4004 BCE
Creation was when god created the heavens and the earth. Then he created humans, animals, and vegetation. It was significant because it was the start of the universe. It also shows God's power -
2349 BCE
The Flood
The Flood is when God flooded the whole earth because people were so wicked that he decided to start over. The only people who didn't die was noah and his family and two of every animal. It was significant because it shows God's power. It was also significant because God said he would never flood the world again. -
2166 BCE
Abraham moved from Ur to the promised land there God told him to sacrifice his son but right before he did God told him not too. The significance of this event shows how much Abraham trusts God. It also shows how brave he is to even think about sacrificing his son -
1728 BCE
Joseph was a boy who had 11 brothers he was his dads favorite. One day his father gave him a very colorful coat of many colors, his brothers got jealous of him and sold him. He went to egypt and there he interpreted the dreams of the pharaoh then he helped them prepare for famine, after that he became the kings vizer. It was significant because it shows that even the worst times of your life od will show up to help. It also shows Josephs bravery in hard times. -
1446 BCE
Moses and the Exodus
The Exodus was when moses was called by God to get the Israelites out of egypt and into the promised land. So moses went to the pharaoh and ask him to let his people go but he said no, so God sent 10 plagues on egypt it took the last plague to set the israelites go, when they left they had to cross the Reed Sea so moses hit his staff and it split open and the israelites through the egyptians followed them and when they tried to o through the sea swallowed then up. -
1445 BCE
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are rules from God. These include, You shall have no other God’s before me, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, these are only a few but there are seven more. This is significant because they are laws straight from God. It is also significant because it shows that god can tell people his thoughts and stuff. -
1406 BCE
Settling Canaan
The settling of canaan was when the israelites stopped wandering after 38 years, there they marched around the city of jericho with the ark of the covenant and trumpets,because god told them to.On the 7th day they blew their trumpets and the city walls came tumbling down then they set it on fire. After that they destroyed two other cities. The significance of this story is that god can do miraculous things if you trust him. It also significant because it shows Gods power. -
1011 BCE
David's brother was in the army so david brought food to them and the army was battling the philistines, they had a giant in their army named goliath. No one had attempted to try to take him down but he was willing to try, so he grab a few stones from a stream and used his slingshot and hit him right in the head he fell over and the philistines ran away and the Israelites won. This story is significant because it shows david's bravery. It also shows how miracles can happen -
971 BCE
Solomon and Building the Temple
Solomon became king after his father David died. David dream was to make a great new temple for jerusalem david didn't get the chance to but solomon continued his dream and built a marvelous temple. This is significant because it shows that you can achieve yours or someone else's dreams. It also shows that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. -
931 BCE
The Division of the Kingdom
After Solomon's death the twelve tribes israel asked Rehoboam if he wanted to rule them more gently then his father. He denied them and ruled them more severely causing the kingdom to split into two kingdoms the northern and southern, the northern was ruled by Rehoboam while the southern was ruled by Jeroboam. This is significant because it shows cause and effect in a drastic way. It also shows that something big can happen quickly. -
722 BCE
The Assyrian Conquest of Israel
The Assyrian Conquest of Israel was when god used prophets to deliver messages to him and to urge his people back to fellowship with him. But the people did not listen so God so god sent a judgement but the Israelites did not listen so they were conquered and captured by the Assyrian Empire. This is because it shows how God is very forgiving for a while but if you continue to do bad he will strike. It also shows how some people will not stop. -
709 BCE
Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah
Sennacherib laid siege to a city in Judah called lacish. King Hezekiah the king of Judah knew he would probably strike again so he prayed to God to help him. Sennacherib attacked Jerusalem but him but one night all of his soldiers died because God sent the angel of death to kill them. This is signifagent because it shows if we have faith in God he can do amazing things. It also shows how powerful he is. -
586 BCE
The Babylonian Conquest of Judah
Juda (A.K.A The Southern Kingdom) was conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar of the Chaldeans. He destroyed Jerusalem including the temple. This is significant because it shows that one person with their army can destroy a city and capture all the people. It also shows how powerful a army can be -
574 BCE
The Exile
The exile was when God's people were captured by The Assyrians and Nebuchadnezzar. Once they were captured they were relocated to new places. This is significant because it shows how quickly circumstances can change. It also shows how powerful a army can be. -
545 BCE
Daniel was a very wise man, he got his wisdom from God. One night had a dream and couldn't understand it, so he asked his wiseman and they had no idea either, They told him about daniel and he was put in charge so the wise men got mad, so they decided to throw him into a pit with hungry lions. But daniel did not get harmed because God protected him. This is significant because it shows that if we put our faith in God he can do miraculous thing for us. It also shows his power. -
538 BCE
Cyrus the Great
In 539 BC the persians attacked and conquered the babylonians. When they did Cyrus the Great let the jews return to Judea. This is significant because it shows how nice people can be. It also shows that miracles can happen.