
  • 711

    The battle of Guadalete

    The muslims arrived in the peninsula to aid Agila and defeat Don Rodrigo, but ended up taking the whole peninsula instead
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Muslim occupation from the Caliphate

    The muslim occupation happened rapidly because of the surrenders and treaties that the christian kingdoms made
  • 718

    Battle of Covadonga

    The christians in the north attacked the Ummeyads, starting the Reconquista
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    The muslims were stopped by the franks in the battle of poitiers, and pushing them onto the peninsula
  • 756

    Assasination of the Ummeyads

    Abd-Al Rahman, escaping death fron the abbasids fled to the peninsula, seized power and became independent
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independant Emirate of Cordoba

    They became independent from the rest of the caliphate on their politics, but not on religion
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    The Caliphate Of Cordoba

    Abd-Al Rahman the III decided to become Caliph and control religion and politics, This was the golden age of Al-Andalus, also Córdoba became the most important city of the time
  • 1002

    Death of the vizier

    The vizier who controlled the kingdom died and it led to a lot of internal problems
  • Period: 1035 to 1086

    The taifas

    The caliphate collapsed because of internal revolts and turned into taifas, independent kingdoms that sometimes paid parias for a truce
  • Period: 1086 to 1146

    The Almoravids

    The muslim kingdoms asked help from the Almoravids and they took control over the taifas
  • Period: 1146 to 1212

    The Almohads

    The almohads took over the Almoravids, taking control of the taifas and starting attacks on the christian kingdoms
  • 1212

    The battle of Las Navas De Tolosa

    The christians won the battle of Las Navas De Tolosa and made the christian kingdoms more important than Al-Andalus
  • Period: 1212 to 1492

    The kingdom of granada

    The kingdom of granada was the only part of Al-Álandalus left after the Almohads leaving
  • 1492

    The conquest of granada

    The christians took over the kingdom of granada, ending Al-Ándalus on the Iberian peninsula