• Period: 1341 to

    Age of exploration

  • 1419

    Discovery of Madeira Portugal

    Discovery of Madeira Portugal
    Portuguese explorers discover the Madeira islands marking the beginning of Portugal’s exploration and colonization efforts
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias rounds the cape of good hope

    Bartolomeu Dias rounds the cape of good hope
    Dias becomes the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa opening sea route of Asia
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus first voyage Spain

    Christopher Columbus first voyage Spain
    Columbus sponsored by Spain reaching the new world, landing in the Bahamas and marking the beginning of European exploration in the americas.
  • 1497

    John Cabot’s voyage England

    John Cabot’s voyage England
    Cabot sailing under the English flag, reaches the coast of North America claiming land for England.
  • 1498

    Vasco da gamba reaches India

    Vasco da gamba reaches India
    Da Tamar’s voyage to India establishes a direct sea route from Europe to Asia boosting trade with the east
  • 1500

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil
    Cabral accidentally lands on the coast of Brazil claiming it for Portugal and beginning Portuguese colonization in South America
  • 1513

    Vasco núñez de balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean

    Vasco núñez de balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean
    Balboa crosses the isthmus of Panama and becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the new world.
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan’s expeditions

    Ferdinand Magellan’s expeditions
    Magellan fleet under Spanish flag becomes the first to circumnavigate the globe providing the earth is round
  • 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazzano explores the east coast

    Giovanni da Verrazzano explores the east coast
    Verrazzon sailing for France explores the east coast of North America including New York harbor
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca empire

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca empire
    Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca empire ( in present day Peru ) expanding Spanish territories in South America.
  • 1534

    Jacques cartiers first voyage

    Jacques cartiers first voyage
    Cartier explores the gulf of Saint Lawrence claiming the region for France and marking the beginning of French exploration in Canada
  • 1577

    Sir Francis drakes circumnavigation

    Sir Francis drakes circumnavigation
    Drake becomes the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe raiding Spanish settlements along the way
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    The first permanent English settlement in North America is established in Jamestown Virginia
  • Founding of Quebec City

    Founding of Quebec City
    Samuel de Champlain establishes Quebec City solidifying French presence in North America
  • The mayflower lands at Plymouth

    The mayflower lands at Plymouth
    Pilgrims aboard the mayflower establish Plymouth colony (present day Massachusetts) seeking religious freedom.
  • La sale claims Louisiana

    La sale claims Louisiana
    Robert de la salle explores the Mississippi River and claims the surrounding territory for France naming it Louisiana