
By Ana010
  • Period: to

    Carlos Luis María Fernando de Borbón

    was a Carlist pretender to the throne of Spain, under the name of “Carlos VI”. He was the son of Carlos María Isidro de Borbón and María Francisca de Braganza.
  • Death of napoleon

    died on the island of St. Helena, where he was banished by the British after being defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Mexican independence

    culminated the Mexican Independence, after an eleven-year war that was a great popular revolution to get rid of Spanish rule.
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    Gustave Flaubert

    Was a great French writer, recognized worldwide for his work Madame Bovary and his search for the exact word, is considered one of the best western novelists of the nineteenth century.
  • Death of king louis XVIII

    After the death of King Louis XVIII, Charles X came to power.
    Bernardino Rivadavia was the local inventor of “the eternal debt”.
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    First railway line

    Inauguration of the first railway line in the peninsula between Barcelona and Mataró The locomotive that inaugurated the first railroad line in the peninsula traveled 30 kilometers from Barcelona to Mataró.
  • Battle of tetuan

    It took place in this Moroccan city, between the Spanish Army of Africa and the Moroccan Army for the possession of the square. It was part of the Spanish-Moroccan war.
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    The First Spanish Republic

    Was the political regime in force in Spain since its proclamation by the Spanish Parliament.