Orionis Stargate

By F606
  • Period: 600 BCE to 1 CE

    Esterias Era

    Events and costumes we keep as history that took place before the Great Cataclysm and the creation of Four Great Stargates.
    All these events are mostly legends and folktales, yet are quite interesting topics for those avid to know the truth about our origins.
  • Period: 1 CE to

    The Partition Era

    A time of changes and evolution, where all kins and creatures adapted and populated the Four Planets that now form The Orionis System.
  • The First Sighting

    First time the System edured the apperance and consequences of the creature known as Culebra Maldita
  • The Council Instauration

    Lèas Oracle Proclamed: A crystal will shine brighter than all other on every planet, and the crystal owner must take the duty of Council Representative for their planet.
    Should this representative dishonours their duties or a new, more capable one, emerges, the crystal will dim and a new Council Representative will take their place at Council Asteroid Name
  • Period: to

    The Current Era