Triangular trade

Global Interaction Timeline Group Project

By apwh123
  • 1258

    Destruction of Baghdad

    Social: After Mongols destroyed Baghdad, they were left in isolation developing largely on it's own. Developing more Social contact with India which many Muslim rulers had favored Persian, more so than the Arabs; creating a new Social/Political direction to it's favor.
  • 1500

    Flow of of New World Silver into Ming Empire

    Economy: the flow of silver from the new world caused inflation in prices and taxes that affected the rural population greatly. Exhausting the economy and wellness of the Ming Empire.
  • 1500

    Little Ice Age Affects Ming Empire

    Economic and Political: Annual temperatures dropped, affecting agriculture distress, creating an epidemic disease, and a decline in population. Being the empire closer to the decline of​ their empire.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Global Interactions

  • 1502

    Separation of Iran

    Political: Shah Ismail Establishes Safavid Rule in Iran. Political in it's nature, it was sparked to create tension between Shi'ite and Sunni neighbors by Ali. And finally since the incorporation of into Islamic caliphate Iran became a separate country.
  • 1502

    Iran Converts to Shi’ite Islam

    Shah Ismal, the ruler of Iran, decided to convert the nation to Shi’ite Islam which separated them from neighboring nations.
  • Period: 1502 to

    Safavid Dynasty

  • 1514

    Battle of Chaldiran (Ottoman Empire)

    Political: The Ottoman Empire defeated the Safavid Empire, taking over East Anatolia and later their capital, Tabriz. It was a war over the Sunmi Ottomans and the Shia Safavids.
  • 1516

    Selim I "The Grim" conquers Syria and Egypt (Ottoman Empire)

    Political, Economic: By conquering Egypt and Syria, Selim made The Red Sea a frontier of the Ottomans.This resulted in an increase in trade, and also power over neighboring places because in order to have access to the Red sea, they had to go through the Ottomans. This began the conquerings of the Ottoman Empire
  • 1517

    End of Ryazan Principality

    The last grand prince of the Ryazan principality was captured/imprisoned in Moscow. This shows an end to Russian aristocracy.
  • 1520

    Ottoman Empire becomes the most powerful state in either Europe or the Islamic World

    Politocal: By the1520s, the Ottoman Empire was the most organized and powerful because of a balanced military with Janissaries. The Ottoman Empire continued to be very powerful for an extended period of time.
  • 1521

    Suleiman the Magnificent Conquered Belgrade (Ottoman Empire)

    Political: By conquering Belgrade, a new and lasting or permanent frontier was established for Eastern Europe.
  • 1522

    Suleiman expelled the Knights of the Hospital of St. John (Ottoman Empire)

    Social, Religious: Knights of the Hospital was a religious military order that acquired Rhodes for a couple of centuries showing how no one was capable of taking it until Suleiman came to reign and got it during the second year, showing his military strength and success as a sultan. This was one of the many demonstrations of power.
  • 1526

    Hybrid Culture in Mughal Empire

    Art: There was a mix between Islamic and Hindu astronomy, Muslims had techniques and instruments which combined with Hindu computerization techniques. They would create calendars​ and astronomical tables. Creating new ideas with two different groups of people, allowing them to discover more about astronomy​.
  • 1526

    Rajput (Mughal Empire)

    Social: They were Hindu warriors, and it had a longing effect​ on the Hindu-caste system today
  • 1526

    Introduction of Rajputs

    Social: Rajputs, which were Hindu warriors of the Mughal empire. They had a great impact on the caste-system.
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire’s Religious Intolerance

    Social : Due to the fact that the Mughals were related to the Mongols, they inherited their religious intolerance, which allowed for a diverse culturw to form.
  • 1526

    Babur Defeats Last Sultan of Delhi

    Babur Defeats Last Sultan of Delhi
    Political: By Bubar defeating the last Muslim sultan of Delhi it ended the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal replaced it. He then established a central administration. India under Akbar (Babur's grandson) prospered greatly.
  • 1529

    First Ottoman Seige of Vienna

    Political:The Ottomans attempted to attack Vienna, who were able to retreat because of cold winters. This was the first time that the Ottomans had not been successful in conquering.
  • 1543

    Portuguese in Japan

    Religious: The Portuguese lead the missionaries to this lands with hope to evangelize the Catholic faith in the east. They succeed in their mission converting several Japanese natives to the Catholicism.
  • 1547

    First Czar of Muscovy

    Ivan was crowned as the first czar of Muscovy, he will later on be known as a great ruler who also expanded/established the Russian Empire.
  • 1550

    Persian Langauge in Mughal Empire

    Social and art: Since the Mughal Empire was diverse and included the Persian language, this created modern​ Urdu and Hindi.
  • 1556

    Akbar Rules in Agra

    Akbar Rules in Agra
    Political, economic: This was the peak of Mughal Empire, it held a population of 100 million, with a thriving economy based on cotton cloth, while being efficiently​ administered. He expanded the empire and tried a policy of conciliation with Hindus. This influenced India's history with his administration.
  • 1560

    Battle of Okehazama

    Political: Oda Nobunaga defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto and established himself as one of the front-running warlords in the Sengoku period.
  • 1566

    Ottoman Empire Now Borders The Mediterranean Sea

    Ottoman Empire Now Borders The Mediterranean Sea
    Economic, Political: Once the Ottomans had complete control over the Mediterranean, they prospered from having an abundance of trade. But, the Spanish and Portuguese were blocked by them, not having access to India. If it weren't for the Ottomans blocking trade, then Cristopher Columbus would have never found the Americas.
  • 1569

    Mughal State Inherited Religious Tolerance

    Social/Religion: Akbar strove for social harmony from both the Islamic caliphate and the Mongols. This kept power at peace, and let Hindus rise in power. And the creation of the "Devine Faith" in which Akbar was at the center. This also created a hybrid culture that flourished.​
  • 1571

    Ottoman Naval Defeat at Lepanto

    Social,political, religious: An alliance formed with Christian forces helped gained victory at the Battle of Lepanto (Greece). This unified and cut some of the conflict between the Ottomans and the Christian Europeans.
  • 1573

    End of the Muromachi period

    Political: The period marks the governance of the Muromachi or Ashikaga shogunate which was officially established in 1338 by the first Muromachi shogun, Ashikaga Takauji, two years after the brief Kenmu Restoration of imperial rule was brought to a close. The period ended in 1573 when the 15th and last shogun of this line, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, was driven out of the capital in Kyoto by Oda Nobunaga.
  • 1580

    Russia's Discovery of Siberia

    Russia's Discovery of Siberia
    The discovery of Siberia let Russia to a new route for expansion and access to new resources; such as fur! The Russians prizes fur because it allows them to survive the winter. Their political influence over-powered the local's one.
  • 1580

    Korea starts producing porcelain

    Korea starts producing porcelain
    Social, economic ,art, intellect: Korea began producing porcelain for lavish decorations for the elite. This contributed to spreading the use of porcelain worldwide.
  • 1582

    Honno-Ji Incident

    The Honnō-ji Incident refers to the forced suicide of Japanese daimyō Oda Nobunaga at the hands of his samurai general Akechi Mitsuhide.
  • Neo-Confucianism in Korea

    Religious, Political: The Neo-Confucian orientation of the early Choson court and bureaucracy has important repercussions for the dynasty’s relations with China. This modern idea of Confucianism inspired many and brought a new way of thinking.
  • Isfahan Capital of Iran

    Political: Isfahan made capital by decree of Shah Abbas, it was a Political move made by Shah Abbas to have a good environment for his troops to play polo and a good view for tactical movements to review his troops and and for receiving dignitaries.
  • Shah Abbas moves to Isfahan

    Political: By making Isfahan the capital he had changed the center of Political power closer to Isfahan and had made it to make space for walking, though lacked open spaces common in contemporary Europeans cities.
  • Reign of Shah Abbas

    An influential figure head to Iranian history the most renowned leader . His Political stance was so influential making Isfahan the capital, making the royal court, and was basically the last resort the Empire had keeping the stat sustainable with it's silk market and ability to adapt quickly by getting more people to be in their army such as Christians and getting them firearms as they enslaved more people.
  • Koreans Develop a new type of ship

    Art, intellect, political: The Turtle Ship was a type of large Korean warship that was used by the Koreans during the Joseon dynasty. It was used to fight against invading Japanese naval ships.This also furthered future boatmmaking.
  • Seige of Odowara

    Political: The third siege of Odawara occurred in 1590, and was the primary action in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's campaign to eliminate the Hōjō clan as a threat to his power.
  • Japan invades Korea

    Political: Japan wanted to take over Korea to conquer China
  • Royal Square

    economic/Art: A monument of strength and beauty, decreed by Abbas, almost as long as 5 football fields. Such impressive size made, and right next to the royal palace, it was impressive in it's time and still is shows the power and Economic/Artistic situation they are in as it was very rich and parts used to entertain guests.
  • Achievement in Artisanship in the 1600s

    Arts: Japanese skills in steel making, pottery, and laquer ware were joined by the excellence in the production of porcelain.
  • Battle of Sekaghara

    Political: The Battle of Sekigahara was a decisive battle that cleared the path to the Shogunate for Tokugawa Ieyasu and his descendants.Sekhigahara is widely considered to be the unofficial beginning of the Tokugawa Bakufu, the final Shogunate to control Japan.
  • Safavid Empire: Women In Society

    Social: Islamic Law allows for women to own/inherit property, which is something that didn’t occur in Europe.
  • Men and Women on Clothing

    Social/Religious: Both sexes covered their arms, legs, and hair. While poor men wore light trousers, a long shirt, a jacket, and a hat or turban, wealthy men wore over their trousers ankle-length caftans. Both men and women in this aspect were equal to each other in a sense.
  • Anderun

    Social: Women in Isfahan rarely went out in public and had separated from public rooms having low cushions, charcoal braziers, carpets, and small tables all in similar customs to Istanbul.
  • Artisan guilds

    Economic/Social: Artisans and merchants organized into guilds in similar aspect as in Istanbul to make the most profit and be spread out in the city, making the wealth at least for Artisans relatively high.
  • Public Life

    Art: Poetry and art where more more integrated into Isfahan cultural life than it was Istanbul, showing that the people of Istanbul are more creative and likely to integrate monuments and such as the Royal Square showing strength to nearby neighbors.
  • 3 Years of Poverty in Russia

    Due to a lack of food and poverty, a 3 year famine ensued throughout Russia. This caused for them to think of new methods to avoid more famines.
  • Rice Exchanges

    Economic: Good roads and maritime transport linked the city to the castle towns, Lords recieved their incomes locally in rice, and they paid their followers in rice. Recipients converted much of this rice into cash, a practice that led to the development of rice exchanges at Edo and as Osaka, where merchants speculated in rice prices. Edo became one of the most largest cities in the world.
  • Kabuki Theatre

    Social/Arts: Merchants in Japan enjoyed relative freedom and influence , they produced a vivid culture of their own, fostering the development of the kabuki theatre, colorful woodblock prints and silk screened fabrics and restaurant.
  • Neo- Confucianism in Japan

    Religious/Social: stressing the importance of morals, education and hierarchical order in the government and society
  • The First Tokugawa Shogunate

    Political: Tokugawa Ieyasu became the first official shogunate and under his rule, the shoguns were able to unify all political power in Japan under them, and prevented any of the local lords from amassing too much power.
  • End of Anatolian Revolts (Ottoman Empire)

    Political, social, Economic: Revolts occurred in Anatolia due to displaced cavalrymen. To pay janissaries, sultans reduced the number of landowning cavalrymen. Silver inflation from the New World caused them to go bankrupt of which they still had to oblige to the law of fixed taxes. As a result, their land is returned to the state. This caused rebellions from peasants. short-term soldiers, former cavalrymen etc.
  • Christianity is Banned from Japan

    Religious: Christianity is banned in Japan and Christian priests are forced to leave because the main religion was Confucianism and the shogunates did not want people to convert to Christianity
  • Capture of Osaka Castle

    Political: Leyasu captured Osaka Castle and he and his successors had no more rivals and peace prevailed throughout the Edo period.
  • Samurai Arts

    Arts: The samurais were educating themselves not only in the martial arts but also in literature, philosophy and the arts, the tea ceremony, etc.
  • Abu al-Hasan's painting of Jahangir and Shah Abbas

    This piece represented the wealth and power of Jahangir and Shah Abbas and their relationship from Jahangir's point of view. It show Art/Political as it explains the spread of accurate geography into Iran and they symbolism between Jahangir being the Lion, while Shah Abbas is actually equally powerful f not more.
  • Iranian Waterpipe

    Art: A remarkable adaptation to the hookah had been heavily developed for years until it's eventual release in 1700. It boasts the technological masterminds in Iran showing they are capable of producing to such capacities.
  • Korea gets invaded by Manchurian

    Economic, Political: Manchuria invades Korea, and establishes the peninsula as a tributary state. Yet another invasion of Korea causes economic and political instability in the country that wouldn't be able to be amended until the 20th century.
  • Shah Abbas's Death

    Political/Economic: After the death of Shah Abbas the Empire was left in shambles from it's mismanagement of it's silk monopoly and the inflation of cheap silver spread into Iran had caused a Political/Economic shift within. The shahs could not pay for their army and bureaucracy, and even went to be far too disruptive greater than the land-grant system of the Ottoman Empire weakening the state from then on until it's eventual downfall.
  • Act of Seclusion

    Political/Social: Tokugawa shogunate prohibited with Western nations and prevented merchants from trading abroad, therefore Japan was effectively cut off from Western nations
  • Korea Gets Invaded by Qing

    Political,social: Qing China invades Korea through Manchuria, establishing a Chinese tributary system within the Choson government. This influences the Korean culture today.
  • Qing China Conquers Jinzhou

    Economical​: This city connects North China and Northeast China, which would allow for more trade.
  • The Ming Empire Fell to the Manchus

    Political: This lost of the Ming Empire, allowed the Manchu family to change the Ming Empire to the Qing Empire. All of the territory​ claimed by the Ming Empire was now ruled under the Qing Emperor after ​40 years of conquesting.
  • Buddhism Becomes Prominent in Korea

    Buddhism Becomes Prominent in Korea
    Religious, Social, Political: Buddhism remains the chief religion among upper-class women and the common people, and continues to be an important cultural force in Korean society
  • Aurangzeb Imposes Conservative Islamic Regime

    Religion: Aurangzeb began to restrict Hindus, completely reversing the idea of religious tolerance by Akbar, thus creating tension with the hybrid culture that flourished. During this time Persian verse favored at court in a language that is now Urdu and Hindi.
  • Yongzheng Rules

    Political and Social: He encourages learning to be the​ main focus among his people, and wrote 10,000 printed encyclopedia.
  • Kangxi Took Control of the Qing Government

    Political: Kangxi was able to extend the territory, and gave it a high degree of stability. Allowing the Qing Empire to become bigger and influence more people, while still remaining stable. There were cultural, military and​ culture improvements in China.
  • Copper Riot is Muscovy

    Political: Many Moscovites had marched to Kolomenskoye and demanded for justice against the ministers who had debased Muscovy's copper currency. Many of those protesters were killed or exiled.
  • Battle of Viena (Ottoman Empire)

    Political:The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire cooperated against the Ottomans because the imperial city of Kahlenberg Mountain had been besieged for two months. The Ottoman ended up losing the battle to the Holy Roman Empire and the Commonwealth combined forces. This was one of the few defeats of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Treaty of Nerchinsk

    Political: the Qing and Russians were rivals for the control of northern Asia's Pacific coast. With the Treaty of Nerchinsk, allowing them to both use the Amur River and regulate trade across it. This treaty of important and the frontier had last a long time.
  • Inner Mongolia was now under Qing Control

    Political: The Qing Empire managed to settle the Mongolian frontier, by leading troops in great amounts and they defeated Galda, so then they​ controlled Inner Mongolia by 1691.
  • Peter the Great's Ascension To the Throne and Ruling

    Peter the Great's Ascension To the Throne and Ruling
    Peter the Great mimicked Europe's wealth and military power in order to themselves gain more power. In doing so, the Russian Empire was recognized for it's power once again.
  • The Canton System (Qing Empire)

    Political and Economical: The Qing Empire was now willing to extend trade, to gain more from it now with better control. Only opened trading with Europe through the city of Canton. This brought in silver into China​ and brought Chinese tea to Europe.
  • Overpopulation Effects Qing Chine

    Economical: There were now environmental stresses, like deforestation, and erosion. This resulted in localized misery, migration, and increased crime and local rebellions. Environmental stresses changed the land and profitability of the land​ and living conditions of people.
  • Necessary use of Firearms

    By the near end of the 16th century it was evident that they would need to use canons' in order to protect themselves from the Ottomans and Uzbek. They were not so willing to trade bows for firearms. Abbas initiated a year-round slave corps to give themselves enough Political power from Christians who finally converted to Islam.
  • Safavid Empire’s Collapse

    After Shah Abbas’ death, inflation caused by cheap silver from Latin America and military costs, drove the empire to its collapse.
  • Forty-Seven Ronin

    Social: Samurai warriors with no master were ordered to commit seppuku, the ritual sacrifice of the samurai, for exacting revenge.
  • Foundation of St.Petersburg

    Political/Economic/Social: Saint-Petersburg was established as Russia’s capital, which became a focal point for national unity and strength.
  • Introduction of New World Crops (Qing China)

    Economic and Social: There was now a lot more agricultural productivity due to the introduction of American and African Crops, this caused the population to grow drastically to 300 million to 400 million by late 1700s​.
  • Peter the Great's New Rules

    Peter the Great's New Rules
    A decree in 1716 was passed which stated that the tsar, "isn't obliged to answer to anyone in the world for his doings, but posses power/authority over his kingdom and land, to rule them at his will/pleasure as a Christian ruler" allowed him to intro. new political/religious/economic changes.
  • Western Influence

    Arts: The ban of Western literature was cancelled and several new teachings entered Japan from China and Europe.
  • End Of Safavid Rule

    Political: Another instance Political demise, they had become so weak due to it's loss of it's greatest source of income it's silk, and the death of Abbas it was easily defeated by Afghans because of how little support they received from nomadic groups especially.
  • King Yeongjo is Made ruler of Korea

    Political, social, economic, art, intellect:King Yeongjo is able to defend against the Manchurian invasions and leads Korea into an age of innovation, setting the scene for their culture today.
  • Janissary Revolt (Ottoman Empire)

    Political, Social, Religious: During the Tulip Period, the Jannasarries led a conservative revolt, bringing a period of conservatism to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Foreign Trade was encouraged in the reign of the Kangxi

    economic and social: there were routed from Korea to Central Asia that was revived, and trading with Vietnam, Burma, and Nepal. There were new ideas and technology that were incorporated into the Qing Empire. Also learned mapmaking, astrology, and more from Jesuits who came to the Qing Empire.
  • Rule of Emperor Qianlong

    Political and economic: This is Yongsheng son, who brought in wealth through foreign trade, meaning he made contacts with Europe. Rice production also increased during this time, increasing food supply. They would only export to Europe in exchange for silver.
  • Nadir Shah temporarily reunites Iran

    Political: The warlord. Nadir Shah, invaded The Mughal Empire to the peacock throne leaving the Empire shattered and Iran winning more land and power in the end.
  • Iranians Under Nadir Shah sack Delhi

    Political: Territory in southern India weren't well into the imperial structure after Aurangzeb's death. ​Nadir Shah invaded Mughal capital, by this time this ended the Mughal Empire.
  • Korea Begins Prosecution of Catholicism

    Political, religious, social: Koreans begin banish European customs and ideas. This results in a type of cultural isolation from Europe.
  • Russia's Expansion in Eurasia

    Russia's Expansion in Eurasia
    This event caused for Russia to expand and encompass all of northern and northeastern Eurasia. They most likely gained more power as they expanded.
  • The Ruso-Turkish War (Ottoman Empire)

    Political: The Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia and imprisoned her ambassador. Russia ended up winning, allowing them to expand further, part of the reason why Russia is so extensive today.
  • Decline of the Ming Empire

    political: The size and population of the Qing Empire were becoming really large, while the number of officials stayed relatively the same. Depended on local elites who couldn't do much, leading the decline of a poorly managed​ empire of this size.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Political/Social: The Meiji Restoration describes a chain of events that led to a change in political power and the social structure of Japan and took over the Edo period.
  • The Fall of Tokuwaga

    Political: The Tokuwaga government fell because of heavy political pressures, and the power of Emperor Meiji was restored.