CIS105 Mod2 Discussion

  • Creation of Gameboy

    Creation of Gameboy
    Invented by Gunpei Yokoi.
    Created to prove that toys and games could be made accessible, affordable, and using simple technology.
  • Creation of MP3 Player

    Developed by SaeHan Information Systems in South Korea called "MPMan F10".
    Internal memory of 32-64 mb for portable and handheld listening.
  • iPod by Apple

    iPod by Apple
    Developed by Apple and Steve Jobs.
    Revolutionized handheld devices and music listening.
  • Motorola Razr

    Motorola Razr
    Developed by Motorola.
    First extremely popular, affordable, and thin cellphone.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    Developed by Apple and Steve Jobs,
    The iPhone revolutionized the smartphone and moved the focus away from the business class with the Blackberry. iPhone made the technology directed toward the everyday user, and combined the functionality of a cellphone and an mp3 player or iPod.