Napoleon Biography

By thePons
  • Date of Birth and Place and Date of Death

    Napoleon Bonaparte, who lived from August 15, 1769, to May 5,1821, in St. Helena Island.
  • Place of birth

    Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica (Ajaccio).
  • Catchy sentence

    It is often called one of the greatest emperors in the history.
  • Studies

    At the age of 10, he left Corsica with his older brother to study artillery at the ecole Militaire in Paris.
  • Promoted to brigade general

  • Period: to

    First wife of Napoleon

    [Also, Napoleon Bonaparte, he had two wives in his life: Josefina de Beauharnais] (
  • Period: to

    Contributions in his life

    Napoleon was a French general, first consul of France
  • Napoleon Code (Achievements)

    [Also, he promoted the Napoleon code, one of the most civil codes in the history o France.] (
  • Period: to

    More contributions in his life

    Emperor of the French.
  • Period: to

    Second wife of Napoleon

    [After, he had Maria Lluïsa d’Àustria.] (
  • Cause of death

    [His death is still shrouded in mystery, as the supposed stomach cancer that killed him could actually have been arsenic poisoned.] (
  • Impact and legacy Current

    [Nowadays, his code was contributed to the political stability of France and is very famous in France and around the world.] (
  • How is it considered

    [Is considered one of the most celebrated personages in the history of the west and revolutionary of the military organization and training.] (