values. Confucianism was based of on ethics and Confucius philosophies and many people adopted his teachings and wrote the Analects -
550 BCE
9.1 - Persian Empire - Cyrus II leads a revolt
In about 550BC, Cyrus II led a Persian revolt against the Medes, who were occupying Persia. His revolt was successful and later conquered many nations and cities. Though they were all under his rule, he let people under his control practice their own customs, traditions, and religions. That was why he was called Cyrus the Great. -
546 BCE
8.2 - Greece - Tyranny
Tyranny meant "ruled by a tyrant" and a tyrant was a strong leader who had power. When Athens was still an oligarchy, a man named Peisistratus started a rebellion and overthrew the oligarchy and Athens became a tyranny. -
500 BCE
13.1 - Africa - Trade
Salt & Gold were very valuable but common trading materials in West Africa. Traders had to travel across the Sahara desert to get to cities to trade, so they often moved in caravans to stop bandit raids. -
500 BCE
13.1 - Africa - Landforms
There were 4 different divisions of land in west Africa, the Sahara, the Sahel, the Savannah, and the rainforests. The Sahara is one of the biggest deserts in the world, below it is the Sahel, a strip of land with little rainfall. Below that is the Savannah, open grassland with scattered trees, and lastly rainforests, moist, densely, wooded areas. -
500 BCE
13.4 - Africa - Griots and Oral History
The Griots, or story tellers of early West Africa, helped preserve history by telling stories of the history of West Africa since they had no written language to write it down. They passed it on to newer generations and they had to memorize it so they don’t forget any details. -
500 BCE
5.3 - India - Siddartha Gautama starts Buddhism.
Siddartha Gautama, a young man who grew up as a prince started wondering what was the meaning of human life and why was there suffering in the world. He set out on a journey to find the answers and it took him to many regions in India. He meditated and fasted a lot in that time and spoke to many religious priests. He spent 6 years wandering throughout India and when he neared the town of Gaya, he sat down under a tree and meditated under a tree for 7 weeks. -
500 BCE
8.2 - Athens - Cleisthenes starts democracy
Around 500BC, a new leader named Cleisthenes rose up to power and popularity in Athens. Cleithenes was able to overthrow the aristocrats that were ruling in oligarchy with the support of the people and under Cleisthenes' leadership, the world developed its first democracy. Democracy ended in 330BC when the Macedonians invaded and conquered Athens. -
500 BCE
9.1 - Greece - Darius invades Greece, starting the Persian Wars.
Darius I claimed the Persian throne after killing all his rivals who also wanted the throne. He conquered the Indus Valley and invaded Greece, starting the Persian Wars. -
Period: 500 BCE to 1580
Chapter 13 - Early Islamic and African Civilizations - Early African Civilizations
500BC - Soninkes band together to form Ghana
1060AD - Ghana reaches its height, then falls.
1230AD - Sundiata creates Mali.
1324AD - Mansa Munsa causes inflation everywhere during pilgrimage to Mecca.
1431AD - Tuaregs invade and Mali falls. -
494 BCE
10.1 - Rome - Patricians and Plebians
In Ancient Rome, there were two people groups, the Patricians and the Plebians. The plebains were common people who couldn’t take part in the government so they wanted a change. They often started revolts and formed a council and elected their own officials which scared many Patricians. They eventually changed their government to a republic. -
481 BCE
6.2 - China - China enters the Warring States period
When the Zhou Dynasty was declining, loyalty to the Zhou King also declined and many people refused to fight off invasions. According to a legend, a Zhou King used to light signal flares to show that invaders were attacking to entertain himself and a friend so when his army rushed up to defend, no one was there. But in 771BC, invaders actually attacked and he lit the fire but everyone thought it was a joke so no one came. By 481BC, the lords were fighting each other for power. -
476 BCE
11.3 - Byzantine Empire - Fall of the Western Empire
The Western Empire had paid the Goths not to attack Rome. In 408AD though, the Romans stopped paying the Goths and they led an attack against Rome. This inspired more foreign tribes like the Huns, the Jutes, the Saxons and many more to attack Rome because it was weak and not well defended. In 476 AD, the Western Empire fell. -
460 BCE
8.2 - Athens - Pericles leads Athens.
After being a democracy for about 40 years, a new elected leader name Pericles led the government from 460-429BC. He encouraged Athenians to take pride and defend their city in war. He paid people who served in public offices or on juries and also introduced democracy to other parts of Greece. -
458 BCE
10.1 - Rome - Temporary Dictators
During wars or conflicts, the Romans elected dictators, rulers that have almost absolute power, to lead and govern their army. The most famous dictator was a man named Cincinnatus. He was a farmer and a plebian but they elected him to defeat a large group of invaders. He defeated them and returned to farming, long before his six-month term ran out. -
450 BCE
10.2 - Rome - Forums
The Forum was a public meeting place where people could come meet to talk, and sell things. The law of the 12 tables was also here, which was Rome’s first set of written laws. -
431 BCE
9.2 - Athens - Pelopenesian War
Athens started a league called the Delian League after the Persian Wars. Athens would collect taxes from other city states in turn of protection. Athens became very wealthy after that and Sparta started their own league, the Pelopenesian League. To stop Athen's Growth, Sparta invaded Athens, starting the Pelopenesian War. -
400 BCE
8.3 - Greece - Aesop's Fables
A fable is a short story that gives a lesson or advice on how to live. One of the most famous writers was Aesop. Aesop was a man who lived before or during 400BC. He wrote many famous fables such as: The Ants and the Grasshopper, The Tortise and the Hare, The Boy who cried Wolf, and many more. -
400 BCE
10.2 - Rome - Government
The Romans created a tripartite after the Plebians revolted, which meant 3 forms of government. The first one was the magistrates. They were powerful people who were elected for one year and each one had their own duties, in the magistrates there was also the consul, 2 powerful people who would run the city. The Senate were a council of wealthy officials who would advise consuls. The last one, Assemblies and Tribunes were made up of both Patricians and plebians. -
399 BCE
9.4 - Greece - Socrates
One of the greatest Greek philosophers of all time was Socrates. He was a teacher and a thinker and taught many things by asking questions to people. We call his type of teaching today the Socratic Method. In 399BC, he was arrested and condemned to death by poison for "corrupting young minds." In his last hours, his followers gathered up with him and he drank the poison calmly. -
347 BCE
9.4 - Greece - Plato
Plato, Socrates' students taught people philosophy after Socrates' death in 399BC. He also opened a school for people to come and discuss and debate about topics which was called the Academy. He spent most of his time running the Academy but in his free time he would write books and works. One of his greatest works was called The Republic. -
346 BCE
9.3 - Greece - Macedonia conquers Greece
When Philip II became king of Macedonia, his first target to invade was Greece. Athen's leaders tried to call all city states to join together to fight the Macedonians but only a few responded. By 346BC, Philip had conquered Greece. -
336 BCE
9.3 - Persian Empire - Alexander the Great conquers much of the known world
After Philips death in 336BC, Alexander took over. Hearing about Philip's death, the people in Thebes revolted as they thought Macedonia couldn't hold their power. Within 1 year, Alexander had burned Thebes and enslaved the people. -
322 BCE
9.4 - Greece - Aristotle
Aristotle was Plato's student. Maybe the greatest thinker of all time, he taught people that they should live their lives in moderation, or balance. He also said moderation was based on reason; clear and ordered thinking. He made many achievements in the field of logic and was the teacher of the famous Macedonian leader, Alexander the Great. -
270 BCE
5.4 - India - Asoka becomes king of the Mauryans.
Asoka, was the strongest Mauryan ruler of all time. He extended the Mauryan Empire to cover most of India. His rule was made stronger and richer by conquering neighboring kingdoms. One of the battles he fought, however was a very bloody battle, causing mass casualties on both sides of the army. He decided he didnt want to put his men through hardship and he converted into Buddhism. He used his resources to help improve the lives of his people and after his death, it put the kingdom into anarchy. -
264 BCE
10.3 - Rome & Carthage - The Punic Wars.
Punic meant Phoenician in Latin. The Punic Wars were a series of battles fought by the Carthaginians and the Romans. It lasted from 264BC to 146BC. Notable generals include Scipio and Hannibal. -
264 BCE
10.3 - Carthage - Hannibal
Hannibal was considered to be one of the greatest generals of all time. His military tactics were far more advanced than anybody else’s and in 264BC, he invaded Italy from the North. He went all around Italy but never actually touched Rome. In 218BC, the Romans attacked Carthage and Hannibal was forced to retreat. His army consisted of war elephants and many men. -
221 BCE
6.3 - China - Emperor ShiHuangdi unifies China; starting the Qin Dynasty.
When Shi Huangdi unified China, he accepted Legalist political beliefs so he created a strong government with strict laws and harsh punishments. He also ordered Confucius' books and teachings to be destroyed and those who disagreed were buried alive. He made china more standardized, meaning they had the same writing system, money, etc. He also finished off the Great Wall the Shang Dynasty built earlier in the civilization. The Terra-cotta Warriors were also built by him to guard him when he died -
206 BCE
6.4 - China - Liu Bang, a common person, becomes emperor because of the Mandate of Heaven.
Liu Bang started the Han dynasty after the Qin Dynasty fell apart. He freed the people from Legalism and earned people's loyalty and trust. He also lowered taxes for peasants and made punishments less harsh. -
200 BCE
6.5 - China - The Han Dynasty expands its trade.
During the Han Dynasty, Han armies conquered many places, therefore having trade and contact with other cultures. They produced silk at that time, which was highly valued in other areas. They were also masters in iron-working and they made high quality weapons and armor. They had many trade routes leading to Western Europe and other places, including the Silk Road. -
140 BCE
6.4 - China - Wudi becomes emperor in the Han Dynasty.
After Liu Bang's death in 195BC, Wudi took the throne. Wudi made Confucianism the official government philosophy. He wanted to creat a strong and central government, so he made everything fair. During his reign, peasants were highly respected because they did all the work and made food for people and families were strong. Disobeying your parents was a crime and the father was the head of the family. They made many innovations in science including the sundial, acupuncture, etc. -
44 BCE
11.1 - Rome - Julius Caesar gets assassinated
Caesar was a great military general. Many Romans admired his bravery, his tactics and his skills in battle. Around 50BC, he conquered nearly all of Gaul. After Caesar returned to Rome at 45BC, he declared himself dictator for life. He reduced the Senate’s power, which made senators angry, eventually leading to assassination in 44BC. He was stabbed 23 times before he died. -
Period: 44 BCE to 1453
Chapter 11 - The Roman World - Rome and Christianity
44BC - Julius Caeser is assassinated. 27BC - Augustus becomes Emperor. 30AD - Jesus is crucified. 312AD - Constintine becomes Emperor and converts to Christian. 1453 AD - The Byzantine Empire is destroyed. -
1 CE
11.2 - Rome and Judea - Christi
Jesus was either born on 4BC or 0AD. His birth marks the shift from BC to AD, although some historians argue and debate about this. He went around teaching the Good News of God and he made miracles happen. He was crucified by the Romans after he was arrested. His first 12 followers were called Apostles and they went around teaching about Jesus after he died. -
11.1 - Rome - Octavian, or Augustus creates an Empire
Octavian, Caesar’s adopted son was give a new name by senators, Augustus, which meant “revered one.” He ended the Roman Republic and made it an Empire, him being Emperor. In his time, he made a peaceful period of time called the Pax Romana. -
11.2 - Rome - Persecution of Christians
Emperor Nero was in power when the Great Fire of Rome started. Nero blamed the Christians for starting the fire and he started persecuting them. Instead of making less people convert into Christianity, it made more convert because they were persecuted for something they didn’t do. -
11.3 - Roman - Split
The Roman Empire was thriving at this time, but they didn’t have enough men to hold on to the Empire. This made Diocletian, the Emperor of the Roman Empire at that time split up the Empire, the Eastern Empire, or the Byzantine Empire and the Western Empire. -
Period: 200 to 1537
Chapter 16 - Empires of the Asia and the America - The Early Americas
200 - The Maya civilization starts
250 - 900 - Maya Classic Age and fall.
1325 - Aztecs set up capital at Tenochitlán
1450 - Incas set up their empire.
1519 - Hernán Cortés arrives in Mexico
1521 - Aztecs surrender to Hernán Cortés and empire falls
1537 - Francisco Pizarro destroys the Inca empire. -
16.1 - Palenque - Maya Temples
Maya Temples were high and shaped like a mountain so that the Mayas could “reach the gods.” They also had a pyramid like shape but it had different levels and were painted in bright colors. Priests led religious ceremonies like sacrificing animals or humans. -
16.1 - Yucatán Peninsula - Obsidian and Jade Trade
Obsidian and Jade were mined in mountains and traded throughout Maya cities. Obsidian was considered valuable and sacred to them. They used obsidian to make knives and tools to help them work on things and Jade was used for decorative purposes. -
11.3 - Byzantine Empire - Constantine
After Diocletian left power, an Emperor called Constantine rose up to power. He made the capital of the Roman Empire Constantinople instead of Rome and reunited Rome briefly. He was also the first Emperor to convert to Christianity, which made more people convert too. Eventually, he made Christianity the Roman Empire’s official religion. -
13.2 - Ghana - Taxes
Trade was an important feature in the Ghana Empire, but what helped them get rich was taxes. Every time a trader wanted to pass through Ghana, they had to pay a certain amount to get in to trade and pass to get to different cities. -
5.4 - India - A new dynasty is established in India.
The Gupta dynasty took over and reunited India after the fall of the Mauryan Kingdom. The first emperor was Candra Gupta I. The Gupta dynasty supported any Buddhism and Jainism even though their main religion was Hinduism. At that time, Hinduism's popularity began to rise and they used the caste system to keep order. After Candra Gupta I's death, Candra Gupta II took over. At that time, it reached its high point until the late 400s. The Huns invaded and India divided into small states once again -
17.1 - Europe - Iberian and Scandinavian Peninsula
The Iberian Peninsula is at the very west of Europe and it consists of 2 countries, Portugal and Spain. South of the Iberian Peninsula leads to the Strait of Gibraltar and across the strait is Morocco, Africa. The Scandinavian Peninsula is considered to be the biggest peninsula in Europe and it consists of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. It is south of Germany and east of the United Kingdom. -
17.1 - Europe - Eurasia
Europe and Asia are both part of a supercontinent that is called Eurasia. Geographers consider the border between Europe and Asia is the Ural Mountains in Russia and the Caucasus Mountains. -
Period: 430 to 1066
Chapter 17 - Renewal in Europe - The Early Middle Ages
430 AD - St. Patrick spreads Chrsitianity around Ireland
500AD - Middle Ages start
700 - 800 AD - Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims start raiding Europe 800AD - Charlemagne is crowned king of Europe
1066 AD - Feudalism is Introduced into Britain -
15.1 - Japan - Clans
Clans were small villages ruled by a clan chief and they were mostly extended families. The clan members had to work together to survive and to battle some other clans. Villagers thought that their clan chiefs were descended from a nature spirit called kami, so they respected them. -
17.2 - Europe - Monks, Missionaries, and Monasteries
During the Middle Ages, Christianity was spreading throughout Europe and there were 2 groups of people that helped it. The first one was the missionaries. The pope was the most influential spreader of Christianity but there were also missionaries that went out to spread Christianity, one of the being St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. There were also Christian monks who lived in monasteries, large communities of monks that went around spreading Christianity. -
Period: 500 to
Chapter 15 - Empires of Asia and the Americas - Japan
550AD - Buddhism is introduced into Japan from China/Korea
1000AD - Lady Murasaki writes the Tale of Genji
1192AD - The first shoguns rule Japan
1603-1868 - Tokugawa shoguns tule Japan -
15.2 - Japan - Zen and Pure Land Buddhism
Buddhism came into a Japan around the 550s and many people adopted it as their religion. But 2 new forms of Buddhism were rising up in the 1100s, Pure Land and Zen Buddhism. Pure Land Buddhism was popular around common people and their rituals were just to chant Buddha’s name over and over again. Zen was more complicated, only nobles could perform rituals. It focused on self-discipline and meditation and it was popular to most nobles and warriors. -
Period: 550 to
Chapter 12 - Islamic and African Civilizations - The Islamic World
570AD - Muhammad is born. 632AD - Muhammad dies. 762AD - Baghdad becomes the capital of the Islamic Empire. 1453AD - The Ottoman Empire captures the Byzantine Empire, ending it. 1501AD - The Savavids conquer Persia -
12.1 - Saudi Arabia - Muhammad
Muhammad was born in Mecca in about 570AD. According to legends, he usually goes to hills to pray and meditate But one day, he went to a cave to meditate when an angel of God came down and told him to “recite”. He became Islam’s first prophet and started preaching throughout Saudi Arabia. -
12.1 - Saudi Arabia - Life in Arabian Peninsula
There were two types of life in the Arabian peninsula, the consistently moving Nomadic life, and the settled down sedentary life. The Nomadic lifestyle was herding livestock, living in tents, and moving for water. They also made caravans for easier trade. The sedentary lifestyle settled in a town, usually near oasis’s so that they could farm and have a reliable source of water. -
14.1 - China - The Grand Canal
The Grand Canal was a Canal that linked northern and southern China. This canal made trade easier and more efficient as boats could enter in and trade with other boats or people on land. -
14.1 - China - Period of Disunion
The Period of Disunion was a Period after the Han Dynasty fell and China split into several kingdoms. This sparked chaos and war throughout China. Although war was common around China, peaceful communities also developed during this time, with Nomadic people settling into China, and the Chinese adopting their cultures. The man who finally stopped the Period of Disunion after more than 300 years was Yang Jian. He reunified China by conquering the south and created the Sui Dynasty. -
Period: 589 to
Chapter 14 - Empires of Asia and the Americas - China
Period of Disunion - 220-589AD.
China is reunified, starting the Sui Dynasty - 589AD
Li Bo and Du Fu start writing famous Chinese poems - 730-760AD
Mongols start the Yuan Dynasty - 1279AD
The Ming Dynasty ends - 1644AD -
12.2 - Saudi Arabia - The 5 Pillars of Islam
There are 5 instructions that Muslims have to follow in their lifetime. The first one states that there is no other God than Allah and Muhammad is his prophet. The second one states you need to pray five times a day. The third one states you need to give to the poor and the needy if you have a lot. The fourth one states you need to fast during the month of Ramadan. The final one states you need to travel to Mecca if you can at least once in your life. -
14.2 - China - Great Achievements and Inventions
The Tang and Song Dynasties were the golden ages of China. In this time, many great inventions were made to help with farming, writing, navigation and more. Some of these inventions are still used today like the compass, gunpowder, porcelain, and probably the most important, paper and paper money. -
18.5 - Spain - The Reconquista
The Reconquista was a effort to retake Spain from the Muslim Moore by the Spanish Christians. The Moor’s power had started to decline and their hold of Spain started to fall. By the 1250s, the Christians had nearly pushed all the Moors out of Spain and in 1492, they retook Granada, the last of the Muslim cities that had been captured by the Moors in Spain with the help of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. -
12.3 - Africa, Europe, & Asia - Islamic Empiresan
There were many Islamic Empires that rise up during Islamic rule. As they continued to conquer more and more land, Empires rose up. The 3 most famous Empires were the Ottoman, the Safavid, and the Mughal. -
15.1 - Japan - Influences from China and Korea
During Prince Shotoku’s rule as a regent, he sent many scholars to China and Korea to learn about their culture. They learned many things about China and Korea and stole their ideas so many of the structures and cultures we see today originated from China and Korea, including their fashion, literature, visual art, architecture, performing arts, and many more things. -
17.2 - Europe - Charlemagne
The Franks were a powerful group of Christians that were slowly rising up to power in Europe. Clovis was the first king of the Franks but another one rose to power in the late 700s. That king was Charlemagne. He led his armies into battle at war and conquered land for the Franks. He also valued education and built schools all around Europe. He lived at his capital of his empire, Aechen, now what is Hamburg, Germany. -
17.2 - Europe - Viking, Magyars, and Muslims invade Europe
While Charlemagne was building up the Frankish empire, invaders started to pour into Europe. Since Morocco was close to Spain, Muslims could enter into Spain through the Strait of Gibraltar and they used the Mediterranean Sea to pour into France and Italy. Fierce warriors called the Magyars came in from the east and attacked cities and towns in what is now Hungary. Vikings came down from the Scandinavian Peninsula and used their sailing skills as an advantage to attack cities. -
14.3 - China - Neo-Confucianism
During the Period of Disunion, more and more people accepted Buddhism instead of Confucianism and Confucianism slowly dies away. During the Tang Dynasty, scholars became more intrested in Confucianism as they wanted to help creat a better government. In the Song Dynasty, Neo Confucianism was founded and the word “neo” means new. This philosophy taught the original teachings of Confucianism but also adopted more spiritual ideas. -
14.3 - China - Scholar Officials and Government
During the Song Dynasty, the government system changed as they formed bureaucracy and scholar officials. Bureaucracy was formed by workers and it is a body of unelected government officials. Scholar officials were educated members of the government. They had to take a very difficult test to qualify as a scholar official and they had to serve for life. These government officials had to do civil service to serve the people and the government. -
15.2 - Japan - Lady Murasaki Shikibu
Lady Murasaki Shikibu lived in Heian around 1000. She was a noble and a poet/author that served Empress Akiko. She wrote many books and poems including The Tale of Genji and The Pillow Book. The Tale of Genji was the first printed out book in Japan and one of the worlds oldest novels. -
17.4 - Europe - Chivalry and Bushido
Though Europe and Japan are on different sides of the world, both of their fighters had a code of honor they needed to follow. Bushido for the Samurai and Chivalry for the knights. Both had the same idea of being brave but humble and being kind to others. The Samurai and Knights were also admired for their bravery and courage. -
17.4 - Europe - Differences between Europe and Japan
While most of the Europeans in the Middle Ages were Christian, the Japanese were a blend of 3 different religions, Buddhism, Shinto, and Confucianism. Their artistic styles and literature are also very different, with European art showing an emphasis on religious paintings while the Japanese focused on nature. The Japanese wrote haikus, which were poems that were short and had 17 syllables. -
18.1 - Europe - Split within the Church
Pope Leo IX believed that Popes had the power to choose the bishops because their power came from God and St. Peter, the first pope but the Eastern bishops in Constantinople and other regions disagreed and wouldn’t recognize his authority. Leo decided to excommunicate the bishop in Constantinople since he wouldn’t listen but the bishop excommunicated him back! This became a permanent split within the Church, between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. -
17.3 - Europe - Feudalism
Feudalism was first started by the Franks, it then began to spread to other parts of Europe in the 1000s. It was brought into Britain by William the Conquerer, a duke in Northern France. He won the battle of Hastings in 1066 and declared himself king of England. This Feudal system worked well against the people that were trying to conquer them like the Vikings, Magyars and the Muslims. When trade and population grew after 1000, Feudalism began to decline. -
17.3 - England - Manor System
When a lord gave a fief to his knight, they didn’t have time to work in the fields to produce crops so instead, Knights allowed peasants to work on their land in return for food or other payments. There was a large house for the knight and his family to live in which was called the manor and many smaller peasant houses. The land was divided among peasants and serfs, so they spent much of their time working on fields and giving it to the knight -
18.1 - Europe - Kings try to gain power
Since the Pope had more power than the king and could choose bishops, trouble arose when the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV chose a bishop but the Pope at the time, Gregory VII disapproved. Emperor Henry IV tried to convince all Germany’s bishops to remove the pope, but instead he got excommunicated. To beg for forgiveness, Henry stood outside the Pope’s residence for 3 days barefoot in snow. Eventually, Gregory accepted his apology and let him back in the Church. -
18.1 - Europe - Popes gain power
The pope was supposed to be the most influential person in Christianity, but he also had the power to excommunicate people out of they church if they did something wrong. Excommunicating someone meant that they were thrown out of the church and people believed if you died while excommunicated you wouldn’t make it to Heaven. Popes gained so much power because people listen to him so they wouldn’t get excommunicated. -
18.2 - Europe/Palestine - The Crusades
The Crusades were a series of long, one-sided skirmishes during 1096 to 1291. It first started when the Byzantines feared an attack from the Muslim Turks and called on the Catholics to help them. Pope Urban called Christians all throughout Europe to fight in this Crusade or “marked with a cross” and to retake the Holy Land or Palestine. The First Crusade was a success but later Crusades failed miserably. There were some benefits to the Crusade but most of the results of the Crusade were bad. -
Period: 1096 to 1492
Chapter 18 - Renewal in Europe - The Later Middle Ages
1096 - Crusades start
1215 - Magna Carta is signed by King John
1291 - Crusades end
1337 - Hundred Years’ War starts
1347 - Black Death starts infecting and killing people
1351 - Black Death dies away but kills one third of Europe’s population
1453 - Hundred Years’ War Ends
1492 - Spanish drive the last Muslims out of Spain
1492 - Columbus discovers the Americas -
18.3 - Europe - Monks
Monks were dedicated people to Christianity who lived in monasteries with other monks. They copied down religious documents and followed a strict schedule and basic rules. They paid little attention to the outside world and focused only on themselves and religious matters. -
15.3 - Japan - Samurai
Samurai were highly trained warriors that served his daimyo (powerful landlords) and the shogun. Daimyo hired samurai to defend their land and in return, they got land and food. They were well trained with swords and light armor so it was easy to move around. Each samurai had to practice Bushido, or their code of rules. Bushido means “the way of the warrior” in Japanese and they had to be brave and honorable fighters. They valued honor and loyalty the most. -
15.3 - Japan - Shoguns
Shoguns were powerful military leaders and a regent for the emperor. The emperor was just a figurehead and had no power so the shoguns controlled Japans military. Around the 1180s, shoguns started ruling Japan and would rule for another 700 years. Many shoguns paid their samurai land or food to keep them happy. -
18.2 - Europe/Palestine - Richard I the Lionheart
King Richard I was nicknamed “Lionheart” for his bravery and courage on the Crusader battlefield. He was a skilled soldier and general but he did not succeed in taking back Jerusalem in the 3rd Crusade. He was captured by the Muslim general Saladin but our of respect, Saladin let Richard go back to England. He earned the respect of both Christians and Muslims. -
18.2 - Europe/Palestine - Saladin
Saladin was one of the greatest generals in the Middle Ages because of his skills in battle and his respect to the Crusaders that were captured. Many Crusaders that were captured received kind treatment from Saladin and were released back to Europe. Christians and Muslims alike respected Saladin for his kindness and many Christians saw him as a model of Chivalry. -
18.3 - Europe - Friars
Friars were people who belonged in religious orders but went and lived and worked in the public. They roamed about and preached about how to live good Christian lives. A famous friar would be Francis of Assisi who tended to the poor or ill and started the Franciscan order. -
14.4 - China - Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan was a great but brutal Mongol leader. His real name was Temujin but it changed when he was elected leader of the Mongol tribes for uniting them together. In 1211, Genghis Khan led his army to China and began their Mongol conquest of China. He wiped out entire cities, killing men, women and children. By 1227, northern China was under Mongol control. He died later that year. But the Mongol conquest of China did not stop yet. -
13.3 - Africa - Mali Empire
The first leader of Mali was Sundiata. He created the Mali Empire by conquering Ghana. He was called mansa (leader) and he took power away from local leaders. Later came Mansa Musa, the wealthiest and most famous leader of Mali. In 1324, Mansa Musa went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and brought along thousands of officials and slaves, along with his gold. He caused inflation by giving out free gold to cities along the way. -
14.4 - China - Kublai Khanand
In 1260, Genghis Khan’s grandson, Kublai Khan rose to power as the new Mongol leader. He finished what his grandfather had started in 1279 and declared himself the emperor of China. This started the Yuan Dynasty. Kublai Khan ruled the largest empire in the world, covering 24 million square kilometers. Kublai Khan got greedy and wanted to add Japan into his Empire. In 1274 & 1281, he sent Mongol fleets en route to Japan. Storms stirred up and wiped out their entire Mongol fleet. -
Period: 1271 to
Chapter 19 - Renewal in Europe - The Renassaince and Reformation
1271 - Marco Polo travels to China
1450 - Gutenberg invents the printing press
1517 - Martin Luther nails the 95 Theses on the Church doors
1648 - The Thirty Years War ends -
12.4 - Baghdad - Islamic Achievements
Islamic cultures and achievements contributed to the technology we now have today. They made many great advancements in science, philosophy, astronomy, geography, math, medicine, literature, and architecture. -
13.3 - Africa - Songhai Empire
During the decline of the Mali Empire, a new Empire rose up, called the Songhai Empire. Askia the Great was a famous ruler from the Songhai Empire, but his real name was Muhammad Ture, he split up the Empire to 5 provinces to keep law and order. -
19.1 - Italy - Trade Cities
During the early stages of the Renassaince, trade cities started opening up and they had become trade centers for Italy’s wealth. There were 4 major cities in Italy that specialized in different things, Florence, Genoa, Milan, and Venice. Venice specialized in producing glass, Florence produced cloth, Milan produced weapons and silk, and many more cities produced other things. Florence also specialized in banking which made the city even wealthier than the other cities. -
19.1 - Italy - Humanism
Humanism was an idea that humanity has done a lot of great things throughout history and so humanists focused on the importance on human actions, abilities, and the human body. Humanism has led to many great creations such as the statue of King David created by Michaelangelo, and the Mona Lisa created by Leonardo da Vinci. -
18.4 - England/France - The Hundred Years’ War
In 1328, the king of France died with no heir to his throne. 2 people wanted to claim power over France, the king of England, and a French man. This led to conflict between the English and the French so in 1337, England attacked France. At the start, the English won most of their battles fought but the tide started to turn during the last years of the war when Joan of Arc rallied the French troops and fought back. Even though she was killed and captured, France was victorious at the end. -
18.4 - Europe - The Black Death
The Black Death was a nickname for a plague that spread throughout Europe during the Hundred Years’ War that started in Asia but it was brought to Europe by trade ships. The Bubonic Plague killed about one third of Europe’s population at that time, about 30 - 100 million people. In some places, the manor system fell apart since there was no one to work the fields. So peasants started demanding wages for work so they could move to cities. The plague ended in 1351. -
14.4 - China - The Míng Dynasty
After Kublai Khan’s failed attack of Japan that weakened the Mongol’s power, a rebellion rose up in China led by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368. They drove the Mongols out of China and finally gained their independence. This Dynasty was the start of many great sea voyages that included Zheng He. He was a great Chinese sailor and led a fleet of 60 ships and 25000 sailors. In the 1430s, a Míng Emperor told Zheng Heto return to China as they entered the period of isolationism. -
15.3 - Japan - Fall, Unification, Isolation
By the 1400s, shoguns had lost most of their authority due to rebellion. Daimyos stepped up and decided to split up land and keep some for themselves. They made their own laws and collected taxes. During the 1500s, a new man rose to power and unified the Japanese again. This man was Odu Nobunaga. He gave guns to his soldiers so he was able to cut down enemies quickly and slowly started to unify Japan. Shortly after that, they went into isolation and had no contact with other countries. -
16.2 - Tenochtitlán - Chinimpas
Since the Aztecs were on island and growing food was not easy there, they built floating raft gardens called chinimpas in a Canal or in the lake. These chinimpas provided food for the Aztecs and farmers could grow crops within their territory so that raiders couldn’t steal the food. -
Period: 1416 to
Chapter 20 - The Early Modern World - Science and Exploration
1416 - Henry the Navigator starts up his school of navigation
1492 - Colombus discovers the Americas
1519 - Magellan sails around the tip of South America
1530s - Copernicus develops the theory of a sun centered solar system
1609 - Galileo proves Copernicus was right by using his telescope
1687 - Sir Issac Newton publishes his famous book, the Principia Mathematica. -
19.2 - Germany - Gutenberg’s Printing Press
During the mid 1400s, a man named Johann Gutenberg developed a printing press that could copy documents and books using movable type. The first book printed by the printing press was the Bible that Gutenberg printed out in Latin. The printing press made books and documents easier to copy and so more and more people learned how to read because of it. -
18.5 - Spain - The Spanish Inquisition
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella only wanted Christians living in Spain so they gathered up a bunch of preists and started the Spanish Inquisition, an organization of priests that hunted down anyone who wasn’t Christian and punished them fatally. They were eager to seek for Muslims, heretics, and Jews. Many found were sentenced to death by burning on the stake. About 3400 died during the Inquisition. -
20.2 - Spain and the Americas - Colombus
Christopher Colombus was an Italian sailor who led a voyage in 1492 to reach Asia. His voyage was funded by Spanish monarchs Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, in return promising them riches, Catholic converts, and new land. On October 12, he landed in the Bahamas, thinking he was in Asia. He didn’t realize North America was just a bit to the west. The whole time he was there, he still thought he was in Asia. -
20.3 - European Colonies - Mercantilism
Mercantilism is a system where the government controls all the money and economic activity in a country to make the country richer and stronger. It was the main economic system in Europe between the 1500s and the 1800s. Countries today that still practice mercantilism would be China and North Korea. -
19.2 - Europe - Christian Humanism
Christian Humanism was much like normal humanism but it also had religious ideas mixed in with it. A famous Christian humanist was Desiderius Erasmus who criticized the clergies of the church and stressed that they were practicing meaningless rituals and they just needed devotion to God and the teachings of Jesus. -
20.3 - Europe - Capitalism
Capitalism is a system where private companies and individuals can decide what they wanted to sell and at what price they wanted to put it as. Competition decides how much goods cost. They use the market economy so that individuals can decide what they want to buy or sell so the government doesn’t have to decide for them. -
19.3 - Europe - Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a priest that tried to reform the church to make it better, so he wrote a list of complaints called the 95 Theses on what a Christian should do and shouldn’t do. Using the printing press, the 95 Theses was spread out and eventually got to the church clergies where Luther was called a heretic and he got excommunicated. Luther and those who protested against the Catholic Church were called Protestants. -
20.2 - Earth - Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan was the first person who led a voyage around the globe. He discovered many places and sailed around South Americas southern tip, now known as the Strait of Magellan. He sailed over the pacific and into Asia, where he was killed. But his ships made it back to Portugal and his crew were the first men to circumnavigate, or sail around the world. -
16.2 - Tenochitlán - Cortes conquers the Aztecs
After Christopher Columbus had founded the Americas, a man named Hernán Cortés arrived in the Americas, seeking riches, adventures, and for the natives to convert to Catholicism. The conquistadors arrived in Mexico in 1519. The last Aztec emperor, Moctezuma II welcomed the conquistadors into Tenochitlán as he though Hernán Cortés was a god because of old legends. The Aztecs gave Cortés gifts but he wanted more. In 1521, the Aztec empire came to an end because of the conquistadors. -
20.1 - Europe - Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus was the first astronomer to discover that the earth wasnt the center of the universe but the sun was. He developed a theory called the Copernican System which became a discovery that was crucial to the Scientific Revolution. Since his discoveries contradicted with the church’s teachings, he kept it secret for a while until he was persuaded to publish it. There were some things that were wrong with the Copernican system, he thought that all the planets moved in circular orbits -
19.3 - Europe - The Catholic Reformation
The Catholic Reformation was a effort by the Catholics to stop the spread of Protestantism and bring people back to Catholicism. They sent out missionaries called the Jesuits to teach people about Catholic ideas, and the Council of Trent was formed so that clergies could discuss what problems they were having. -
13.3 - Cuzco - Fall of the Inca Empire
In the 1520s, 2 Inca rulers fought for the throne, both brothers. This civil war caused the Incas to weaken but eventually Atahualapa won the civil war. Atahualapa got word that there were about 180 Spanish soldiers led by Fransico Pizarro arriving in the Inca empire. With the element of surprise, they attacked the Inca empire, capturing Atahualapa and later killing him. They took 24 tons of gold from them and from there, the Inca empire died off. -
20.1 - Europe - Ancient Greek Theories
Before the Scientific Revolution, the Ancient Greeks already knew that the earth was round. But scientists such as Aristotle and Ptolemy thought that the earth was the center of the whole universe and all the planets and stars revolve around it in an onion like shape. Ptolemy was a great map maker and could predict where the planets were but his map only showed one side of the world since the Americas haven’t been discovered yet. Also, Africa led down to a giant piece of flat land in his map. -
20.2 - England - Sir Francis Drake
Drake was a English sailor who was a skilled military commander and also a profound pirate. He began plundering treasure from Spanish ships coming back from the Americas and bringing it back to England. Spain retaliated by sending the Spanish Armada to England, a fleet of 130 ships. England’s ships were light and fast so they were able to defeat it with the help of Drake. -
12.3 - India - The Taj Mahal
The Mughals were mainly located in India. Around the late 1600s, Emperor Shah Jahan built a tomb for his wife called the Taj Mahal. It is a very famous tourist attraction today, and it’s at Agra, India. -
20.1 - Europe - Galilei
Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist who became the first to study the sky with a telescope. He could see all the planets clearly and found craters on the moon. He also proved the Copernican system right by studying where all the planets were and found the sun in the center of our solar system. He also was interested in mechanics or objects in motion. He used experiments to prove his theory right. -
19.3 - Europe - Catholicism and Protestantism
The Reformation of the church had caused many conflicts during the Renassaince and there was always tension between the two religions. In 1618, the Protestants rose up in a revolt in the Holy Roman Empire and they fought for over 30 years. The Holy Roman Emperor sought help from other Catholic countries but the Catholic king of France helped the Protestants because he didn’t like the Holy Roman Emperor. They finally came to an agreement that allowed rulers to decide which religion they wanted. -
Period: to
Chapter 21 - The Early Modern World - Enlightenment and Revolution
1642 - War of the Roses (English Civil War) Begins
1690 - John Locke Argues that the governments power should be limited
1759 - Mary Wollstonecraft is born
1775 - American Revolution Begins
1776 - American colonies gain independence from England
1789 - The French Revolution begins. -
20.1 - Europe - Sir Issac Newton
Newton was one of the greatest scientists that ever lived. He discovered and developed 3 theories of the law of motion. He also explained how gravity works and how much of the physical world worked. He also proved that light was made up of all the colors of the rainbow by using his triangular prism. He conducted many experiments in his lifetime, contributing a lot to the Scientific Revolution -
21.3 - England - The English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights was a document that the king and queen of England had to accept that listed and protected the rights for the Parliament and the people. This document mirrored ideas of the Magna Carta and limited the rulers power. -
21.2 - England - John Locke
English Philospher John Locke argued that the government should limit their power, therefore making it like a contract. He also declared that people had natural rights to life, liberty and property and no person was born with special privileges. He also stated that the government should protect those rights and all the people. -
21.1 - France - Voltaire
Voltaire was a French humanist who believed humans could improve themselves and that they didn’t need God to improve them. He was a popular writer and philosopher who also argued against censorship, the removal of information considered harmful to the public. -
21.1 - France - Denis Diderot
French Philosopher Denis Diderot created and edited a book of knowledge that contained more than a 100 articles about science, technology and history called the Encyclopedia. It is different from today as out Encyclopedia contains more information but if it wasn’t for Diderot, we wouldn’t have the Encyclopedia. The French King and the Pope both banned the Encyclopedia from being read. -
21.2 - France - Charles-Louis Montesquieu
Charles-Louis Montesquieu was a Frenchman that thought that the government should be separated into separate branches to protect the freedom and the rights of the people. By separating the government, their power should be controlled so that each branches’ power is limited by the other. Many governments we know today are divided into different branches because of Montesquieu. -
21.1 - England - Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft was a female British writer who argued that women should have the same rights as men and she published it in many of her books, pamphlets, and newspaper articles. -
22.2 - France - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau was a French thinker who criticized the idea of God giving a ruler power, called divine right. He believed and developed the idea of popular sovereignty that the government should express the will of the people. He also argued that citizens should submit to the will of the government to protect their own interests, called a social contract. -
21.3 - USA - Declaration of Independence
The British were imposing heavy taxes on the colonists in America during the Enlightenment and the colonists disliked the laws and taxes they had to follow and pay. Also, they didn’t give the colonists a way in the Parliment. In 1775, the American Revolution began, with small pockets of militia fighting the British army. The American Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 when the Americans gained their independence from the British. -
21.3 - France - The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The French Revolution started right after the American colonists gained independence from the British. Many noblemen and noblewomen were being killed off in this Revolution and France was falling apart. The National Assemble Wrote a constitution called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen that guaranteed freedoms for citizens and distributed payment of taxes fairly -
3.4 - Mordern Day - Malaysia - Hammurabi's code inspired the first laws
All around the world in every country, there are many laws you have to follow otherwise you will get punished. The first set of laws were created by Hammurabi, and it was called Hammurabi's code. -
11.1 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Strong Roads
Romans were great engineers for their time. They made a road network that connected all of Europe together, along with some other places. If you had combined the length of roads that the Romans built, it would wrap around the world 2 times. Today, we use roads for vehicles. -
12.4 - Modern Day - USA - Medicine
Muslim medicine may have been the greatest advancement that had been made for their time. They created cures for almost every disease known at that time, including smallpox. This inspired many doctors to create more cures. A Muslim doctor that was named Avicenna wrote a medical encyclopedia. -
4.4 - Mordern Day - Malaysia - Papyrus inspires paper
Around 3300BC, papyrus is made and it is one of the worlds first writing material. Later, paper is made and we use it to this day. -
5.5 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Inoculation
During the Gupta period of the Indus Valley, they invented one of the most used items to prevent diseases, inoculation. Inoculation is injecting someone with a small dose of viruses to help keep the diseases away. Today, we still use it in hospitals to prevent diseases like they did in the Indus Valley Civilizations. -
6.5 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Clocks
In the Han Dynasty, they invented the sundial which helped them tell the time by using the sun and shadows, but now, we use clocks to help us know what time it is. -
8.2 - USA - Athens Democracy
Around 500BC, a man named Cleisthenes decided that people should be able to vote for who had the power. That time, democracy was direct so all men had to go to a meeting place and actually vote on who was going to be the leader. But now, in America, they have a democratic republic so people vote on representatives to vote on the POTUS. The problem is that no one could have what they exactly wanted. -
9.4 - Mordern Day - Malaysia - Drama
The Greeks were excelling in their arts in their time. One of the things they excelled in was Drama. The Greeks were the first ones to come up with drama and we use it today in things we watch such as TV, plays, movies, etc. -
10.2 - Modern Day - America - Latin
Latin inspired and is the root modern day English. The Romans used Latin as their official language. -
10.2 - Modern Day - USA - Latin and English
Many English words we use today come from two main roots, Greek and Latin. Latin inspired a lot of English words we use today. -
14.2 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Paper Money
During the Song Dynasty, China adopted a new form of currency, paper money. This was lighter than coins and easier to carry around. It helped China manage their wealth and provide better trade. Today, we still use paper money, over 1000 years after it was adopted and if it weren’t for the Chinese, we would be carrying around big bags of heavy coins. -
20.3 - Modern Day - America and Europe - The Colombian Exchange
The Colombian Exchange was an exchange of ideas, plants, and animals from the Americas to Europe and vice versa. The Colombian Exchange affects us today as if the exchange didn’t happen, Europe wouldn’t have potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, turkeys, pumpkins, etc, and America wouldn’t have cattle, onions, chickens, pigs, peaches, sugarcane, rice, etc. -
21.3 - France and the USA - The Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary Wars were a series of wars and battles fought in America and France to gain independence from a ruler, in America, the colonists were trying to gain Independence from Great Britain and France, their rulers and kings. If these revolutions didn’t happen, then America wouldn’t be independent from England and France wouldn’t be what it is today. -
13.3 - Modern Day - USA - Music from Mali
The Jazz music you listen today may come from the Griots, or storytellers, from Mali. In the 1600s-1800s, slaves were brought from Northern Africa to America and they continued to sing their songs while they work. This adapted into African-American culture and artists such as B.B. King sing it. -
15.3 - Modern Day - Japan - Modern Samurai
Centuries after samurai, people still practice to become Modern samurais. Many people study the same martial arts used by samurai and sword fighting. They still practice Bushido and value hard work, honor, and sacrifice as it has become part of Japanese culture already. -
18.4 - Modern Day - USA - Magna Carta and the US Constitution
The Magna Carta was a Latin phrase that means “Great Charter” and it was a set of rights that protected the rights of the nobles and the people. Today, some of the ideas from the Magna Carta are found in the US Constitution, a supreme law in America that all Americans have to follow. -
19.3 - Modern Day - Malaysia - Denominations of Christianity
Since the Reformation, Christianity has broken up into many different denominations, believing their own things. These denominations were created by churches breaking off churches breaking of churches and etc. These denominations include, the Catholic Church, Baptist Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, and many more. -
16.1 - Modern Day - USA - Observatories
The Maya’s made many great advancements in science, one of which is the observatory, a building for scientists to study the sky and stars. From there, people could know what time of day it was so they made 2 calendars, one for work, and one for religious events. This relates to modern day as if we hadn’t have observatories, we wouldn’t have calendars and we wouldn’t know what time of day it is. -
17.2 - Modern Day - Ireland - Saint Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick was a British monk who traveled to Ireland to convert and teach people about Christianity. In his teenage days, he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland to work as a shepherd but he escaped and returned to England. In 430, he returned to Ireland and won favor with the Irish by driving all the snakes out of Ireland. After he died, the Irish declared him a saint and on the 17th of March every year, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in honor of Saint Patrick.