
Pintor Laxeiro

  • Birth

    He is born in Donramiro, Lalín. José Otero Abeledo is born in a small Galician village.
  • Emigration

    Emigrates to Cuba. At 13, he moves with his family seeking better opportunities.
  • Back to Spain

    Returns to Spain. He comes back to his homeland, establishing himself as a barber in Lalín.
  • Madrid Scholarship

    1931: Obtains scholarship to study in Madrid. The Lalín City Council grants him a scholarship to train in the capital.
  • First Exhibition

    First solo exhibition in Santiago de Compostela. Marks the beginning of his public artistic career.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Serves as a soldier in the Civil War. Participates in the conflict on the Asturian front. 1937-1939