Period: to
The Industrial revolution
The industrial revolution is the period of time where we advanced extremely well with our technology and discovered/made lots of things we still use today -
The Boston tea party occurs
A group of about 360 men boarded British boats and tipped out about 18,000 dollars worth of tea chests into the sea -
The American declaration of independence was signed
The day that the American declaration of independence was signed and the United States of America was born -
The first fleet arrives in Australia
The first fleet arrives in Australia and claims Australia as their land. This event caused a war between the aboriginal owners of the land and the British people. This war caused many to lose their lives and the aboriginal people are still at the disadvantage of losing the land that they had cared for for many years -
The French revolution
The start of the age where the people of France rebelled against the rich people who were living a luxurious life while they had to suffer -
Matthew Flinders navigates Australia
Matthew was the first person to navigate across and the around the whole continent of Australia and made a very detailed map of Australia -
Slavery is abolished across the British empire
In the year of 1833, The British empire abolished slavery all across their empire, this also led many others to abolish slavery across the world. -
Australian gold rush
This a period where people had discovered in Australia and gold seekers began pouring into Australia which greatly expanded Australia's population and changed the course of its history -
The American Civil War
The American civil war was a huge conflict between The United States of America and the Confederate states(which was a collection of 11 southern states)
These battles lasted from 1861-1865 and was a four year battle -
The first telephone was created
This was the day that the first ever telephone was created. This was the day that the first ever prototype for one of the most important items in our present day was made. -
The invention of the lightbulb
This was the day when the first ever lightbulb was created, this is also another very important invention that we still use in the present day and will most likely use for a long time ahead -
The Boer war
A war between the British empire and the Boer republics in South Africa -
Women finally being to get the rights that they deserve
This was an important time as woman were finally being recognised and begin to get the rights that they deserved and were starting to be treated as equals to men. These rights including things like voting rights, the right to education and the right to equal employment opportunities. -
The first ever aeroplane
This was the day that the first aeroplane was created and this is most likely the prototype that the planes we know today were branched off -
The first automobile/ car was made
Just like the aeroplane, this was the day that the first automobile was ever made and it is likely that the cars we use today were branched out from that first automobile and continued to slowly evolve and get better