Heavens Gaate

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    Birth of Marshall Applewhite

    The birth of Marshall Applewhite, the founder and creator of Heavens Gate, In Spur Texas. He is the son of a Presbyterian minister.
  • Marshall Applewhite stops working as a Choral Director in the University of Alabama

    He worked as a Choral Director as he had attended several universities and even served in the army before this
  • Music Teacher

    He was hired to be a music teacher at the University of St. Thomas, a Roman Catholic college in Houston, Texas. Also involved as a singer in the Houston Grand Opera.
  • Graduated

    Applewhite received a master's degree in music from University of Colorado in Boulder.
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    Scandal at the college he worked at

    Dismissed by Thomas college over scandal involving a student relationship.
  • Affairs

    Even though he was previously married and had two children, he continues to struggle with his sexual identity, having homosexual affairs.
  • Bonnie Lu Nettles

    His father died and he meets Bonnie Lu Nettles, a nurse and astrologer involved in Theosophy and reincarnation.