Annexation of Sudetenland
The Annexation of Sudetenland is when Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, annexed the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia, under the idea of protecting ethnic Germans. This event was a pivotal moment in Adolf Hitler's expansionist policies leading up to World War II. This event also led to the Munich Agreement between UK and France.Research
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The Philippines
The Philippines was a neutral island in the Pacific ruled by either Japan or United States. Shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japan invaded Philippines and became a huge battlefield. US Forces, led by Douglas MacArthur, begin to retake back the land and eventually liberated the Philippines in 1945.
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Japanese Internment camps
After the attack of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Government signed the Executive order 9066 which forced 120,000 Japanese Americans to move to Internment camps due to fear of spies and loyalty to Japan. These Internment camps had very harsh conditions with little to no freedom and privacy. The U.S. later apologized by sending people money and a letter to those affected.
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Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was the main turning point of the Pacific Theater between USA and Japan. During this, the United States sunk 4 Japanese aircraft carriers and turned the tide of war to the Allies. This victory weakened japan immensely and gave the U.S. a strategic advantage.
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Island Hopping
Island Hopping was a military strategy used by the Allies in the Pacific War to go around Japanese Islands and capture important ones. This allowed the USA to place air fields closer to Japan, cut their supply lines, and weaken their defense. This tactic was crucial to the Allied victory.
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Los Alamos
Los Alamos, New Mexico was a secret research and development project to create the atomic bomb. Known as the Manhattan Project, physicist J. Rober Oppenheimer brought some of the best scientific minds together to develop nuclear weapons. The first successful test, known as the Trinity Test, took place on July 1945.
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The Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference brought the leaders from the UK, USA, and USSR to talk about the main goals for post-war reestablishment of Europe and Germany. All leaders agreed on dividing Germany into 4 zones, however this conference also laid the foundation for the Cold War, as tension rose between Western Allies and the Soviet Union.
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Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference took place after Germany surrendered with Truman, Churchill, and Stalin to focus on borders of Germany and the occupation of Europe. This also prompted Japan to surrender or face “prompt and utter destruction”. This continued to grow tension between Western forces and the USSR.
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Bombing of Hiroshima