Dylan Keiner: Unit 2 Part 2

  • Period: 770 BCE to 476 BCE

    The Construction of the Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall of China was built to protect China from invasion by the nomadic northern tribes. It was built over a period of centuries and was built using stone, wood, and rammed earth.
  • 305 BCE

    The Maurya Empire’s Expansion

    The Maurya Empire’s Expansion
    The Maurya Empire expanded greatly under Emperor Chandragupta, covering most of the Indian subcontinent. This helped in the spread of culture, trade, and centralized government.
  • 260 BCE

    Ashoka's Edicts and Conversion to Buddhism

    Ashoka's Edicts and Conversion to Buddhism
    Ashoka, the emperor, was converted to Buddhism following a war that was gruesome and spreading its message by stone edicts.
  • 221 BCE

    The Qin Dynasty's Unification of China

    The Qin Dynasty's Unification of China
    The Qin Dynasty, led by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, unified China for the first time ever in 221 BCE.
  • 206 BCE

    The Han Dynasty's Founding

    The Han Dynasty's Founding
    The Han Dynasty began in 202 BCE when Liu Bang overthrew the Qin Dynasty. It brought stability and prosperity, and Confucianism became a leading aspect of Chinese culture.
  • Period: 58 BCE to 50 BCE

    The Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar led the Roman forces in the conquest of Gaul between 58-50 BCE. The conquest gave Rome more land and made Caesar a notable figure in Rome.
  • 27 BCE

    The Rise of the Roman Empire

    The Rise of the Roman Empire
    After the fall of the Roman Republic, Augustus was the first emperor who expanded the Roman Empire. It grew through military conquest and developed as one of the most powerful empires in history.
  • Period: 1 CE to 100

    The Rise of Christianity

    Christianity started as a small religion in the Roman Empire but soon gained momentum. It appealed to people with its message of hope and eternal life, especially the poor and oppressed.
  • 9

    The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

    The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
    In 9 CE, a group of Germanic tribesmen ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest.
  • 122

    The Construction of Hadrian's Wall

    The Construction of Hadrian's Wall
    The Romans built Hadrian's Wall in the 2nd century CE to defend Britain against the northern tribes. Low key a pretty lame wall compared to China.
  • 202

    The Battle of Zama

    The Battle of Zama
    The Roman commander Scipio Africanus beat the Carthaginian commander Hannibal in 202 BCE in the Battle of Zama. The battle marked the end of the Second Punic War.
  • Period: 206 to 220

    The Spread of Buddhism in China

    Buddhism spread from India to China around the 1st century CE. It became popular and influenced Chinese culture, art, philosophy, and religion.
  • Period: 208 to 209

    The Battle of Red Cliffs

    The forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei defeated Cao Cao at the Battle of Red Cliffs. The battle stopped Cao Cao from taking over southern China and divided the country into three rival kingdoms.
  • 220

    The Collapse of the Han Dynasty

    The Collapse of the Han Dynasty
    The Han Dynasty ended in 220 CE due to internal corruption, rebellions, and weak emperors. This caused China to split into three kingdoms. (crazy good oversimplified video)
  • 224

    The Sassanian Empire's Rise

    The Sassanian Empire's Rise
    The Sassanian Empire rose in 224 CE by overthrowing the Parthians. It was a major competitor to the Roman Empire and controlled most of Persia.
  • 312

    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge

    The Battle of the Milvian Bridge
    the Battle of the Milvian Bridge saw Maxentius being defeated by Emperor Constantine. Constantine heavily embraced Christianity after this victory and supported the religion in the Roman Empire.
  • 313

    The Reign of Emperor Constantine and the Edict of Milan

    The Reign of Emperor Constantine and the Edict of Milan
    Constantine came to power in 306 CE and, in 313 CE, issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christianity. This allowed the faith to grow and spread within the empire.
  • Period: 320 to 550

    The Gupta Empire's Golden Age

    The Gupta Empire's Golden Age came because of progress in mathematics, science, and culture. One of the key developments that occurred during this time was the concept of zero.
  • 451

    The Huns Invade the Western Roman Empire

    The Huns Invade the Western Roman Empire
    The Huns invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. Their invasions destabilized the empire and caused its collapse. (At least the Western side)
  • 476

    The Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    The Western Roman Empire fell officially in 476 CE after years of civil strife and invasions from the Huns.