7th Grade World History Timeline

By lb2614
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon Dies

    King Solomon Dies
  • 721 BCE

    Israel falls to the Assyrians

    Israel falls to the Assyrians
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonia invades Judah

    Babylonia invades Judah
    King Nebuchadnezzar destroys Solomon's Temple
  • 597 BCE

    King Nebuchadnezzar Destroyed Solomon's Temple

    King Nebuchadnezzar Destroyed Solomon's Temple
  • 539 BCE

    Jews Rebuild Their Temple

    Jews Rebuild Their Temple
  • 539 BCE

    The Persians conquered the Babylonians

    The Persians conquered the Babylonians
  • 509 BCE

    Etruscan king was overthrown

    Etruscan king was overthrown
  • 493 BCE

    Roman leaders signed a treaty or agreement with their Latin neighbors to the South

    Roman leaders signed a treaty or agreement with their Latin neighbors to the South
  • 390 BCE

    Rome nearly comes to end by a band of Gauls who looted the city and burned most of it down

    Rome nearly comes to end by a band of Gauls who looted the city and burned most of it down
  • 275 BCE

    Romes conquest of the Italian peninsula as complete

    Romes conquest of the Italian peninsula as complete
  • 264 BCE

    The first Punic war begins

    The first Punic war begins
  • 264 BCE

    Rome and its allies controlled the entire Italian peninsula.

    Rome and its allies controlled the entire Italian peninsula.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal surprised the Romans by marching his army from Spain across the Alps and into Italy

    Hannibal surprised the Romans by marching his army from Spain across the Alps and into Italy
  • 146 BCE

    The Romans burned Carthage to the ground.

    The Romans burned Carthage to the ground.
  • 139 BCE

    The Greeks took over the Persians

    The Greeks took over the Persians
  • 73 BCE

    Spartacus led a famous revolt

    Spartacus led a famous revolt
  • 63 BCE

    Judea came under Roman rule

    Judea came under Roman rule
  • 63 BCE

    The Romans take over Jews

    The Romans take over Jews
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar disobeyed and crossed the Rubicon with his army

    Caesar disobeyed  and crossed the Rubicon with his army
  • 44 BCE

    A group of enemies stabbed Caesar to death as he was entering the Senate.

    A group of enemies stabbed Caesar to death as he was entering the Senate.
  • 37 BCE

    Rome appointed Herod to be king of Judea

    Rome appointed Herod to be king of Judea
  • 31 BCE

    Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in a sea battle near Actium, Greece.

    Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in a sea battle near Actium, Greece.
  • 22 BCE

    King Herod built a grander Second Temple

    King Herod built a grander Second Temple
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus was born

    Jesus was born
  • 4 BCE

    King Herod dies

    King Herod dies
  • 30

    Jesus dies

    Jesus dies
  • 66

    The Jews Rebelled from the Romans

    The Jews Rebelled from the Romans
  • 70

    King Titus and 60,000 soldiers destroyed the Temple

    King Titus and 60,000 soldiers destroyed the Temple
  • 312

    Emperor Constantine reported having a vision of a cross hanging in the sky

    Emperor Constantine reported having a vision of a cross hanging in the sky
  • 380

    Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire

    Christianity was the official religion of the Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 1000

    Early Middle ages

  • Period: 476 to 992

    Early middle ages

  • Period: 476 to 992

    Early Middle Ages

  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
  • 610

    Muhammad has his first revelation

    Muhammad has his first revelation
  • 613

    613 Muhammad began to preach to other Meccans

    613 Muhammad began to preach to other Meccans
  • 619

    Khadijah dies

    Khadijah dies
  • 619

    Abu Talib dies

    Abu Talib dies
  • 619

    Muhammad goes on the Night Journey

    Muhammad goes on the Night Journey
  • 622

    Muhammad and his followers left Meccan on a journey called the hijrah

    Muhammad and his followers left Meccan on a journey called the hijrah
  • 624

    Fighting broke out between Muslims and Meccans

    Fighting broke out between Muslims and Meccans
  • 630

    Muhammad rededicates Ka'bah to one God

    Muhammad rededicates Ka'bah to one God
  • 631

    Abu Bakr becomes first caliph

    Abu Bakr becomes first caliph
  • 632

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies
  • 634

    Umar becomes 2nd Caliph

    Umar becomes 2nd Caliph
  • 644

    Uthman becomes 3rd Caliph

    Uthman becomes 3rd Caliph
  • 650

    Uthman makes official Qu'ran

    Uthman makes official Qu'ran
  • 656

    Ali Ibn Abi Talib becomes 4th Caliph

    Ali Ibn Abi Talib becomes 4th Caliph
  • Period: 768 to 814

    Charlemagne ruled

  • 800

    Charlemagne was crowned

    Charlemagne was crowned
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    High Middle ages

  • Period: 1042 to 1066

    Edwards rule

  • 1054

    The Great schism of 1054

    The Great schism of 1054
  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
  • Period: 1300 to 1450

    Late Middle Ages

  • The Holocaust happens

    The Holocaust happens
  • World War ll happens

    World War ll happens
  • Israel becomes a Jewish nation

    Israel becomes a Jewish nation